Chapter 202
Seeing him walking further and further away, gradually disappearing, Li Tianren seemed to have a sudden reaction and shivered.Looking at the letter in his hand, he couldn't help frowning, what the hell was it.I looked around and saw no one else, so I tried to open it.At this moment, someone patted himself on the shoulder.I was startled, and before I could react, the letter had already been taken away.Looking back at the person coming, he couldn't help but widen his eyes: "You—"

"If you should know, this king will definitely tell you; if you shouldn't know, you should not..." The man behind raised his eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, with a smug expression on his face.Holding the letter, he deliberately shook it in front of his eyes.

Seeing this, Li Tianren felt a little helpless, but he was unwilling to admit defeat.With a cold snort, he said unceremoniously: "Yu Wenchen, are you afraid that I may know something I shouldn't know, your relationship with that woman..."

"I have nothing to do with her." Before he could finish his sentence, Yu Wenchen interrupted him and gave him a hard look, his gaze was full of warning, as if telling him not to talk nonsense.I didn't expect that the other party didn't care—

"If you want people to know, you have to do nothing. We have been together for so many years. You can't hide what you are thinking from me, unless..." looked at Yu Wenchen with a half-smile, and after a while, Li Tianren continued. , "Unless you don't want to admit it."

Hearing this for the first time, Yu Wenchen seemed to be involuntarily shaken, and turned his head to look at his old friend.Seeing his half-smile expression, he seemed out of anger, turned his head and ignored it.He just said lightly: "Thank you for not telling her that my crush is Youqingsan."

Hearing what he said, Li Tianren was taken aback for a moment, nodded and said: "Miss Murong is a woman after all, it's not good to let her know about this kind of thing." Suddenly thought of something, looked back at Yu Wenchen, and looked at it, " Do you know what you just did?"

Hearing these words suddenly, Yu Wenchen changed his face, looked up at the door, and narrowed his eyes slightly.After a long time, he nodded and said: "I know everything, but I just can't control it. If it wasn't for that Qiuyue, it might be..." Thinking of the scene just now, Yu Wenchen lowered his head sadly, helplessly Sighed.

"That's why you didn't want to come out to meet her just now." Li Tianren saw this old friend very clearly.Seeing his sharp eyes, he hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it.He coughed lightly, then suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but frowned, "What should I do now, that woman doesn't want to go, I'm afraid..."

"What does it have to do with me? His life is his own. She doesn't want to live, and no one can save her. If you want to accept your fate, let her go." Yu Wenchen seemed very angry when he said this, rolled up his sleeves, and turned around. Turn around and leave.Suddenly thought of something, took out the letter, opened it and glanced at it, his expression immediately changed.Why Murong Xin appeared in that place, she finally understood.

Sitting on the carriage, thinking of Yu Wenchen, and knowing that he was fine, Murong Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief.But the question now is, what kind of drug did Yu Wenchen suffer from, and why Li Tianren was hesitant to speak and refused to tell himself.Thinking of what Yu Wenchen did to him in the carriage just now, he suddenly understood something, and couldn't help but blush.That Yu Wenliang is simply too hateful.She clenched her fists secretly, avenging her grievances and revenge for what he did to her, and she couldn't let him go.

"The servant feels that what Dr. Li said just now is not unreasonable."

Qiuyue's sudden voice interrupted her contemplation.Murong Xin heard the voice and looked back at her.When he met his gaze, the other party seemed to be more confident, nodded his head hastily, and said very excitedly—

"This is an opportunity. If you find that person, get rid of the poison, maybe you can recover your health." When Qiuyue said this, she held her hand excitedly and looked at her hopefully.

Seeing her eyes, Murong Xin was very moved, because she believed that this little girl sincerely hoped for her recovery, but... "Do you know where Shushan is? It is thousands of miles away from the capital. Do you think my father will Let me go?" Murong Xin asked back, and after finishing speaking, she shook her head with a wry smile.

"The slave girl believes that if the master knows that that person can cure diseases and save lives, he will definitely agree." Qiuyue said the words directly without thinking.Seeing the other party's noncommittal expression, Qiuyue felt a little helpless.Shaking her arm, he said pleadingly, "Miss, just go and try. If you can succeed. Miss, do you, do you want to die?"

Murong Xin was slightly startled, turned her head and saw his hopeful eyes, she couldn't bear to refuse, but... "I can't leave the capital because I know that Murong Rui is in the capital." Murong Xin said firmly.There was a strange light in his eyes.

