Chapter 222 Drawing a Map
"Is this a meteorite?" he muttered to himself.

Fang Jie didn't have time to study it carefully, he wanted to put this item away, but just touched this red meteorite, it was like touching a soldering iron, it was so hot that his fingertips turned red.

Fang Jie had no choice but to take off his shirt, wrap the meteorite in cloth, and hide it under the bed in his cell.

After dealing with these, he got out from the gap in the door of the next cell.

There are not many people in these two rows of cells.

Fang Jie wandered in the corridor, he didn't know what to do now.

He didn't want to escape from prison. What happened so far was too unimaginable, and he was a little confused.

There are 8 people locked here, except him and Lu Xu, there are also dead zombies, and two of the remaining 5 people have become zombies.

However, they were all locked in their own cells, and no meteorite broke through the cell door, so there was no danger for the time being.

They are now baring their teeth and howling at their former inmates. At first, everyone was scared.

But now no one is afraid of them, because zombies can't come out, and they can't attack people, they just feel that they look a bit miserable when they become zombies.

Later, a series of things happened in the prison, and finally they were divided into Fang Jie and Yan Yiyun's current two camps.

Lu Xu naturally supported Fang Jie. He had a good relationship with Fang Jie, and he also felt that Yan Yiyun's personality was a little sick, so he disdained to be with such a person.

Lu Xu was originally a construction engineer, but a bridge he built collapsed.

Many people died in that accident, and as the person in charge, he could hardly shirk his responsibility, but this was because the people in the company cut corners behind his back, and everything was not done according to his regulations.

Later, after a series of black box operations, Lu Xu was finally imprisoned in Wenling Prison.

Yan Yiyun has more than half of the supporters here relying on his supernatural powers and "supernatural potions".

And Fang Jie also has some power by relying on supernatural powers and "crystal nuclear weapons".

Although Fang Jie had fewer supporters, fortunately Yan Yiyun didn't seem to want to be his enemy, instead he often exchanged potions for his crystal nuclear weapons.

It is precisely because of this that the interior of Wenling Prison has always been peaceful.

It's just that every time a survivor enters by mistake, he will become Yan Yiyun's "experimental product". The number of prison guards arrested is no longer enough to support the completion of his experiment.

Once, Lu Xu even saw Jin Shang lead people around to catch mice and use them as experimental products for Yan Yiyun.

"By the way, aren't you planning to go out to search for supplies these two days? Go and ask the newcomers if they would like to go together." Fang Jie and Lu Xu said, and he gently put the pen on the table.

"Got it, classmate Fang." Lu Xu showed a clear expression, slightly curling the corners of his mouth.

In Lu Xu's heart, Fang Jie is like his younger brother. He has always been afraid that he will become like Yan Yiyun, but when he saw that there was still a trace of kindness in this young man's heart, Lu Xu sincerely gratified.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the perimeter of the prison.

At this time, Zhang Wenke had already returned to the dormitory, and explained the general situation with Luo Ziqing and the others.

According to his description, Ye Zhuoran drew a map of the prison, and the structure of the entire prison was completely displayed in front of everyone.

As expected of the supernatural powers of the five senses, the intelligence of the brain is beyond the scope of normal people. Ye Zhuoran can learn a lot of knowledge and theories.

(End of this chapter)

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