Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 183 Yong Ye's Hole Card

Chapter 183 Yong Ye's Hole Card

Although everyone saw Xiao Qingyun's intentions, they directly threw this question to Shenghuang Yongming without pointing it out.

"Idiot, what else can you do besides playing with women? You give bad advice to the emperor all day long."

There is no doubt that Yongming Shenghuang cursed angrily after hearing Xiao Qingyun's opinion.

However, Xiao Qingyun's legs trembled after being scolded directly, and he fell to his knees uncontrollably.

If he hadn't lost his identity as the young master of the Xiao family, Yong Ming would not dare to scold him like that.

But now he is already a weak dog exiled by the Xiao family in Zhongzhou.

That's why the Emperor Yongming didn't take him seriously. If it wasn't for the Holy Mother of the Dayong Dynasty who was Xiao Qingyun's aunt, the Emperor Yongming would have kicked him out a long time ago, and he wouldn't be allowed to stay until now.

"Uncle, please calm down, uncle, please calm down, my nephew thinks something wrong, please punish my uncle!"

Xiao Qingyun, who was so frightened and collapsed on the ground, was so frightened that he knelt down and begged for mercy when Shenghuang Yongming stared at him.

Seeing this in the eyes of a group of ministers, they couldn't help showing a gloating smile, and even Yong Ye looked at Xiao Qingyun on the ground coldly with the expression of you being an idiot.

"Get out! Live your life with peace of mind, the emperor doesn't want to see you again."

After being yelled at by Shenghuang Yongming, Xiao Qingyun was so frightened that he froze, and fled from this place in a short time.

After all, this is the Dayong Dynasty, not the Xiao family of Scorching Sun back then. In the Xiao family of Scorching Sun, he could rely on his status as the young master of the Xiao family to work as a minion.

But this is the Dayong Dynasty, not within the sphere of influence of the Xiao family in Zhongzhou, and the Xiao family can't control the Dayong Dynasty, so in the Dayong Dynasty, Xiao Qingyun can only behave with his tail between his legs.

"What a waste!"

Seeing Xiao Qingyun who stumbled and ran out in a panic, Shenghuang Yongming couldn't help but snorted coldly.

"Father, although our Dayong lost a battle this time, Eldest Brother's death cannot be in vain, so I want to avenge Eldest Brother, so I ask Father for permission."

While Shenghuang Yongming was still angry, Yong Ye was not afraid of provoking his anger, and instead stepped forward to express his opinion.

"Oh! Then what can Wang Er do to get rid of that monk named Ling Yun?"

Seeing that Yong Ye volunteered to go to Tianlong to avenge Yongzheng, Emperor Yongming couldn't help squinting his eyes and looked at Yong Ye who was standing in the center of the hall.

"I want to report to my father, the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm will be opened soon, and my son intends to take this opportunity to kill Ling Yun and the third prince of the Tianlong Dynasty, Ganbai, in the Heavenly Dragon Secret Realm."

When Yong Ye said this, a pair of iron fists couldn't help but clenched tightly together, making a sound of bones rubbing against each other, which resounded throughout the hall.

"You are not his opponent, what are you using to kill them? Don't ruin your life then."

Shenghuang Yongming, who was already suppressing his anger, couldn't help reprimanding him angrily when he heard Yong Ye's words.

However, when Yong Ye heard Shenghuang Yongming's reprimand, he was not angry but smiled.

Because he knew that it was Shenghuang Yongming who cared about his comfort, but as an emperor, Shenghuang Yongming was embarrassed to reveal his true feelings.

"Father, don't worry, although my son is not Ling Yun's opponent, I still have this thing."

After saying this, Yong Ye took out a crimson elixir from the Qiankun bag.

When everyone present saw this crimson elixir, they couldn't help but gasped.

"Blood demon pill?" Seeing the pill in Yong Ye's hand, Shenghuang Yongming was shocked.

He didn't expect that Yong Ye would actually take this priceless fifth-grade profound pill, the Blood Demon Pill, in order to kill Ling Yun.

Although the Blood Demon Pill is a fifth-rank profound pill, its efficacy is greater than that of an ordinary sixth-rank profound pill, because it can instantly raise a monk to a perfect state in a short period of time.

However, the hidden danger after its effect is also quite great. The monks who take the Blood Demon Pill will regress a few small realms if they are mild, and explode and die if they are serious.

That's why everyone was so shocked when Yong Ye took out the Blood Demon Pill.

"Are you really going to do this?"

Yong Ye didn't answer Yongming Shenghuang's words, but just nodded his head firmly.

"Hey! If that's the case, then let the shadow accompany you! At least you will have someone to take care of you then."

As soon as Shenghuang Yongming finished speaking, a cold wind suddenly hit, and a woman in black robe appeared on the main hall in the blink of an eye.

From top to bottom, the woman was wrapped in a piece of black sand, but on her body, there was an icy and bone-chilling aura.

"This subordinate takes orders and must protect the young master well."

As soon as the shadow appeared, he cupped his fists and bowed to the Emperor Yongming to accept his orders.

However, at this moment, Yong Ye who was on the side was not happy. He looked at Shenghuang Yongming angrily, his pale face flushed with anger.

"Father, if you let Yingying follow me, do you still need to prepare the Blood Demon Pill? You can just ask Yingying to ask me to kill Ling Yun."

Yong Ye's words fully showed that everyone was aware of his dissatisfaction with Yongming Shenghuang, but no one dared to mention Yong Ye at this juncture.

Because Shenghuang Yongming was obviously angry at this moment, so no one dared to touch his brows, lest he would be killed.

"Presumptuous! Don't let the shadows follow you, do you think you will still come back after killing Ling Yun?"

Shenghuang Yongming stared at Yong Ye's eyes and said word by word, feeling even more sorry for his son in his heart.

However, after reprimanding him, Emperor Yongming changed his tone again, and instead said it again with earnestness.

"Wang Er, this time the shadow is following you, only protecting you in secret, if you encounter an unexpected situation after beheading Ling Yun, she will save you, otherwise she will not show up .”

After hearing these words, Yong Ye, who was still very stubborn at first, immediately felt a trace of dissatisfaction in his heart melt into a cloud of smoke, leaving only extremely complicated emotions.

"The son misunderstood the meaning of the father, and asked the father to punish the son."

While saying this, Yong Ye slowly knelt down on the ground.

Seeing this, Emperor Yongming immediately came to his side and helped Yong Ye up.

"Wang'er is injured, there is no need to salute, it's better to go back and heal the injury!"

Hearing what Shenghuang Yongming said, Yong Ye nodded deeply, and left the hall with the support of the eunuch.

At the same time, Ling Yun and the others finally arrived at Tianlong City, the Dragon Capital of the Tianlong Dynasty, after more than a month of running at extreme speed.

Tianlong City is the most prosperous city in the Tianlong Dynasty, and it is also the city with the largest area.

In Tianlong City, there are wandering merchants everywhere, and their efforts to peddle, and among them there are even some powerful men with advanced cultivation bases, wandering the streets.

However, the order in the city was orderly, without any fighting or turmoil.

In fact, Tianlong City can have such a good order, which in the final analysis is due to the city patrol soldiers.

It is rumored that in the Tianlong City's City Lord's Mansion, there is a patrol team composed entirely of nine-star dragon-body monks, specially cleaning up those disobedient traders and wandering monks from all over the place.

There used to be quite a few wandering monks who fought and robbed Tianlong City, and even killed people in the street.

But in the end, they were all beheaded on the spot by the soldiers of the patrol team. Only now can the order in Tianlong City be completely preserved.

(End of this chapter)

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