Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 208 September Scimitar

Chapter 208 September Scimitar
Ling Yun who came out threw away the sharp sword in his hand and came to the two shadow girls.

"I'm sorry! I kept you guys waiting for so long." While saying this, a faint smile appeared on Ling Yun's face.

"Who is willing to wait for you? You are not one of us." Long Yingying cast her eyes on Ling Yun, then turned around and did not look at Ling Yun.

Regarding this, Ling Yun had no choice but to shift his gaze to Ying Ying, so as to get the answer from her.

But Shadow didn't make a sound, just coughed twice pretending to be calm.

"By the way, have you taken the dragon ball from this giant dragon?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded slightly, and Shadow didn't ask any more questions, but just looked at the dragon's body.

"It is said that the whole body of a dragon is full of treasures, but it is also indestructible. What are you going to do with this dragon corpse?"

When Yin Ying said this, she looked at Ling Yun, and Long Yingying, who was beside her, also looked at Ling Yun with her beautiful eyes when she heard that the dragon was full of treasures.

Looking at Long Yingying's robbery eyes, Ling Yun's scalp felt a little numb, and he felt that this was something the two of them had discussed in advance.

But Ling Yun thought about it in a blink of an eye, now that he has obtained the most precious dragon balls of this giant dragon, it is not too much to give them the corpse of the giant dragon.

After all, when slaying the dragon, the two women also put in a lot of effort for themselves. If it weren't for the help of the two women, Ling Yun wouldn't be able to slay the dragon so easily.

After thinking about it for a while, Ling Yun made a decision to give all the dragon corpses to the two women.

However, Shadow rejected Ling Yun's request, she only took the scales of the giant dragon, and returned some other things to Ling Yun for disposal.

So Ling Yun didn't force it, and looked at Long Yingying, wanting to ask her what part of the dragon she needed.

However, when Long Yingying said the parts she needed, Ling Yun showed an extremely embarrassed expression.

Because the part that Long Yingying wants is the heart of the giant dragon, but unfortunately, the heart of the giant dragon has long been destroyed by Ling Yun.

So after dawdling in Lingyun for a long time, he told Long Yingying that he had already destroyed his heart.

After hearing what Ling Yun said, the two women looked at Ling Yun with prodigal eyes, making Ling Yun stunned in place at a loss.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Could it be that I have flowers on my face?" While saying this, in order to hide his embarrassing expression, Ling Yun made a gesture that he thought was very handsome.


Ling Yun didn't expect that his action, which he thought he would have captivated the three thousand beautiful girls, would cause the two girls to roll their eyes.

"You are really a prodigal son, you know that the dragon has three treasures, is it the three treasures?"

Ling Yun shook his head helplessly, because he didn't know much about dragon beasts yet, he only knew that dragon yuan and dragon balls were the most precious parts of dragon beasts.

As for the other flesh and blood, Ling Yun didn't know.

Looking at Ling Yun with a confused face, Ying Ying sighed helplessly, and was even more speechless to Ling Yun in his heart, so after thinking for a while, he explained to Ling Yun earnestly, the three treasures of the giant dragon and other useful parts.

It turns out that the three treasures of the giant dragon are: dragon ball, dragon heart, and dragon scale. As for the second treasure, it is the dragon bone and dragon tendon.

The dragon ball gathers the power source of the dragon's whole body, and it is also the natal magic weapon to support the dragon's cultivation.

The Dragon Heart is the essence blood of the giant dragon, which can be used to refine elixir, and it can also be refined to improve the strength of one's own blood.

As for dragon scales, dragon bones, and dragon tendons, they are natural refining materials. It is said that the weapons refined from these three parts of dragons are at least earth-grade soul weapons.

That's why Shadow and Long Yingying felt such a pity when Ling Yun said that Long Xin was blown away.

But it's no wonder Ling Yun, after all, he didn't know anything about these things before, so the two girls also forgave Ling Yun.

"Okay! Now that the dragon's heart has been destroyed, I want the dragon's tendons! I can use it to refine a Nine Dragon Divine Bow."

After regretting for a while, Long Yingying chose to give up and choose the dragon tendon. After all, the dragon scale had been chosen by the shadow, and she was too embarrassed to compete with her.

"Okay! Then what do we use to dissect, this dragon corpse?"

Seeing that both of them had already chosen the part he wanted, Ling Yun spoke.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Long Yingying was slightly taken aback, because she didn't know what treasure to use to open up the dragon corpse, so she turned her eyes to the shadow.

At this time, Ying Ying took out a scimitar that was radiating cold from the Qiankun bag, and saw four large golden characters engraved on the body of the scimitar.

"September Scimitar"

The Jiuyue scimitar is an earth-grade Horcrux tempered by using the tailbone of a flood dragon and gathering the essence of heaven and earth.

Every earth-grade Horcrux has the aura of breaking mountains and breaking seas, and it has the effect of killing enemies and guardians from thousands of miles away.

Looking at Jiuyue's scimitar that was constantly emitting cold air, Ling Yun and Long Yingying couldn't help but gasped.

"Is this the Earth Grade Horcrux?" Ling Yun looked at the Jiuyue Scimitar and muttered to himself.

But Shadow didn't speak, just nodded in agreement, and then Shadow threw the Jiuyue scimitar to Ling Yun who was looking up and down.

When Ling Yun received the Jiuyue scimitar, he looked at Shadow in disbelief.

"No way! You plan to give me such a good earth-grade Horcrux? Could it be that you plan to repay my life-saving grace to you?"

There was a hint of greed in Ling Yun's eyes, staring straight at Yingying, waiting for her reply.

However, when An Ying heard this, her face blushed, and then she glared at Ling Yun with her beautiful eyes.

"That's a beautiful idea! Let me dissect the girl's body."

"What? So you want me to do hard work!" Ling Yun wanted to cry now, but he didn't expect that he would guess wrongly about Shadow's intention.

So he lowered his head, dragged the Jiuyue scimitar with an unhappy expression, and walked towards the dragon corpse step by step.

"Sister Ying, just now the villain said he was your savior, did you know each other before?"

Shadow, who was already blushing, turned even more rosy when he heard Long Yingying's words.

"Yingying, why are you so stupid? Don't you know what the bad guy is referring to?"

With Shadow's reminder, Long Yingying's eyes rolled, as if thinking of something, she gave Ling Yun a vicious look, and was dissecting the dragon's corpse.

"Sister Ying, that villain is so hateful, he dared to belittle sister, we must deal with him later." Looking at Ling Yun's back, Long Yingying said angrily.

At this time, Ling Yun was holding the Jiuyue scimitar, cutting the giant dragon's [-]-foot-long body into three sections, each section was more than [-] feet long, and the total added up was exactly [-] feet.

After cutting off the dragon corpse, Ling Yun slowly peeled off the dragon scales on each section. As for the dragon tendons, they were pulled out by Ling Yun when the dragon corpse was still intact.

(End of this chapter)

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