Chapter 221
When Fang Jie opened his eyes again, 24 hours had passed since the meteorite fell and the inmates turned into zombies.

It's good that he didn't wake up, this waking up immediately attracted the attention of the zombies next door.

It desperately tried to stick out from the cracked wall and bite Fang Jie.

Frightened, he frantically looked for the weapon in his hand.

But in the huge prison cell, there were no weapons at all. Seeing that the zombie had already parted the wall, an arm protruded from the crack in the wall.

Fang Jie, who had never seen a zombie before, panicked and turned around in a hurry.

He wanted to escape, but the prison door was closed and he couldn't get out at all.

The cell has three walls, and the cell door has iron bars, so you can see outside.

Locked opposite Fang Jie is Lu Xu. He has a good relationship with Fang Jie. Although they are nearly ten years apart, they are both teachers and friends.

Originally, Lu Xu thought Fang Jie was dead, but now he was very happy to see him wake up.

But Fang Jie's current situation is very dangerous, Lu Xu wants to help, but there is no way to do it.

"Hey! Bastard! Why are you bullying young people! Come at me if you have the ability!" Lu Xu yelled at the zombie anxiously.

He didn't care what kind of monster it was, it was clear that it could move again after being smashed through its belly by a meteorite. Not only did it look terrifying, but it could only scream like a wild beast.

In order to attract the attention of the zombies, Lu Xu yelled at the zombies all the curse words he could think of.

He also knocked on his cell door with his hands, deliberately making a loud noise.

Finally, the zombie turned its attention to Lu Xu, who was louder. It turned its gaze to the opposite side, but its body was still stuck in the wall, scratching in Lu Xu's direction frantically.

This undoubtedly gave Fang Jie a chance to breathe, and he gradually calmed down.

But after searching around, I could only remove the toilet lid and break it. The moment the porcelain toilet lid fell to the ground, it shattered into pieces.

Fang Jie picked the sharpest piece of porcelain, held it in his hand, and stabbed at the head of the zombie stuck on the wall.

A stream of dirty blood mixed with brains spewed out immediately. Fang Jie dodged to the side, but there was still a large blood stain on the corner of his clothes.

He sat limply on the ground, his mind filled with the hideous appearance of the zombie just now.

Last day
The words that only appeared in these movies just now flooded into his mind, so he attacked the zombie's brain without hesitation.

Then, as he expected, the zombies stopped moving and he was saved.

After Fang Jie calmed down, he wanted to call the prison guards, but after calling several times, no one came, not even the siren sounding silently.

Instead, it caused the prisoners in other cells who had turned into zombies to roar.

After confirming that no prison guards would come, Fang Jie had no choice but to kick the half-cracked wall.

After working hard for a while, his strength was almost exhausted, and the crumbling wall only collapsed when he kicked out the last time.

Only then did Fang Jie see clearly that the ceiling of the cell had been pierced, and the top of the cell door had also collapsed.

Following the path of the collapse, Fang Jie scraped away the bricks and cement under the ruins, and found a crystal the size of an egg.

The shape of the crystal block is irregular, a bit like a red crystal, but it seems to have a light source, and it is also shining with a strange red light.

Fang Jie remembered that before he passed out, something seemed to fall, shaking the whole prison, and then he passed out, not knowing anything.

(End of this chapter)

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