Chapter 203 Testing Father
Murong Xin was sitting in the room, drinking tea, with a lot of thoughts in her mind, what is the relationship between Murong Rui and Situ Jun, and Yu Wenchen must have seen the piece of paper left for Yu Wenchen.The question is, does Yu Wenchen believe it or not?If he believed it, what would he do; if he didn't believe it, then... Murong Xin knew that if he wanted to deal with that Murong Rui, there was only one person who could help him, and that was Yu Wenchen.If even he doesn't believe in herself, then... Murong Xin sighed helplessly when she thought of this.At this moment, with a "bang", the door was opened.Murong Xin was unprepared and was startled at first.After seeing the person clearly, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared me to death, scared me to death." Qiuyue entered the room, closed the door, patted her chest, and said with lingering fear.

Seeing this, Murong Xin was rather dissatisfied, and asked angrily: "What happened, you're in such a panic?"

"Miss, I have a feeling that the master has already seen it." Qiuyue said very seriously.Seeing the other party raised his head, with an incredulous expression on his face, he nodded affirmatively, "What I said is true, you didn't finish what you just said, I can see that the master has already become suspicious."

Hearing what she said, Murong Xin thought of what happened just now, her father's reaction, and her own hesitation. No one knows a son like a father, how could his father be indifferent?Thinking of this, I didn't know what to do, so I stood up and paced back and forth in the room.

Qiuyue could tell that Murong Xin was very embarrassed and didn't want to disturb her.Thinking of just now, I was still ready to say something: "Miss, just listen to me, tell the matter, and tell the master. The matter is a foregone conclusion, the second lady is still alive, and she is..." At this point, I hurriedly looked around and saw that there was no one there, so I was relieved.Looking at Murong Xin again, "If you can hide it for a while, you won't be able to hide it forever, I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, with me here, she dare not do anything to you." Murong Xin said comfortingly.Looking at her, he nodded seriously.He shook her hand, hoping she could believe in himself.Seeing that the other party calmed down slowly, he nodded to himself, as if relieved.Only then did Murong Xin let go of her.Thinking of what she said just now, she also nodded slightly, "What you said is not unreasonable, but I am just worried that my father may not believe it, and..." Thinking of that Aunt Jing, Murong Xin felt that her father had something to do with herself. Deliberately conceal.When I think of this, I feel uncomfortable.Gently waved his hand, "Don't say anything more, let me be quiet, you go out first."

"Yes." Qiuyue knew in her heart that Murong Xin was very contradictory, she needed to think about it, and she didn't dare to disturb her, so she responded, turned around and was about to leave.When he just walked to the door, he suddenly thought of Murong Tuhui, if he saw him, he would definitely break the casserole and ask the end.At that time, how should I answer.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stop, and looked back at Murong Xin with a embarrassed expression.

Just when I was in a dilemma, I inadvertently raised my head and saw Qiuyue's eyes in a dilemma.Murong Xin suddenly understood something, so she waved her hand and said, "You've been tired all day, and you're staying in this room, you should have a good rest."

When Qiuyue heard what she said, she was naturally very grateful, and hurriedly saluted: "Thank you, Miss."

Murong Xin nodded, smiled at her, and didn't take her words to heart.Instead, he lowered his head and fell into deep thought again.For myself, to say or not to say, this is a question worth pondering.

Looking at the closed door at the door of the study, Murong Xin took a deep breath.As if making up his mind, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.The door was opened, and his father appeared in front of him.Murong Xin bowed slightly, and saluted: "Father--"

"As expected, I guessed correctly, you are still here." Murong Tuhui nodded, as if very satisfied.He opened the door and let her in.The two sat opposite each other, as if they had a plan in mind, Murong Tuhui asked straight to the point, "What happened along the way?"

"I saw a person." Now that the words have come to this point, there is no need to hide them.Following his example, Murong Xin said bluntly.Looking at his expression, without waiting for him to ask, he opened his mouth again, "Murong Rui."

Obviously taken aback, Murong Tuhui stood up all of a sudden.Probably because of nervousness, the teacup fell to the ground, and "Patta" fell to pieces.But he didn't realize it.He just looked at his daughter, stared into her eyes, and asked a little nervously, "Did she do anything to you?" After saying this, he walked up to her, pulled her up, and examined her carefully.

