Chapter 215
Ying Ying didn't answer Ling Yun's words in time, but just bowed his head in thought for a moment, and then sighed deeply.

"I don't know about this, but I guess it shouldn't be possible. If ordinary people can be reborn, wouldn't the disciples who died in the Hall of Souls be reborn?"

In fact, in Ling Yun's heart, he already had the answer, but he was unwilling to face it.

From a side view, Ling Yun is even a little eager for this to happen. If ordinary people can really gain rebirth through rebirth, it means that Ling Yun can reunite with his mother again.

But Ying Ying's words shattered, the last glimmer of hope in Ling Yun's heart, even a thought was killed in the cradle.

"Hey! It seems that I'm thinking too much, so just pretend I didn't ask!"

Although Ling Yun didn't say why he cared about this issue, An Ying and Long Yingying could see a clue from Ling Yun's expression.

However, the two of them didn't intend to uncover the scar in Ling Yun's heart, and they knew exactly why Ling Yun was injured.

"Well, okay! So what do we do now? Are we planning to go down and find out?"

Shadow showed a forced smile, and turned his gaze to Ling Yun who was at the side.

Ling Yun nodded slowly, and then revealed a very firm gaze, looking at the pool of blood below the cliff.

"Okay! Regardless of whether it is the old lair of the Soul Demon Temple or not, we will go for a break today."

After saying this, Ling Yun turned into an afterimage and shot directly towards the cliff.

Seeing this shadow and Long Yingying looking at each other and smiling, they nodded tacitly and rushed towards the cliff following Ling Yun.

Ling Yun stepped on a protruding rock on the precipice, and his whole body was like a gliding dragon, sprinting down the hundreds of feet of the cliff.

It didn't take a moment for Ling Yun to land firmly on the ground after a volley flip.

Shadow and Long Yingying landed next to Ling Yun.

"Let's go, let's go take a look." Ling Yun murmured, and came to the blood pool first.

However, at this moment, a loud shout suddenly exploded in Ling Yun's ears like a thunderstorm in a drought.

"Bold! Who dares to trespass on a place that has been reborn?"

Ling Yun turned around and looked, only to see an old man with gray hair and wearing a black python robe, looking at him with gloomy eyes, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"I'm one of these monks who came here for the trial. I don't know who you are? If my guess is correct, you should be a disciple of the Hall of Soul Evil, right?"

Ling Yun looked at the old man very vigilantly, ready to strike at any time.

"Be prepared, as long as we find something wrong with this old man, we will kill him directly."

Through the sound transmission of spiritual consciousness, Ling Yun passed the words in his heart to Ying Ying and Long Yingying.

After hearing Ling Yun's words, both of them took precautions against the old man in front of them.

"Trial cultivator? Ha~ha! I have been waiting for 3000 years, and finally a trial disciple came. This is really my soul hall!"

The old man laughed for a while, then raised his head and let out a long roar, venting all the depression in his heart at this moment.

But after laughing for a while, he stopped laughing and looked at Ling Yun with a serious face.

"Since you are the disciples who came to the trial, then you should stay here forever!"

After saying this, the old man moved and appeared in front of Ling Yun.

"Not good! Let's do it."

Before Ling Yun could react, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then his whole body flew upside down.

"Ling Yun..."

Looking at Ling Yun flying upside down, Long Yingying and Ying Ying couldn't help but exclaimed.

But at this moment, two huge palms suddenly slapped on the chests of the two of them.


There was a crackling sound from the bones, and the bodies of Ying Ying and Long Yingying also flew upside down one after another.

"Bang! Bang!"

With two muffled sounds, Shadow and Long Yingying fell beside Ling Yun, and at the same time, the three of them sprayed out a large mouthful of bright red blood.

When the bright red blood splashed on the bluestone on the ground, the figure of the old man appeared in front of the eyes of the three of them.

The old man who revealed his figure wriggled his nose and looked at the three pools of blood on the ground. After smelling it for a while, the old man suddenly became furious.

A pair of sharp sword-like eyes stared fiercely at Ling Yun and the other three, and exuded an extremely strong murderous aura from their bodies.

"So you are members of the Nine Great Families! I have underestimated you. Since you are in my hands today, I will take back some interest from you today!"

Ling Yun and the others were slightly taken aback when they heard the old man's words, they didn't understand what the old man said, so they spoke.

"Wait a minute, senior is not a disciple of the nine major families, neither are these two, why did you kill us?"

As soon as Ling Yun's words came out of his mouth, the old man stopped his hands and looked at Ling Yun with a puzzled expression instead.

"Huh, you still want to lie to me? You are of the blood of the Yun family and the Ling family, and those two girls are clearly disciples of the Long family and the Ying family. Do you think that this seat is so easy to fool?"

At the same time as he said these words, the old man exuded a strong murderous aura, and walked towards Ling Yun and the others step by step.

Seeing this, Ling Yun didn't think much about it, and immediately shouted "Gather me", then jumped up and stood up straight, looking directly at the oncoming old man.

As soon as Ling Yun's words fell off the ink-black dragon scales, Ling Yun's whole body was instantly covered, and at the same time, two streams of dragon energy were faintly emitted from Ling Yun's right fist.

"It turns out that you are still a monk with the Holy Body. It seems that I have underestimated you, but if you want to deal with me only with this black dragon's iron body, you can only say that you still cannot escape death."

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense and die! Shuanglong opens the mountain." Ling Yun snorted coldly, and punched the old man out.

From Ling Yun's fist peak, two extremely huge dragons were shot out. The two dragons were entangled with each other, and a burst of flying sand and stones were thrown into the old man's body.

"What? It's the Nine Dao Divine Skill? It's the Nine Dao Divine Dragon Art that has been inherited for hundreds of thousands of years? How could it come out again?"

The moment the old man saw Ssangyong poking out, his face showed a panicked expression, and he roared with incomparable fear.

However, after he roared for a while, he suddenly calmed down his panic, and instead looked at Ling Yun with a smile on his face.

"Hmph, I'm really shocked. You haven't practiced the Mahayana's Nine Dao Divine Dragon Art yet, and you are not my opponent. You still cannot escape death today."

After saying this, the old man stretched out his palm, and saw a giant palm that covered the sky suddenly appeared in the originally gray sky.

The giant palm waved in the air, and within a short while, the two giant dragons that Ling Yun had struck were firmly grasped in his palm.

"Bang! Bang!" The giant palm tightened slightly, and the two giant dragons turned into a ball of golden vitality in the old man's giant palm.

Seeing the golden vitality slowly dissipating, Ling Yun couldn't help taking a few steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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