Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 378 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 378 Brother Don't Run (7)

"You can test me, as long as it's about computers, I'm OK."

Let Nie Qi discover her value first, so that we can have a better conversation.

"OK, come with me." Nie Qi already decided that Yan Yun was playing a prank, but he still called her to the company.

He wanted to see what she wanted to do.

Nie Qi took out his laptop, and after a while of operation, the computer instantly went black and crashed.

"Unlock the computer in 10 minutes."

10 minutes?Nie Qi is a bit harsh.

But why would she be afraid.

It's just booting, a small problem.

Yan Yun sat on the chair, brought the computer in front of her, and then crackled and operated, and it only took 5 minutes to unlock the computer.

"Is that so?" Yan Yun turned the computer to Nie Qi with confidence in her eyes.

Nie Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise as he looked at the computer that was intact and exactly the same as before he hacked it.

This woman actually has two brushes.

Seeing Nie Qi's still calm appearance, Yan Yun brought the computer over again: "Let me use it again."

As she said that, Yan Yun began to crackle again.

Ten minutes later, Nie Qi received a call saying that the company's official website had been hacked.

Nie Qi looked at Yan Yun in surprise, and before he could speak, Yan Yun lowered her head and operated for a few minutes.

A few minutes later, Nie Qi received another call, saying that the company's official website had returned to normal.

"Well, I didn't lie to you, did I?" Yan Yun handed the computer to Nie Qi.

Only then did Nie Qi face up to Yan Yun.

"Tell me about your conditions."

The purpose of her putting so much effort into finding him for an interview was by no means simple.

"I don't work in the company." Yan Yun said.

"Not working in the company?" Nie Qi frowned, "Working in the company is the most basic condition."

"I know, so my salary will not be high. I pay according to my work. I will be paid as much as I work. What do you think? Of course, you can also refuse."

Anyway, her purpose this time was not to find a job, but to use it as an excuse. It would be best if she could get this job.

Nie Qi knocked on the table, as if thinking about the feasibility of rhyme.

Seeing Nie Qi's hesitation, Yan Yun added: "I dare not say that the speed of solving the problem is the fastest, but it must be faster than most people. The salary I want is not high, just the same as other employees. The specific salary It depends on how the company decides."

Yan Yun laid out all her conditions, as to whether Nie Qi would keep her or not, that was Nie Qi's business.

"Mr. Nie can think about it." While talking, Yan Yun took out a business card on the table, wrote her phone number on it, and took another business card and put it in her pocket.

"This is my phone number, if Mr. Nie thinks he can contact me." After speaking, Yan Yun was about to leave.

This time it was Nie Qi's turn to call her.

"and many more."

Yan Yun turned around as she said, with doubts in her eyes.

Nie Qi: "I agree to your conditions. But I also have conditions. I can no longer work for other companies, otherwise it will be considered a breach of contract."

"Of course." Yan Yun said.

She still has this professional ethics.

Nie Qi nodded: "OK, I will contact you after the contract is drawn up. I don't know how to call it?"

"Yan Yun. If that's the case, don't bother Mr. Nie."

After speaking, Yan Yun withdrew.

After some conversation, Yan Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got one, I was afraid that Nie Qi would refuse her to throw it out for her from the very beginning.

After all, she didn't even have the confidence at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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