"No." Murong Xin shook her head, but did not tell the truth.In her opinion, this matter is too complicated, and she will not be able to explain it clearly for a while.It is unbelievable that Murong Rui is actually together with the second prince Situ Jun, the envoy of Great Qi Kingdom.Even if the words are spoken, can father believe it?What happened just now involved too many people. If my father misunderstood it, it would be impossible to explain clearly.

"That's good, that's good." Seeing that his daughter was safe and sound, Murong Tuhui heaved a sigh of relief.After carefully looking at it and confirming that it was all right, he let her go.Stepping aside, he sighed deeply, "Since you already know, you must be careful. From now on, no matter what happens, don't leave the Prime Minister's Mansion. You are my only hope, I can't Let something happen to you."

Hearing his words, Murong Xin was very moved.Because she could see that her father cared about her very much.But..."Did father really think that nothing will happen if I shut myself in the room all day long?" Murong Xin asked intentionally.

"What do you mean?" Murong Tuhui raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Looking directly at her father, Murong Xin said seriously: "Father, knowing that Murong Rui was sentenced to death, I went to see her for the last time. I can see that Murong Rui hates me deeply. She told me that if She can survive, and she will definitely not let me go. At first I didn't take it seriously, thinking that she would definitely die, but now... I can't believe it." Murong Xin shook her head slightly when she said this, "She He won't let me go, even if I stay at home, it's useless."

After hearing this, Murong Tuhui turned to look at her.Seeing her daughter's firm gaze, she had to believe it.If that Murong Rui is still alive, I'm afraid... "Where did you meet her?" Murong Tuhui asked again, watching his daughter's expression, waiting for her answer.

"This--" Murong Xin didn't know whether to speak out, and if so, what would be the consequences.After thinking twice, he shook his head gently and replied intentionally, "I don't know, but I can be sure that it is her. Although it was just a flash, but after getting along for so many years, I believe my eyes, I am Can't be mistaken."

Seeing her affirmative expression, Murong Tuhui couldn't help but believe that her daughter was right, Murong Rui had already returned, and she was in the capital, so it could be possible anytime, anywhere... Thinking of this, the eyes that looked at her daughter were filled with worry.As if wanting to say something, Murong Tuhui opened his mouth and was about to speak, but...he sighed deeply, then lowered his head and shook his head helplessly.

"Father, the matter is not over yet. I believe that Murong Rui's return this time probably has something to do with that Aunt Jing." Murong Xin said this deliberately, observing his father's expression.Sure enough, as I expected, when my father heard this, he seemed to frowned, looked back at himself, and said impatiently—

"Okay, don't say any more, this matter has nothing to do with you." After stopping in her tracks, Murong Tuhui patted the table and interrupted her.Seeing the innocent expression on her daughter's face, thinking about what she said just now, she couldn't bear it.Turning her back to her, "Okay, I already know, Rui'er will not let you go. Just in case, don't go out these few days."

"Father—" The matter has come to this point, even if I have to talk about it myself, my father is still unwilling to tell the truth.Seeing this, Murong Xin became even more disappointed with this father.

Seeing the tears in her eyes, looking at him, Murong Tuhui also felt heartbroken, but so what?Sighing softly, he walked up to her, patted her on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Father is really doing it for your own good. Knowing too much is not good for you. Don't worry, about Murong Rui's matter, father I will definitely protect you. Well, it's getting late, you can go back and rest early." She glanced at her reluctantly, then turned her head away, not daring to look any further.

"Father, you—" Seeing that he was still unwilling to tell the truth, Murong Xin was very excited.In a moment of desperation, he turned around and left.After walking a few steps, he stopped again and looked at his father.Asked as if in disbelief, "About the secret between Aunt Jing and you, are you planning to never tell me in this life?"

"Yes." Murong Tuhui said firmly.It was still the same as before, without looking back at her.Just one word, nothing more to say.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at his father in disbelief.At this moment, Murong Xin couldn't believe it, the one standing in front of her was her biological father, who just kept saying that everything was for my good biological father.For such a father, Murong Xin was very disappointed. "Father, I am very disappointed in you. Believe it or not, sooner or later, I will die in a daze." After Murong Xin finished speaking, she stared at his back, hoping for a miracle to happen.But to her disappointment, her father was indifferent, as if he didn't hear what she just said.Murong Xin was completely disappointed, took a deep breath, opened the door, and left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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