Alien replication system

Chapter 38 Extended Technology Tree

Chapter 38 Extended Technology Tree

Chu Feng turned to look inside and look at the routes of the meridians in his body. Before he left, Master Mu "bewitched" himself to the "All Things Lives", except for using it to condense the soul orbs, he didn't do much. After thinking about it, during this period of time, "Wanwusheng" was running on its own in the body, and it was indeed a bit of a struggle for the Huang-level low-ranking kung fu to transfer the energy in the body. It can only be said that the energy in Chu Feng's body was somewhat solidified, but the growth was not enough. Not many.

As for what Master Mu said with certainty back then, Chu Feng did not forget that he was able to accept a lowest-level exercise because of this--"All Things Live" can be upgraded with the fusion of battle bones. A skill that can improve the level of the skill itself!

Wu Xiu was able to fuse six battle bones in his life, all of them were coincidences and geniuses, and at this time, Chu Feng had an arm bone of a green-eyed fire ape in his body!

The dantian shook, and the energy in the whole body was scattered to the limbs and bones according to a certain route under the operation of "All Things", and then exchanged with the external energy along the pores of the whole body. After completing a cycle of heaven and earth, Chu Fengcai calmed down, using a peculiar way of exchanging his energy, turning it into thousands of strands and slowly flowing in from his right arm bone.

Like a sieve of Yuanli, under the inner view, the arm bones of the green-eyed fire ape gleamed with golden brilliance, swallowing up all the Yuanli running on a strange route like a whale sucking a dragon.

Time passed minute by minute, until more than half of the energy in his body was consumed, and Chu Feng suddenly discovered that the arm bones of the green-eyed fire ape slowly circulated energy like feeding back. Those energy seemed to have self-awareness, following the meridians in Chu Feng's body The trajectory, stretches, condenses, passes through the limbs, and finally returns to the dantian.

"Player Chu Feng, the player information has been updated, the trigger system technology tree extension, the skill system is being activated, do you want to check it?"


On the character attribute interface of the stealing system, a series of his own data have been re-entered.

Player: Chu Feng.

Force value: Seventh level of martial arts.

Soul power value: first level of soul cultivation.

Copy points: 9350 points.

Copy Mall: The activation progress is 9.4%.

Under a series of data, Chu Feng carefully found that there was an extra column of skills next to the character attribute column. If it is expected to be good, it is something newly developed in the technology tree of the Thieves System.

"The skill system has been activated, and the skill attribute information is being updated, do you want to check it?"

"Yes!" Chu Feng nodded without hesitation.

Accompanied by Chu Feng's command, a bunch of names and data flashed out on the skill bar interface. Chu Feng couldn't help but be speechless when he saw it. Aren't these all the martial skills and soul skills he got?
"The alchemy technique "Spiritual Fire Jue", Huang-level mid-grade, proficiency: 5%..."

"Martial skill "Exorcism of the Gods", top-ranked yellow, proficiency: 10%..."

"Martial skill "Wan Beast Fist", top-grade Huang rank, proficiency: 10%..."

"Soul skill "Da Yan Gui Yi", Xuan-level low-grade, proficiency: 5%..."


"The player's cultivation method "All Things Live", Huang-level top-rank..."

Chu Feng could see clearly that this time, the subsystems extended from the technology tree of the Stealing Sky system were related to his soul skills, martial skills and skills. After the bone, it was successfully upgraded to the top grade of the yellow rank. Compared with before, the transfer of Yuanli was much faster.

As for the Stealing Sky system in my body, in addition to the replication that was started with the system itself at the beginning, there are now three sets of subsystems including Sky Eye positioning, pathfinding and skill proficiency. After the technology tree is extended and all the subsystems are activated, what will it look like.

As for the skill proficiency, after Chu Feng carefully checked the system's description, he understood the general idea.

Soul skills, martial arts and skills, these artificially created things are not perfect, and there are always some flaws that are difficult for ordinary people to detect.

And the skill subsystem extended from the stealing sky system can improve the soul skill and martial skill itself through the improvement of the player's proficiency in the soul skill and martial skill.

Specifically, when Chu Feng's proficiency in one of the martial arts reaches 100%, the skill system will improve the movement of the energy and the circulation of the meridians when performing the martial arts, and raise the power and effect of the martial arts to a higher level. The level of martial arts!
And the improvement of proficiency is the use of martial arts.

That's right, just like Xiaobai from Novice Village, wherever martial arts are used, Chu Feng's proficiency in martial arts will be improved!

This is equivalent to giving Chu Feng a heaven-defying ability. The same martial skill, in his hands, as long as the proficiency is reached, it can turn decay into magic, and its power will be multiplied.

Of course, Chu Feng can also use the copy points to exchange for proficiency cards in the copy mall. In that case, he doesn’t even need to practice martial arts. However, the proficiency cards cost a lot of copy points, and Chu Feng hasn’t activated them yet. Copy the store.

But no matter what, the activation of the skill sub-system is undoubtedly good news for Chu Feng, a method that allows him to improve his own strength in addition to the realm!

Just as Chu Feng was carefully inspecting the skill subsystem, his right arm suddenly trembled. Looking inside, he saw that after "All Things Lived" was upgraded from a low-rank yellow to a high-rank yellow, the blue-eyed fire ape arm bone seemed to be Become more connected to yourself.

The ability of "All Things Lives" is to gradually become stronger through the fusion of battle bones. In the eyes of ordinary martial artists, the fusion of battle bones depends on chance and adventure, but in "All Things Lives", it is an ordinary way to improve abilities. Just like eating and drinking water.

In this case, the arm bone of the blue-eyed fire ape has completely become a part of Chu Feng's body, and the whole arm bone presents a primitive and simple atmosphere, shining with a brilliant golden light. A piece of Chu Feng's arm bone.

"This fused battle bone seems... more powerful." Chu Feng waved his hand vigorously, and he could feel the tide-like physical strength in his right arm, "The strength has increased by about 500 catties, If only relying on physical strength, relying on the talent of this arm bone, it has already reached a terrifying 1500 jin..." Chu Feng thought.

Although martial arts can exercise physical strength, they will generally reach the peak of 1000 jin in the territory of the tenth level of martial arts, because above the original body, the role of the original force will play an increasingly powerful role. Cultivation can completely move mountains and fill seas, and the strength of the physical body is often ignored. Moreover, forging the body is too difficult, and the time and energy it may take to improve the physical strength is not as real as breaking through and advancing.

Therefore, body forging is often considered by Wuxiu as a waste of money, so he gives up.

(End of this chapter)

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