"Second Miss is in the capital? You mean..." Qiuyue was shocked at first when she heard such words, and couldn't help shivering.Seeing her meaningful eyes, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.Then I heard Murong Xin say again—

"That Murong Rui is in the capital. If I'm not mistaken, her target is me. If I leave, won't she be very disappointed?" Murong Xin couldn't help but sneer, "What's more, my target is It's also her. As long as I can let her die, even if it's beyond redemption, I'm willing." Thinking of her past life, Murong Xin clenched her fists again and made up her mind again.

"Miss—" Qiuyue really didn't understand, why Murong Xin hated Murong Rui so much, even if they died together, she would not hesitate, is it worth it?I wanted to ask, but before I could open my mouth, I saw her wave her hand and said without hesitation—

"Don't say anything anymore, I've made up my mind, and no one can make me change my mind." Murong Xin said very firmly.Suddenly thought of another matter, and added, "About today's matter, neither Murong Rui nor His Royal Highness Luo Wang, don't tell father."

As soon as the carriage stopped and the curtain was lifted, Murong Xin saw her father running towards her in a hurry, with a very excited expression on her face, she held her hand, and asked impatiently—

"Xin'er, what's the situation when you enter the palace? The emperor and empress didn't make things difficult for you, did they?" Murong Tuhui looked up and down for a while, as if worried.

Seeing her father's nervous appearance, Murong Xin was also very moved, because she could see that his father's appearance was all for herself.So he said consolingly: "Father, don't worry, everything is fine with my daughter. The emperor, empress, and His Royal Highness Prince Jin are all very good to me."

"That's good, that's good." Hearing this, Murong Tuhui breathed a sigh of relief, as if his heart had been relieved.Thinking of something suddenly, I couldn't help but wonder, "I heard that you left the palace early this morning, why did you come back now?"

Faced with such a question, Murong Xin was slightly taken aback, a little surprised that his father saw it so quickly.Behind him, someone pulled his clothes.Knowing that it was Qiuyue, he held her hand and said with a smile, "Actually, there's nothing wrong. I felt bored, so I walked around and wasted a little time."

"I see." Murong Tuhui obviously believed her words, and did not have any doubts.But still put on a straight face, and said angrily, "I'm going to get married soon, and I still have to run around, how decent is it? If others see it, let the emperor and queen know, how do you want me to explain it?" ;In case something happens..." Looking at her daughter, her eyes were filled with worry.

Murong Xin didn't take it seriously, and said with a light smile: "Father, I'm not a child anymore, this is my own business, and I will handle it well."

"You will handle it? To put it simply. You don't know. If something happens to you, it will be a big deal. You..." Murong Tuhui sighed deeply and shook his head helplessly.Suddenly thought of something, looked at her daughter, "Since you are back, you are tired after staying in the palace for so many days, go back to your room and rest early." After speaking, he patted her on the shoulder, turned around and walked back. go.

"Father—" Seeing him walking farther and farther, Murong Xin suddenly thought of something and hurriedly called out.The other party seemed to be taken aback for a moment, stopped in his tracks, and looked back at himself—

"Anything else?"

"I—" Facing his father, Murong Xin didn't know how to speak, should he tell him about Murong Rui's situation, what kind of reaction would he have if he found out about this?For a while, Murong Xin couldn't make up his mind whether to speak out or not.After a while of silence, he said, "It's nothing, I'm a little tired and I want to sleep. When I'm eating, I don't want others to disturb..."

"I see, you don't have to worry, I will explain." Murong Tuhui was a little disappointed when she heard this, but did not object.Seeing her daughter's haggard appearance made her heart ache.Seeing her salute to herself, she left in a hurry.I couldn't help but have doubts, what happened to my daughter, she seemed to be out of her mind.Along the way, did something happen?Thinking of this question, I was a little worried.Instinctively, she turned her head and looked at Qiuyue with doubts in her eyes, hoping that he would give herself an answer.

Catching his gaze, Qiuyue shivered, and she could tell that the master had become suspicious.He hurriedly lowered his head, avoiding his gaze, and hurriedly said: "Young maidservants go to serve the young lady." After speaking, he blessed his body and fled hastily.

"Hey..." At first I wanted to ask, but seeing this, Murong Tuhui was basically sure that something must have happened along the way.But judging from the current situation, Murong Xin is unwilling to tell herself.Thinking of this, Murong Tuhui was very worried.If I didn't guess wrong, Murong Xin didn't want to tell me what really happened, after that... I feel a little uneasy when I think of this.Instinctively walked forward, wanting to ask things clearly.But after thinking about it, I haven't made it clear about that Aunt Jing.If Murong Xin brings up the old matter again, what should he do?He hesitated, sighed deeply, turned around and walked back.

(End of this chapter)

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