Chapter 201
In the medical hall, seeing the door closed tightly, Murong Xin was a little uneasy.I don't know how Yu Wenchen's situation is now. If he was poisoned, what kind of poison is it? Is his life in danger?Because Yu Wenchen was injured, if something happened, then he... the more he thought about it, the more nervous he became, and he couldn't sit still.Murong Xin thought of this and hurriedly stood up.Maybe it was because of too much force, I was dizzy for a while, closed my eyes, and fell backwards involuntarily, but I couldn't control it.Fortunately, Qiuyue was behind her and hurriedly supported her——

"Miss, what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell?" Seeing her like this, Qiuyue hurriedly supported her to sit down, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Closed her eyes gently, and leaned back on the chair, Murong Xin heaved a sigh of relief.Thinking of his own body, he sighed helplessly.Although I want to open my eyes, I don't know why, but I just can't.Sighing lightly, he said worriedly, "I don't know what happened to His Royal Highness Luo, if something happened, then I..."

"Miss, don't say that. Auspicious people have their own auspices, and I believe that His Highness Luo Wang will turn the crisis into safety." Qiuyue patted her on the shoulder and said consolingly.

After hearing this, Murong Xin raised her head instinctively, seeing her encouraging eyes, she seemed to be infected, and she also showed a smile, and was about to say something, when suddenly she heard a "creak" and the door was opened .Turning around in a hurry, I saw Li Tianren walking out, looking at him, he seemed very tired.Murong Xin couldn't care so much, and hurried over: "Doctor Li, how is His Royal Highness Luo Wang doing now, is his life in danger?"

Li Tianren breathed a sigh of relief, waved his hands and said, "Miss Murong, don't worry, His Royal Highness Luo Wang is fine, it's just that he has been drugged. Take a good rest and wake up soon."

"Did you get drugged?" When Murong Xin heard this, his heart was shocked. As expected, he had guessed correctly. Yu Wenliang and Situ Jun wanted to deal with him, but... "What kind of drug is it?" Find a way to figure it out and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

"Yes..." Li Tianren was obviously very embarrassed when he heard such a question, and looked at Murong Xin with a helpless expression.Seeing her sincere eyes, he couldn't bear to refuse, but he didn't know how to speak.Turning her head to avoid his gaze, she coughed lightly, and replied, "It's just an ordinary drug, Miss Murong, don't worry, it's nothing serious."

When Murong Xin heard this and saw his avoiding eyes, she suddenly felt that what this person said seemed to be an irrelevant answer, as if she didn't want to let herself know.I wanted to ask, but I didn't know how to ask.Suddenly thinking that in the carriage just now, Yu Wenchen almost made himself... startled, could it be that... he was about to speak out, but when he realized something, he could only shut his mouth.About such a thing, how can I say it.At this moment, I heard Li Tianren say again—

"Miss Murong, His Royal Highness Luo Wang is in a coma and won't be able to wake up for a while. It's getting late, you should go back."

Hearing such words, Murong Xin felt helpless even though it was not pleasant.He raised his head and looked out the window, the sky had already darkened, if he didn't go back and saw his father, I'm afraid it would be difficult to explain.So he nodded: "Then I will go back first. If His Highness Luo Wang wakes up, please tell him that the grace of saving life is as great as heaven, and Murong Xin is very grateful. I will definitely visit in the future." Murong Xin After finishing speaking, he blessed her body, turned around and was about to leave.Suddenly feeling a splitting headache, I hurriedly supported the chair.

"Miss, what's the matter with you? You're not feeling well again. Why..." Seeing this scene, Qiuyue supported her again and asked with concern.

Murong Xin opened her eyes, looked at Qiuyue, wanted to say something, but couldn't open her mouth.At this moment, someone held his hand.Turning his head with great effort, he squeezed out a smile as much as possible: "Doctor Li, I..." Seeing that the other party shook his head, signaling for himself to close his mouth, Murong Xin then closed his mouth.

Li Tianren looked at Qiuyue and winked at her. Qiuyue immediately understood what he meant, and helped Murong Xin to sit down.Li Tianren took her pulse and checked it carefully.Then he let go of his hand, sighed deeply, poured her a cup of tea, handed it to her, and said very seriously: "Miss Murong, your condition is getting worse and worse. But until now, little People haven't figured out what kind of poison you have been poisoned, so I'm really ashamed."

