Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 207 Dragon Slaying

Chapter 207 Dragon Slaying
Ling Yun, who fell to the ground, looked at the giant dragon looking down on all living beings from above, and couldn't help but feel a wave of fear from his heart.

"What should I do? This obstacle is too powerful."

As soon as Ling Yun landed, the two shadow girls quickly came to his side.

At this moment, the eyes of the three were all focused on the giant dragon, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"At present, we have angered it, so we have no choice but to kill it, otherwise we will die."

Ling Yun knew that the Dragon Clan was good at holding grudges, and there was nowhere to escape, so he made the decision to kill the dragon.

"Okay! Then we will attack separately, let's split up the weak part of this evil barrier!"

"Yeah!" Ling Yun nodded towards the shadow, and then turned into a long rainbow and flew out.

As for Ying Ying and Long Yingying, they each took out a sharp sword that was shining with blue light at this moment, and attacked the neck and joints of the giant dragon.

After Ling Yun made a quick circle, he landed on the back of the giant dragon, and the dragon seemed to feel Ling Yun on its back at this moment, so it twisted violently, trying to get rid of the weight on its back. Lingyun.

Ling Yun, who had just stood up, suddenly felt his feet shaking, so he grabbed the dragon's body and locked his body firmly on the dragon's back.

At the same time, Ling Yun took out a high-grade Thunderbolt, and threw it directly at the dragon's head.

Huntian Thunder was like a gleaming white light, passing through the clouds and hitting the dragon's head, and then a huge explosion sound came from the top of the dragon's head.


There was an explosion, and Ling Yun's ears rang and his ears were dizzy, and he fell down without holding on firmly.


Ling Yun, who was still in mid-air, heard a loud scream.

But then he saw a huge bloody mouth, and it bit him head-on.

When he saw this big mouth, all the hairs on Ling Yun's body stood upside down at this moment, and the cold sweat wet his entire shirt unconsciously.

However, his body continued to fall. Since his body could not borrow any strength, Ling Yun couldn't move his body for a while, and could only look at the bloody mouth that was getting closer and closer.

But just as he was about to swallow Ling Yun, two figures suddenly appeared in front of Ling Yun.

Shadow faced the giant dragon and swung several sword qi one after another, while Long Yingying hugged Ling Yun's body with one hand and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Ling Yun didn't miss the chance, so he took out a high-grade Huntian Thunder for the first time, aimed it at the giant dragon's bloody mouth, and ejected it.

The black Hunting Thunder fell into the dragon's mouth with an aura of destruction.

"Shadow run..."

Looking at the shadow who was still fighting with the giant dragon, Ling Yun roared with great worry.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, the shadow immediately turned into an afterimage and came in front of Ling Yun and the two of them.

But then, there was a huge explosion sound from behind the shadow.


Immediately after the sound of the explosion, a cloud of blood rained down from the air, dyeing the clothes of the three of Ling Yun in blood red.

"Is it finally resolved?" Ling Yun looked at the blood-red sky and muttered to himself.

"He should be dead, it was so dangerous just now!" Long Yingying patted her chest with lingering fear when she said this.

At this moment, Yingying looked solemnly, looking at the blood-red sky.

"It's not that simple. Although it is a young dragon, it also has the strength of a sixth-order dragon beast, so we must not take it lightly."

Hearing Ying Ying's words, Ling Yun, who had just soothed his nerves, tensed again.

"Look, that evil barrier is not dead, it is attacking us." At this moment, Long Yingying, who was at the side, suddenly shouted at Ling Yun and Ying Ying.

Ling Yun heard the sound and looked, and saw that the dragon's mouth was full of blood, and it opened its toothless mouth, biting at himself and others.

"Get out of the way!" Ling Yun pushed away the shadows and Long Yingying beside him. As for himself, he was swallowed into the stomach by the giant dragon.

Ling Yun, who came to the dragon's belly, gradually entered the dragon's body.

What appeared in front of my eyes at this moment was a bright red picture filled with intertwined meridians and blood vessels.

But in the center of the blood vessel, a huge round blood cell appeared, and the blood cell was still beating continuously.

"Is this its heart?"

Ling Yun slowly came to the blood cell, and touched the blood cell with his hand, but at this moment, countless tentacles suddenly extended from the flesh and blood on both sides, and delivered to Ling Yun frantically.

Seeing this scene, Ling Yun couldn't help taking a breath, so he moved forward quickly to avoid the attack of the tentacles.

However, what Ling Yun didn't expect was that no matter how he moved forward, those tentacles like sickles could seal his route.

Without thinking about it, Ling Yun took out a few Hunting Thunder and threw them a few hundred meters away.

Following a blow from the consciousness, a huge explosion sounded from the explosion, and the giant dragon let out an incomparably bleak roar at this moment.

I saw a scarlet blood, mixed with some scattered internal organs, flowing towards Ling Yun.

Ling Yun didn't care about this, so he came to the heart of the giant dragon, pumped up his true energy, and punched the heart.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the dragon's heart was directly pierced by Ling Yun's punch.

Immediately, blood spurted out from the dragon's heart like a flying stream.

At the same time, the entire body of the giant dragon kept twisting in the air, crashing the continuous mountains and rivers one by one.

"Sister Ying, isn't the bad guy dead yet?" Looking at the extremely painful dragon, Long Yingying Lihua smiled with rain.

"He's not an ordinary person, so he won't die so easily." Shadow was much calmer than Long Yingying. When Ling Yun was swallowed by the dragon, she was secretly worried.

But when she thought of Ling Yun's weird body skills, she knew that all of this was done on purpose by Ling Yun.

That's why Ying Ying wasn't too worried about Ling Yun's safety. Instead, he looked forward to Ling Yun's methods.

Sure enough, after smashing the dragon's heart with one punch, Ling Yun made his way to the dragon's throat, and then took out a sharp sword to cut off all the dragon's tentacles.

After cutting off all the tentacles, Ling Yun peeled off the dragon meat and came to the Niwan Palace of the giant dragon.

Ling Yun who came to Niwan Palace finally saw the treasure he wanted to see.

In the middle of the Niwan Palace, there was a fist-sized, glittering golden Dragon Ball floating.

This dragon ball is the same as the Dragon Yuan of the Dragon Beast, the difference is that it possesses power, which is countless times stronger than the Dragon Yuan.

So before that, Ling Yun took the opportunity to enter the body of the giant dragon, and his purpose was for this dragon ball.

With a big wave of his hand, Ling Yun directly put the dragon ball into the Qiankun bag, at the same time, the body of the giant dragon also fell from the sky and smashed hard on a hill.

After about a while, Ling Yun, who didn't change his face when he saw him, slowly walked out of the dragon's mouth.

Seeing the scene of Ling Yun walking out, the tense nerves of Ying Ying and Long Yingying finally eased.

(End of this chapter)

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