Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 219 Refining the Soul Pill

Chapter 219 Refining the Soul Pill
It took an unknown amount of time before Ling Yun woke up from that stunned state.

"What exactly do you want? Do you want me to marry you? If that's the case, then I will suffer a bit and marry you two!"

Ling Yun said this with a face of embarrassment, and his face showed a kind of expression of suffering a big loss, looking at Long Yingying and Yingying in front of him.

"Bah! You think beautifully! Marrying our sisters is the greatest blessing in your life. Looking at you, do you think you are at a disadvantage?"

Long Yingying poohed, did not speak again, but lowered her head blushing.

After all, what she said today was the boldest thing Long Yingying had said since she grew up.

Thinking about it now, she felt a little unbelievable, the words just now came from her mouth.

When Long Yingying was still shy, Ling Yun's words came again.

"Good! Good! Good! I won't argue with you, just talk! Do you want me to marry you, or do you want something to compensate you?"

Long Yingying, who was still very shy at first, glared at Ling Yun angrily after hearing what Ling Yun said.

"The one surnamed Ling, do you think that this lady is really not wanted by anyone? Do you insist on marrying us? I'll tell you the one surnamed Ling, don't be ignorant."

While saying this, a line of hot tears was slowly dripping down from Long Yingying's eyes, and even the shadow beside him looked at Ling Yun with a disappointed face, and sighed deeply after a long time in one breath.

Ling Yun did not expect that his unintentional sentence would hurt two women at the same time, and these two women were both people who had sex with him.

So after calming down for a while, Ling Yun faltered and uttered a sentence.

"I'm sorry, just now I... I was just joking." Ling Yun hesitated for a while, then said such a sentence in embarrassment.

Seeing Ling Yun's attitude of admitting his mistakes, Long Yingying couldn't help but feel a little better.

But then she thought of Ling Yun's sanctimonious appearance just now, and she couldn't help feeling a bit of revenge.

"Oh! Don't you think it's enough to say sorry?"

When she said this, the corners of Long Yingying's mouth rose slightly, showing a complacent look, and she looked at Ling Yun not far away.

Ling Yun knew that this girl must be thinking about how to take revenge on herself, so she simply didn't care about it, so she put on a look of letting others slaughter her, and looked at Long Yingying.

"Tell me! What do you want to forgive me for my rashness just now?"

Seeing that Ling Yun finally gave up her resistance, Long Yingying chuckled for a while, then moved her lips lightly.

Cherry-like lips moved lightly a few times, and a word came out slowly.

"Not only did you promise to marry us, but any treasure you got in the secret realm of Tianlong will be shared with us in half."

"I've already said the words. As for what to do, it's up to you. You can figure it out!"

When hearing this, Ling Yun frowned suddenly, and then slowly relaxed.

"Okay! I promise you, but if you let me marry you, you can do it later if you can't do it now."

Long Yingying nodded, and turned her eyes to Shadow, who also nodded when she received Long Yingying's gaze.

"Okay, we'll get married when you finish your business."

Ling Yun ignored Long Yingying's words, and turned around and sat down on a bluestone. At the same time, Ling Yun magnified the Bai Qi Xue Cauldron in his hand.

When the blood cauldron was magnified several times, a ray of real fire poured into the alchemy cauldron.

As soon as the real fire came out, the temperature in the cauldron rose gradually. When the temperature rose to a certain extent, the soul beast inside began to roll continuously.

After the soul beast rolled for a while, it slowly released drops of golden liquid.

The golden liquid burst into a dazzling golden light, and then gradually became rounder under the baking of the real fire.

Seeing this, Ling Yun took out a few green spirit grasses from the Qiankun bag, cleaned them and threw them directly into the cauldron.

As soon as the green spirit grass entered the cauldron, it instantly turned into a ball of green liquid, which was mixed with the golden liquid.

When the two liquids are mixed together, they gradually cool down.

Seeing that the spiritual liquid was cooling down, Ling Yun increased the real fire and started to roast it. At the same time, he used his spiritual sense to control the liquid to turn over.

After turning it over for a while, the original green-gold liquid turned into gold-green beads.

Obviously, the Soul Pill has been formed at this moment, and what is most lacking at present is the Rolling Pill.

The Rolling Pill of the Soul Pill is different from the ordinary Rolling Pill, because its interior is very fragile, so while rolling the Pill, it has very strict requirements on the control of the consciousness.

At this moment Ling Yun was carefully rolling the soul pill in the cauldron, and after rolling for a while, the soul pill emitted two golden-green rays of light.

The light flashed by, and after a while, the color of the entire Soul Pill gradually dimmed.

Just after the soul pill dimmed, Ling Yun also withdrew the real fire in his hand, leaving only a trace of real fire slowly warming the soul pill in the cauldron.

About an hour later, I saw a burst of medicinal fragrance of Qingling coming from the cauldron, permeating the nostrils of everyone.

Ling Yun suddenly took a breath of the fragrance of the medicine, and his tired body suddenly became energetic.

"Sister Ying, this soul pill has really been refined by this guy." Long Yingying couldn't help showing a gratified smile when she saw the pill.

"Well, he succeeded in refining, but do you really intend to take his soul pill?" Yin Ying glanced at Long Yingying with a strange look.

"Why not? He bullied us so much just now, shouldn't we punish him? By the way, let him know that this is the end of offending our sisters. "

When Long Yingying said this, she laughed at Ying Ying, with a look of success on her face, which made Ying Ying, who didn't like to laugh very much, couldn't help but chuckled for a while.

At this moment, Ling Yun slapped the lid of the tripod flying with his palm after the end of Wen Dan, and then sucked the five soul pills in the tripod from the tripod into his palm with his big hand.

Looking at the five soul pills in his hand, Ling Yun then took out three jade bottles, took out two and put them into two jade bottles respectively, then threw them to Long Yingying and Ying Ying.

As for the last three soul pills, they were carefully put into a jade bottle by Ling Yun.

After doing all this, Ling Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief, so he stood up and stretched his limbs.

"At present, we have completed the task of three hundred soul beasts, and the next step is the dark dragon beast."

Hearing Ling Yun's words, An Ying and Long Yingying nodded to Ling Yun.

Because they all know that soul beasts are easy to kill, but the last dark dragon beast is the final big boss.

If they can't kill the Dark Demon Dragon Beast, then everything they have experienced before will come to naught.

"Well, this dark demon dragon beast is the soul beast king of the second floor. If we kill it, not only will we get some treasures, but it will also be in great danger."

"So we'd better be more cautious. Even if we can't kill it, at least we have to plan to escape."

Ying Ying said this with a serious face, her thoughts coincided with Ling Yun's, so Ling Yun unanimously agreed with Ying Ying's ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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