After Murong Xin heard this, although she was a little disappointed, she also knew that the matter was a foregone conclusion. Two years is two years, and no one can change it.So he said consolingly: "Doctor Li, please don't say that, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. Murong Xin can live till now and be content. I have nothing else to ask for in this life, so let it be." Murong Xin After finishing speaking, he picked up the teacup, took a sip of tea, and smiled wryly for a while.

Seeing this, Li Tianren was quite upset.He couldn't help turning his head back, looked at the closed door, hesitated for a while, and was about to say something: "If Miss Murong wants to live, there is no way out."

"What way?" Hearing such words, Murong Xin seemed to have seen hope and asked impatiently.Since you can survive, why resign yourself to fate?

"Miss Murong doesn't know something. The villain has a senior brother. I gave him a revised letter about your situation. He knows that his interest will increase greatly in the future, and he is willing to give it a try." Li Tianren replied.Seeing her surprised expression, he nodded heavily, as if telling her that what he said was true.Seeing her frowning, she seemed to move.Knowing that the opportunity has come, he continued, "It's just that my senior brother practices spells, stays away from the hustle and bustle, and doesn't want to leave Shushan, so this matter..."

"You mean to let me go to Mount Shu?" Seeing his hesitation, Murong Xin quickly understood what he meant.Shaking his head with a wry smile, "Do you think it's possible?"

Li Tianren didn't take it seriously: "Miss Murong, don't worry, I have already told His Royal Highness Luo Wang about this matter, if you have no objections, he will help." Speaking of this, he looked at Murong Xin and said seriously. Nodding, as if telling her that what she said was not a joke.

Yu Wenchen?Hearing this name, Murong Xin seemed to be subconsciously, turned her head, looked at the closed door, thought of Yu Wenchen, thought of his familiar smile, seemed to be right in front of her eyes, suddenly realized something, and hurriedly closed the door. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down, and told himself secretly, stop thinking about it, he has nothing to do with Yu Wenchen.After thinking about this, he let out a long sigh of relief.Slowly opening his eyes, he regained his calm expression.He bowed softly: "Doctor Li, thank you so much, I'm really sorry to trouble you because of my affairs. It's just this matter..." After hesitating for a while, Murong Xin lightly Shaking his head lightly, "Let's forget it, I've resigned to my fate. I'm already content with my life. Dr. Li, the little girl is leaving." After finishing speaking, he blessed his body and was about to leave.

"Miss Murong, do you want to die?" Hearing what she said, Li Tianren became more confused and couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Murong Xin was slightly taken aback, stopped involuntarily, and looked back at him.I was tangled in my heart, as a person, Murong Xin didn't want to die.But... there are thousands of words in my heart, but I don't know how to speak them.

Realizing his gaffe, Li Tianren was a little nervous.As if it was an instinctive reaction, he glanced at the closed door, turned his head again, looked at Murong Xin, waved his hand, and said nervously: "Miss Murong, please don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, if... ..." Suddenly thought of something, but didn't know whether to say it or not.After hesitating for a while, he decided to say it, "Miss Murong, say something unpleasant, your time is running out, if you don't hurry up, I'm afraid... this is your only chance, don't miss it and never come again. If You are worried about His Highness King Jin, I believe His Highness Luo Wang can help."

After hearing what she said, Murong Xin smiled noncommittally, waved her hands and said: "No need, I know my own body better than anyone else. The matter is a foregone conclusion, I can only resign myself to fate." Said Let out a long sigh here.Seeing the blank expression on the other side's face, he shook his head helplessly, "Doctor Li, I know you don't understand what I said, but it's okay. What's more, I still have a very important thing to finish, I can't just leave Jingcheng, otherwise... No matter what, I appreciate your kindness. Thank you so much." Blessed his body, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Miss Murong—" Seeing that she was about to leave, Li Tianren yelled as if involuntarily.

Hearing the sound, Murong Xin stopped in her tracks, looked back at Li Tianren, and asked straight to the point: "Do you have a pen and paper?" Seeing him nodding, he handed it over.Murong Xin smiled gratefully, but said nothing, because she could tell that this person understood.He lowered his head and wrote vigorously for a while.Then he breathed a sigh of relief, put down his pen, and looked at Li Tianren, "Give this letter to His Royal Highness Luo Wang, please." left.

(End of this chapter)

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