Chapter 39

"It's a pity to give up this kind of talent for increasing physical strength. Anyway, I can't break through the level in a short time. It's better to work more on martial arts proficiency and physical strength." He will try any way that can improve his strength.

No matter who has been a poor dick who has been used to it for two lifetimes and finally turns over, he will desperately make up for the suffering he has suffered, not to mention the suppression from the eldest lady for six years and the reputation of being a waste, as well as the threat of Chu Langtian. , so that he has no reason to back down.


In Meng Bufan's quiet room, the white fox Xiaoying stretched lazily, and fell asleep with her whole body hanging on Chu Feng's shoulders. Ever since she followed Chu Feng from Yixiantian, Xiaoying had become extremely lethargic. Eight of the twelve hours a day were spent sleeping in Chu Feng's arms.

After Chu Feng checked Xiaoying's physical condition, he didn't find anything. He just used his soul power to sort out Xiaoying's internal meridians every day according to the old fox Tianji's instructions, and repaired those places that were injured by the cold force. After condensing the soul orbs, all this became even more effortless.

Time passed little by little, and since condensing the soul orbs, Chu Feng has become a veritable soul cultivator, and daily meditation is a rest for him.

This night, he was running "All Things Live" almost silently. During the process of breathing out Yuanli, he repeated the "Exorcism Creation" from Master Mu over and over again. Birds and beasts condensed with Yuanli , turned into ghosts in the mountains one after another, and escaped into the ground, not knowing what they did.

But in this repetition again and again, Chu Feng clearly saw that in the skill column of the stealing system, the proficiency of "Exorcism Creation" was rapidly increasing. In one night, "Exorcism Creation" It has evolved hundreds of times in his hands, and the displayed proficiency has also increased rapidly from 10% to 50%. It will not be long before [-]% proficiency can be achieved.


Day two.

"Young master, it's already time." On the huge martial arts arena, Chu Feng frowned and looked at the sparsely populated dozens of people in front of him.

Beside him, Mao Sanqiang in armor whispered that his aura was a bit unstable compared to yesterday, obviously he had swallowed the red sun ginseng, and the medicinal power was in the stage of dissolving, and when the medicinal power was fully absorbed, he would be advanced to the fourth stage of martial arts. when heavy.

Chu Feng raised his head and looked at the sky. It was an early summer day, and the sky had just turned pale.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Chu Feng suddenly shouted, "Mao Sanqiang!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Give you a cup of tea time, and catch up those who haven't arrived yet!" At this time, there were only 36 of the [-] soldiers who should have gathered on time in the martial arts arena, except for Mao Sanqiang.

After the Chu family's army, although Chu Feng never participated in the army since he was a child, under the influence of his father Chu Tai when he was young, the entire Chu family acted according to rules and discipline, let alone these veterans who should have strict discipline .

Even though they have retired, the Chu Family Yuan Mine still operates in the style of a military camp.

Mao Sanqiang's face was also full of embarrassment. These veterans have eaten enough and slept warmly over the years, and their blood on the battlefield has almost been wiped out. Still something went wrong.

Immediately, he was furious, and he rushed into the barracks where the veterans were resting with a horsewhip, and the crackling sound of the whip came suddenly.

"Damn it, get up for me!"

"What time is it...all get out!"

"Sleeping like a pig!"


After a cup of tea, when more than a dozen people stood in front of Chu Feng in embarrassment, the thirty or so people who gathered on time seemed to realize that something was wrong. At some point, the captain Mao Sanqiang was also nervous, and there was a solemn atmosphere in the martial arts performance. The field slowly gathers.

After an incense stick of time passed, Chu Feng just stood upright with his eyes closed and didn't move.

Two sticks of incense time passed...

After half an hour... everyone's foreheads and faces began to drip sweat.

When an hour passed, someone finally couldn't help it, "Master, did you call us all this early in the morning just to make us stand as punishment? They are all bloody old men, like a bitch!" What is it like to be punished here?"

Seeing that someone finally couldn't bear it anymore, Chu Feng opened his eyes, looked around everyone, and suddenly smiled with a little contempt, "Only you soft-footed shrimps, who still have the face to call yourself a bloody old man!" Son? I think it’s just a matter of pulling a piece of floral cloth on your head and going to the door of those prostitution girls to solicit customers!”

As soon as these words fell, a stone suddenly stirred up thousands of waves, "Even if you are the young master of the Chu family, you don't take such insults!"

"We all retired from the army. If it weren't for the face of old General Chu Tai, we might not come here to suffer this anger!"

"Boy of the Chu family, please explain clearly to everyone, otherwise, we really don't care much about this Chu family's Yuan Mine!"


Chu Feng sneered and watched this group of big bosses with rough faces, red ears and red ears, and they walked up to these people unhurriedly after the crowd had all quieted down.

"Before you guys decide what to say, I'll talk to you so-called bloody men first, I, Chu Feng, the young master of the Chu family, why do I look down on you sons of bitches, these soft-footed shrimps, these cowards , can only bully the weak and fear the hard bullshit!"

"First, do you look like you are here to take care of the Yuan Mine for my Chu family? You fucking take care of yourself for a second. What can you do on the battlefield? You have no talent and don't work hard. You If you don’t become cannon fodder, who will be cannon fodder? You deserve it! How can you still have the face to leave the army alive?”

"Second, do you have the right to say that you are a retired veteran, a bloody man? Do you think that the rules and discipline of my Chu family are just a display? What is a soldier, and obedience is the duty of duty! What about you, Mao Shi's order , how many people take it seriously! Put it on the battlefield, you are the rat shit that ruined a pot of soup, you can't beat others, and you have to hold them back. Using trash to describe you can only insult these two Character!"

"Third, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, soldiers, guarding the court of the country with swords on the battlefield, disarmed and returning to the fields to protect the common people, but what about you, look at you shit-like things, those miners in my Chu family mining area earn hard-earned money But you still go to harm their wives and daughters, they dare not speak out, and you still rely on your own fists to act recklessly, my Chu Feng's approach to this kind of scum has always been simple!"

Chu Feng was spitting, a mass of intense fire energy condensed in his palm, and the martial skill "Exorcism Creation" condensed in his hands two giant lions with raging flames all over his body, "Go!" Pointing with one hand , the two flaming giant lions rushed straight at the two men in the group, and everyone hurriedly retreated.

However, there were still two people who fell under the claws of the giant flame lion, and with a roar, their skins were burnt to pieces, "Master, master, spare your life!" The two shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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