Quick wear heroine super short

Chapter 404 Brother Don't Run

Chapter 404 Brother Don't Run (33)

Seeing Nie Qi staring at her, Yan Yun gave him a suspicious look and asked, "What's wrong?"

After all, Yan Yun looked down at the cup and finally noticed the problem.

"You don't drink anymore, I should be fine if I take a sip?"

Even if the little boy has a cleanliness fetish, he shouldn't be angry, anyway, he doesn't drink anymore.She doesn't dislike the little thing, but the little thing still dislikes her?
you stop drinking...

This sentence seemed to wake up Nie Qi all of a sudden.

She thought so, so she drank it?

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is really nothing...

"It's getting late, do you want to go back?" Yan Yun looked at him and asked politely.

In fact, she wanted to say "I can make up a bed for you" in the second half of the sentence, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was a bit inappropriate to say that, so she swallowed it all back.

It was dark outside the window.

After being told by Yan Yun, Nie Qi realized that it was indeed a bit late.

"Well, go to bed early."

After finishing speaking, Nie Qi reached out to pick up the clothes on the sofa, Yan Yun hugged Xiao Bai and sent him to the door, and waved to him: "Be careful."

"En." Nie Qi responded briefly, Yan Yun watched his figure disappear into the stairs, then turned back and closed the door.

Yan Yun rubbed Xiaobai's head in a happy mood, and walked briskly: "It's another meal, I'm happy."

Xiao Bai let out a lazy "meow", rubbed his small head against her chest, and narrowed his eyes slightly where Yan Yun couldn't see.

A bunch of villains, they just know how to grab the rhyme with it!

in the car.

Nie Qi sat in the driver's seat, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit one.

He has always been very cold in terms of feelings, so cold that he once thought there was something wrong with him, but after meeting Yan Yun, everything seemed to be different.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, but after getting along with him, he began to feel that some things that were normal or even disgusting in his heart would make people feel excited after being done by her.

Nie Qi stretched out his hands and pinched the center of his brows, trying to get rid of the messy emotions in his mind.

Smoke lingered in front of Nie Qi's eyes, and the whole car was filled with the smell of smoke.

Nie Qi smoked twice, then opened the car door, and crushed the cigarette butt into the trash can.

Back in the car, Nie Qi refreshed the car as usual, and the car that was infested by the smell of smoke instantly became fresh.

After doing all this, Nie Qi started the car and left.

Although he smokes, he doesn't like the smell of smoke in the car and on his body.

So after the draw, he will deal with it if conditions permit.
About Zuo Hao's incident, there was already a commotion in the school.

The school issued a statement, saying that all subsidies and scholarships Yan Yun received were reasonable and legal, and then posted a post stating that Zuo Hao would be punished.

After the statement was posted, some people began to turn against Yan Yun to comfort Yan Yun, but there were still some sarcasm.

—— "Can Yan Yun get so much subsidy alone? Isn't she lucky?"

——"That being said, Yan Yun seems to be really lucky."

—— "But Yan Yun is also working hard. She has good grades and has won many certificates. It is not too much to get a scholarship."

Yan Yun swiped a few times to leave a message. Although these words didn't affect her much, she became more and more unhappy the more she read them.

Then Yan Yun began to move out of her tuba.

——"I took a total of two subsidies, a bursary and a scholarship. It turns out that good grades and good performance are not enough, so am I breaking the law? [Smiling /] [狗头/] [狗头/]"

(End of this chapter)

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