Chapter 184
As soon as he entered the city, Xiaobai explained to Ling Yun about Tianlong City, and Ling Yun listened carefully.

At this moment, the [-] troops have camped outside the city, and only Ling Yun, Xiao Bai, and the leading generals entered the city.

After the group rode their horses and galloped for half an hour, an incomparably solemn palace appeared in front of Ling Yun and the others.

In front of the palace, there were two rows of soldiers standing, staring straight ahead.

And in their eyes, there is a look of extreme alertness.

"Who is coming? This is Tianlong Palace." A general in golden armor stepped forward and blocked Ling Yun and the others.

Seeing this, Xiaobai took out a golden token from his Qiankun bag, and waved it in front of the general.

The general fell to his knees immediately after seeing the scarlet gold word "Ling" on the token.

"The last general pays homage to His Royal Highness the Third Prince."

With a big wave of his hand, Xiaobai ignored the people kneeling on the ground, and led Ling Yun and others to ride their horses to the palace.

But when they arrived at the inner gate of the imperial palace, everyone got off their horses and walked towards the Tianlong Palace, the imperial court of the Tianlong Dynasty.

After arriving at the side hall of Tianlong Temple, Xiaobai took the lead to leave, leaving only Ling Yun and the other generals waiting for the summons from Emperor Qianlong in the side hall.

After a while, an eunuch came to the side hall and summoned Ling Yun and others to go to the hall to face the saint.

After Ling Yun and the others came to the main hall, they saw a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes sitting on top of the main hall with a steady breath.

Although the middle-aged man didn't open his mouth to speak, he exuded an endless coercion all the time, making everyone feel a little breathless.

"The last general will see His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

Several generals beside Ling Yun all knelt down at the same time, kneeling and saluting to Emperor Qianlong, only Ling Yun stood up in this hall.

Time seemed to be frozen. At this moment, all the officials in the hall looked at Ling Yun with strange eyes.

After about a while, Ling Yun bowed slightly to Emperor Qianlong.

"Under Lingyun, I have met His Majesty Qianlong Sacred Emperor!"

What Ling Yun said was neither humble nor submissive, and his eyes were not even a little bit of fear, looking directly into the eyes of Qianlong Shenghuang.

"Sure enough, a boy born from a hero since ancient times, Xiaoyou Ling is exempt!"

Emperor Qianlong laughed loudly, and didn't take Ling Yun and the etiquette of not kneeling at all to his heart.

Although Qianlong Shenghuang didn't care, it doesn't mean that some caring people intend to let Ling Yun go so easily.

"Bold, come to the Tianlong Hall, see His Majesty the Holy Emperor, you and other untouchables don't kneel down to worship? What should you do?"

Hearing this shout, Ling Yun's brows and Qianlong Shenghuang's brows couldn't help but frowned at the same time.

Ling Yun turned around and looked, only to see a middle-aged minister in a koi blue robe, staring at Ling Yun with a pair of tiger eyes.

Looking at the middle-aged minister's eyes, Ling Yun's eyes converged, and two dragons burst out from his pupils.

You Long turned into a bolt of lightning, and quickly entered the eyes of the middle-aged minister.

"Bang! Bang!"

Two muffled sounds came from the middle-aged minister's body, and he saw his tiger eyes completely burst, leaving only two blood holes in front of everyone.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Then an extremely high-pitched scream echoed in the hall.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but gasped, even Sacred Emperor Qianlong looked at Ling Yun with a livid face at this moment.

Although this minister did something wrong, in front of him, Qianlong Shenghuang, it was not Ling Yun's turn to teach him a lesson.

So Ling Yun's move also angered Qianlong Shenghuang. After all, in the main hall of Tianlong Dynasty, Ling Yun shot at his subjects without the permission of Qianlong Shenghuang. in the eyes.

"Little friend Ling, it's not good to attack my servants without my emperor's permission!"

When the gloomy-faced Emperor Qianlong said this, an incomparably powerful coercion instantly crushed Ling Yun's body.

Ling Yun's whole body was shaken, and he immediately felt a mighty aura descending on his head like Mount Tai.

So Ling Yun gathered all his true qi in his aura to resist the coercion from Qianlong Sacred Emperor.

But Ling Yun also underestimated Qianlong Shenghuang, after all, he is a strong Nine Star Dragon King, and his coercion cannot be resisted by Ling Yun.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the green steel stone slab under Ling Yun's feet gradually cracked under the tremendous pressure.

And Ling Yun's feet sank even deeper into the blue steel slab, deep into the soil.

But Ling Yun didn't give up resistance, instead he gave a soft drink in his heart.

"Give me a party!"

Following Ling Yun's soft shout, a dense layer of yellow scales proliferated from Ling Yun's cortex, covering his entire body within a short time.

"Hmph, it seems that the empress has underestimated you, actually possessing the Yellow Dragon Bronze Physique, one of the Nine Great Sacred Physiques, does have that arrogance."

"However, you are not qualified to show off your arrogance in front of this emperor, and kneel down to me!"

Following Qianlong Shenghuang's loud shout, a monstrous coercion suddenly fell on Ling Yun's body like a substance.

And Ling Yun's body also bent slightly at this moment, and his legs were even trembling slightly.

However, just when Ling Yun was about to be unbearable, a huge dragon roar suddenly came out from his body.

Then a huge yellow dragon came out of Ling Yun's body, devouring the coercion above.

Seeing this Qianlong Shenghuang, he was immediately taken aback, and at the same time felt that his coercion was gradually weakening.

After about a moment of effort, the coercion of Qianlong Sacred Emperor was swallowed up by the dragon in an instant.

At this moment, the giant dragon seemed to be full. After hiccupping, it entered Ling Yun's body with excitement.

"What? It's actually one of the nine dragon souls, the Huanglong Emperor's soul?" Qianlong Shenghuang couldn't believe that the Huanglong Emperor's soul and the yellow dragon's bronze body would appear on one person.

At this moment, he didn't care about the coercion swallowed by Ling Yun, but looked at Ling Yun in shock.

Ling Yun slowly pulled out his legs from the soil, and without showing any sign of weakness, he looked at Qianlong Shenghuang.

The moment the eyes of the two met, Emperor Qianlong nodded with great satisfaction.

"That's right! Ganbai is lucky to have a brother like you. I won't pursue the rudeness just now."

Hearing Qianlong Shenghuang's words, Xiaobai who was standing in the distance also breathed a sigh of relief.

If Ling Yun couldn't hold on at that time, Xiao Bai planned to stand up without any scruples and protect Ling Yun.

"Brother, are you alright?"

Xiao Bai slowly came to Ling Yun's side, and looked at Ling Yun worriedly.

Ling Yun didn't speak, just shook his head slightly, and then looked at Qianlong Shenghuang again.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Holy Emperor, for being merciful just now, otherwise, I will definitely not be able to hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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