Nine Ways Divine Dragon Art

Chapter 220 9 Youmo Cave

Chapter 220 Nine Nether Demon Cave
Although Shadow's suggestion was disgraceful, neither Ling Yun nor Long Yingying objected, so after some discussion between the three of them, they continued to move forward.

At this moment, Ling Yun has retracted the Baiqi Xueding, and his spiritual consciousness extends five miles away, observing all the troubles around him.

Walking like the wind, stepping on the uneven bluestone, after a while, Ling Yun and others came to a grotto.

The grotto is bottomless, and on the rock walls on both sides before entering the grotto, there are four big characters like flying dragons and phoenixes.

"Nine Nether Demon Cave"

"Could it be that the Dark Demon Dragon lives in this Nine Nether Demon Cave?" Looking at the pitch-black demon cave, Ling Yun muttered to himself.

"Bad guy, I always feel that there is a feeling of uneasiness coming from this devil's cave, why don't we go in?"

At this time, the shadow on the side, with a pale face and an uneasy expression, spoke to Ling Yun with palpitations.

Ling Yun didn't speak, because at this moment his heart was also throbbing, a throbbing of lack of security, but in order to find the whereabouts of the dark magic dragon beast, he had to go into the cave to investigate.

"You are waiting for me outside. I will go in and check. If there is nothing unexpected, I will be back soon."

Ling Yun put down these words with a serious expression, ignored the shadow and Long Yingying beside him, moved his body directly, and walked into the Nine Nether Demon Nest.

As soon as Ling Yun entered the devil's lair, he immediately felt a biting cold aura coming towards him.

As a result, when Ling Yun's true essence moved, a shield of true energy was formed on the surface of the skin, blocking the cold wind blowing outside.

Although Ling Yun had activated the qi shield, he underestimated the strength of the cold wind, and saw a looming cold current converging on the hanging wall of the zhenqi shield, slowly rubbing against the shield.

Under the friction of the cold current, the shield was slowly becoming thinner, and within a short while, a hole the size of a needle's eye was formed in the originally thick shield of true qi by the friction of the cold current.

The cold current is pervasive, and when the hole appears, all the cold current rushes over in an instant.

The cold current pouring into the hole expanded the hole in a short moment, and after a quarter of an hour, Ling Yun's true energy shield had been torn into a gap as big as a washbasin.

Seeing this, Ling Yun secretly called out: "Gather me!" In an instant, a layer of black dragon scales wrapped Ling Yun's entire body.

Armed to the teeth, Ling Yun relied on the tough dragon scales to resist the rushing cold current, and when the cold current hit the scales, there was a light emerald sound.

Although the sound was not loud, Ling Yun heard it clearly. At the same time, Ling Yun felt that a layer of ice had formed on his dragon scales.

The ice was as thin as a piece of crystal clear glass, completely freezing the dragon scales, making Ling Yun's body make a "creaking" sound every time he took a step.

After walking for about three hours, there was still darkness in front of my eyes, and I still hadn't reached the end of the magic cave.

So Ling Yun faced the front, and a ball of hot real fire was aroused with one palm. The real fire was like a lone star, illuminating the entire magic cave.

However, the scene that appeared in front of Ling Yun made him gasp involuntarily.

I saw a group of densely packed ice sculptures appearing around the magic cave. The ice sculptures were humanoid and animal-shaped. In short, there were many types of ice sculptures, extending all the way to the depths of the magic cave.

Ling Yun looked at the ice sculpture in front of him, his expression was in shock, and it took about a while for Ling Yun to wake up.

Ling Yun, who came to his senses, came to the biggest ice sculpture, and with a golden light in his eyes, he looked up and down.

This ice sculpture is a giant black dragon. The dragon is lying vertically in the middle of the tunnel of the Demon Cave. From the appearance, it looks lifelike, as if it is asleep.

Ling Yun glanced up and down at the dragon's head, so he picked up the Nine Dragon Scepter in the Qiankun bag, and hit the dragon's head a few times.

The Nine Dragons Scepter carried an aura of destroying heaven and earth, and when it hit the giant dragon's forehead, there was a burst of muffled crackling.

When the sound stopped, I saw that the ice layer on the surface of the dragon began to crack gradually, and fell off from its body in a short while.

When all the ice cubes fell off, the true face of the giant dragon appeared before Ling Yun's eyes.

But at this moment, Ling Yun suddenly heard the beating sound of the giant dragon's heart. Hearing the beating sound of the heart, Ling Yun couldn't help but retreated dozens of steps.

At this moment, Ling Yun's hands were covered with sweat, and he was staring at the giant dragon in front of him in horror, and at the same time, he was ready to attack at any time.

But after he waited for a while, the giant dragon didn't react much, and lay down on the ground as usual, with his heart beating even more slowly.

Seeing this, Ling Yun didn't think much about it, so he backed away slowly.

But when Ling Yun retreated dozens of steps, suddenly the dragon's eyelids moved, and then slowly opened, its giant eyes as big as copper bells.

The giant dragon opened its eyes, and its gaze was looking directly at Ling Yun not far away, like a cheetah, which was in danger of pounced at any time.

A drop of sweat the size of a soybean was slowly sliding down Ling Yun's cheek, dripping onto the ground, making a ticking sound.

The giant dragon has slowly stood up, and it twisted a bit, its huge body, and then a crackling sound came from behind the giant dragon.

It turned out that the purpose of the giant dragon's twisting just now was to shatter all the frozen ice behind it, so that it could get rid of its huge body.

The giant dragon, which had been freed from the shackles of the ice, happily raised its huge head, and let out a huge roar at Ling Yun.

As for Ling Yun, the moment he saw the giant dragon roaring, he felt an extremely powerful sound wave rushing towards him, pushing his body back continuously.

When Ling Yun retreated a few hundred meters, he relied on his formidable strength to stabilize his retreating body.

However, at this moment, the Devil's Nest suddenly shook, and the gravel above the tunnel of the Devil's Nest was continuously falling down, and the ground began to shake violently.

I saw the tail of the giant dragon slapping the stone wall of the tunnel left and right, and its body was more like a sharp arrow, shooting towards Ling Yun.

As soon as Ling Yun was stunned, a huge dragon claw descended from the sky and crushed Ling Yun. Seeing this, Ling Yun didn't think much about it, so he raised up the Kowloon Divine Staff in his hand, and stabbed at the palm of the dragon claw suddenly. past.


With a muffled sound, the Nine Dragon Scepter directly pierced the palm of the giant dragon, and the dark red blood splashed out along the dragon's claws like a fountain.


The giant dragon whose claws were pierced through let out a painful roar, then opened its bloody mouth wide and bit Ling Yun.

Ling Yun left the spot as soon as he moved, and when his figure appeared again, he had already arrived under the belly of the giant dragon.

Ling Yun, who came under the dragon's belly, took a look at the black dragon scales, then raised the Nine Dragon Scepter in his hand, aimed at the dragon's belly, and stabbed it suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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