Chapter 214

After some explanation from Shadow, Long Yingying finally learned the specific situation of the Nine Holy Souls.

At the same time, the two of them were also extremely shocked by the fact that Ling Yun had gathered two holy bodies and holy souls.

As for the sacred body, Long Yingying also saw a lot when she was in Longyu, not to mention Ling Yun's black dragon iron body, even the silver dragon body of several higher levels, she has seen it with her own eyes.

And the person who possesses the Silver Dragon Battle Body, Ling Yun also knows, she is Long Qingxue, the eldest daughter of the Patriarch of the Long Family.

Long Qingxue is the most talented girl in the Dragon Domain, and she has countless suitors. Back then, when she was not yet young, the courting team had already broken through the threshold of the Long Family.

In order to let Long Qingxue practice with peace of mind, Long Yan, the Patriarch of the Long Family, did not hesitate to let Long Qingxue leave his hometown and travel around the mainland.

Although Long Yingying's understanding of the Holy Body is more detailed than that of the Holy Soul, she has never seen a monk who possesses both the Holy Soul and the Holy Body, and even Long Qingxue is not this type of monk.

That's why she was so surprised when she learned that Ling Yun was the Sage of Soul and Body.

"She is indeed the person Qingxue is looking for." Long Yingying muttered in her heart, and then lowered her head in great frustration.

Because in her heart, she was very envious of Long Qingxue, who was able to recognize Ling Yun, and also secretly fell in love with her. She really hoped that she was the one who knew Ling Yun in advance.

But now that Long Yingying has committed herself to Ling Yun, she really doesn't know what kind of face she should use to meet Long Qingxue in the future.

Thinking of Long Yingying's rosy cheeks here, she instantly turned pale, because at this moment she suddenly found that she had fallen in love with Ling Yun, who was so affectionate and righteous, unconsciously.

Not only did Long Yingying have this kind of thought, but even the shadow beside her was filled with emotion when she saw Ling Yun's outstanding side.

Ying Ying didn't know how to deal with it. The relationship between her and Ling Yun was also filled with a hint of hostility toward Long Yingying.

After all, that woman doesn't want to share the man she loves with others at the same time, and Shadow also knows that she is not qualified to stop the development of the situation, and she doesn't know what identity to use to stop it.

So on this tangled issue, for a while, Shadow didn't know how to make a choice, how to face it, and simply avoided this topic all the time.

"It's over, let's go!" Ling Yun came in front of the two women after killing the large wave of ghosts in front of him.

Shadow and Long Yingying looked at Ling Yun with strange eyes at the same time, then nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Ling Yun didn't say much, so he took a step ahead and walked towards the cliff on the right.

Ling Yun, who came to the edge of the cliff, saw an incomparably grand palace appearing under the cliff.

The building materials of the palace are mainly black, and the surroundings are carved with dragons and phoenixes, just like a royal palace.

But the most peculiar thing is not here, but in front of the palace, there is a dark red blood pool.

At this moment, in the blood pool, bright red blood was tumbling, and one or two human bones appeared from time to time in the tumbling blood.

"Look, what is this place?" Seeing the blood pond, Ling Yun couldn't help but exclaimed at Long Yingying and the two of them.

The two women heard the sound and looked, and were also shocked by the scene in front of them, taking a breath of cold air.

"How could there be such an evil place?" Long Yingying, who was stunned, murmured to herself.

On the other hand, Shadow frowned, as if remembering something.

After about a while, Ying Ying spoke to Ling Yun with a solemn face, and Long Yingying.

"This should be the legendary Hunsha Temple. But why is the Hunsha Temple here?" After saying a word, Yingying vetoed his guess.

"Hall of Soul Evil? What kind of power is this?" Seeing that the shadow understood a little bit, Ling Yun asked.

Hearing Ling Yun's words, Shadow pondered for a moment, and then told Ling Yun everything he knew.

It turns out that the Hall of Soul Evil was an ancient evil force ten thousand years ago. At that time, the Hall of Soul Evil was one of the two most powerful forces in the Dragon Soul Continent.

The first major force is called Tiansheng Palace, which is the force formed by the current nine major families, and the other major force is the Hall of Soul Evil.

The monks in the Hall of Soul Evil are known for being evil, and they often kill innocent people indiscriminately, as well as monks of different strengths, to practice their evil skills.

But just ten thousand years ago, a young master of the Hall of Soul Demons raped and murdered a disciple of the Heavenly Sacred Palace in a daring manner.

Unfortunately, this disciple of Tiansheng Palace who was raped and murdered was actually the daughter of the Palace Master Nangong Yu.

When Nangong Yu learned that his daughter had been raped and murdered by the young master of the Hall of Soul Evil, he became furious and immediately summoned all the disciples of the Heavenly Sacred Palace to launch a great battle against the Hall of Soul Evil.

After the first battle, both sides were hurt, and the master of the Hall of Soul Evil took the remaining disciples of the Hall of Soul Evil, and left Zhongzhou and disappeared in the Dragon Soul Continent.

Since then, the monks in the Dragon Soul Continent have never heard anything about the Hall of Soul Evil.

The Tiansheng Palace was also seriously injured by the master of the Hunsha Palace because of the palace owner Nangong Yu, and the Tiansheng Palace disintegrated.

After the disintegration of Tiansheng Palace, the nine major families evolved and appeared. Although the nine major families have gone their own way, they are still looking for the Hall of Soul Evil after so many years.

After listening to these extremely secret events that Ying Ying said, Ling Yun was stupefied for a moment, and even Long Yingying who was beside him was the same.

It didn't know how long it took before Ling Yun woke up from the state of being absent-minded.

"Then what should we do? How did the Soul Evil Palace appear here? How do you know which palace below is the Soul Evil Palace?"

Ling Yun asked several questions in a row, expressing all the doubts in his heart, and stared directly at the shadow with piercing eyes.

"I didn't think much about it before, but when I saw the pool of blood, I knew that the palace built below was the Palace of Soul Evil."

"Because this blood pool is called Rebirth, and it is the supreme magic weapon for the monks of the Hall of Souls to re-condense flesh and blood for their disciples who have no bodies."

"Reborn?" Ling Yun repeated a few words to himself, and then fixed his eyes on the blood pool.

"Could it be that as long as there are dead people and ghosts, they can be reborn here, gather blood and refine flesh to obtain rebirth?"

Shadow did not answer Ling Yun's words, but nodded silently.

"Then they didn't disguise themselves, did they have immortal bodies?" Long Yingying who was on the side also interrupted at this moment.

But when An Ying heard this, he shook his head slightly and explained to Long Yingying.

"No, although bodilessing can allow some monks to gather blood and refine flesh to gain rebirth, but not everyone can be reborn with the help of bodilessing."

"Because monks who can enter the rebirth and obtain rebirth have extremely harsh restrictions, one of which is that they must reach the realm of the Dragon Emperor."

"And the monk who has been reborn has hidden a lot of hidden dangers. As for his cultivation, he can only recover to the eighth floor of his life."

Hearing Ying Ying's explanation, Ling Yun was immediately taken aback. He didn't expect that the monk who had been reborn through rebirth would have so many demands, so he asked again.

"Could it be that ordinary people can't be reborn with the help of rebirth?"

(End of this chapter)

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