Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 403 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 403 Brother Don't Run (32)

"I'm afraid you'll be alone, so I'll come to accompany you." Yan Yun leaned against the door frame, her eyebrows raised slightly.

After putting the lid on the pot, Nie Qi turned to look at her and said, "I'm not alone, I don't need company."

"Well, I'm lonely and need someone to accompany me." Yan Yun naturally pulled her back.

The corners of Nie Qi's lips raised slightly, and there was a slight smile in his eyes.

The water boiled again quickly, Nie Qi lifted the lid of the pot, picked up a spoon and poked it out.

After turning off the fire, Nie Qi took out the dumplings one by one with a spoon.

There is no way, Yan Yun lacks kitchen utensils here, and these kitchen utensils are probably put away by the landlord.

Picking up the dumplings, Nie Qi gestured to the plate on the table: "Take it out."

Yan Yun nodded and walked over obediently.

Looking at Yan Yunduan's posture, Nie Qi glanced at it and reminded: "It's hot, don't fall. If you fall, drink northwest wind tonight."

Yan Yun: ...He is quite handsome, but why is his mouth becoming poisonous.

After Yan Yun took out the two plates of dumplings and put them away, Nie Qi also brought out the steamed cartoon buns.

"It's custard buns and red bean paste buns. They're delicious, try them?" Yan Yun took one for Nie Qi.

Being teased by Yan Yun, Nie Qi always felt that she was the one cooking.

Nie Qi picked it up with chopsticks and put it into the bowl.

After a meal, Yan Yun ate a lot, fully interpreting what is delicious.

Nie Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, and pushed the dish towards her.

"Nie Qi, can you see if this works? Come and help me cook when you are free. I don't need salary."

Yan Yun held the custard bag in her hand, opened it and put it in her mouth, and raised her eyebrows as a signal to him.

Nie Qi took a meal with his chopsticks: "One meal offsets wages?"

Yan Yun shook her head and corrected: "It's not just a meal, but come and help me cook a meal when you are free."

It's not okay to try to offset all her salary with one meal.

If she does it for a lifetime, she can help him deal with technical problems for a lifetime for free.

Nie Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, did not speak, and continued to eat with his head down.

Nie Qi didn't reply, and Yan Yun was very sensible and didn't continue to ask.

After the meal, Yan Yun diligently helped clean up the dishes.

Probably because he was afraid that Yan Yun would drop the bowl again, Nie Qi only asked Yan Yun to put the bowl down, and he took over the work of washing the dishes.

When she finished washing the dishes and went out, Yan Yun was stroking the cat outside, with a glass of juice beside her.

Yan Yun gestured to him: "There's only strawberry juice left, let's make do with it."

This is what she buys from the supermarket, and sometimes freshly squeezed, but only when she wants to move.

Nie Qi bent down and took a sip of strawberry juice, frowning slightly.

"Next time, change the brand, it's all pigment."

"Pigment? It shouldn't be. I think the packaging is pretty good." It's also the first time she bought this brand of juice. The packaging is pretty, too flashy?
Yan Yun took a sip from Nie Qi's cup, smacked her lips, and frowned.

"It's true, then I won't buy this next time. Sure enough, beautiful things are poisonous."

Yan Yun complained, but Nie Qi focused all his energy on the drink he had drunk.

This is what he drank just now, and she drank it without any hesitation?Natural as if it were her own cup...

But for some reason, he didn't dislike her behavior at all, but felt a little... heartbroken...

Nie Qi stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, thinking that he must be crazy.

He would definitely feel disgusted by such behavior, but he actually felt moved when he watched her do it? !

(End of this chapter)

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