One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 101 Inheritance Guardian

Chapter 101 Inheritance Guardian

"Sovereign, why did you give Ye Feng that cheat book?"

The elder guarding the pavilion was puzzled. Although Ye Feng's talent potential is extremely high, in his opinion, Ye Feng's talent is enough to enter the top three among all the disciples of Xuantianzong, but there is no need to secretly give Ye Feng a mysterious cheat book, right? !

"Hehe!" Hearing this, Chen Mubai smiled calmly, but there was a hint of helplessness in the smile.

"This is not my decision, but the decision of the Taishang Elder in the Forbidden Area of ​​the Back Mountain. I am just like you, the executor of this matter."

"Ah! It turned out to be" The elder guarding the pavilion is also a person of high status in the Xuantian Sect. After being said by the suzerain, he understands the whole story.

The forbidden area behind Xuantianzong Mountain.

Inside the mysterious cave.

"Boss, this Ye Feng hasn't passed the assessment of Tianyizong, so you give him the secret of Tianyizong's Zhenzong, isn't it inappropriate?"

"That is, although I have roughly learned from Junior Brother Chen Nan that Ye Feng is a person of great kindness and affection, and it is not impossible to pass on some secret skills to him, but this Taixuan Dao Sutra is of great importance, and it is absolutely impossible for anyone who is not a holy son of the Heavenly Will Sect to practice it. , how could you hand it over to a young man so lightly."

Inside the bright cave, in a space the size of a room, there are seven figures seated, including old people and middle-aged people, each of them has a long breath and is unpredictable.

At this time, the woman at the side couldn't stand the quarrel, and said out loud: "Okay, since the boss is doing this, there must be a reason."

After the woman finished speaking, Chen Nan also opened his eyes slightly, and said, "I agree with what the third senior sister said, besides, in your mouth, there is a Tianyi sect on the left, and a Tianyi sect on the right, don't you know that now is not the Tianyi sect of ten thousand years ago?" The Age of Sovereignty."

Seeing that the old men next to him were about to fight back again, the old man in the hemp robe who sat in the first place waved his hand slightly, and a hoarse voice came out, "Okay, everyone be quiet!"

As soon as the old man in hemp robe uttered his words, the two old men next to him immediately shut their mouths and sat up and down, while the others also kept their original silence.

"Since the accident ten thousand years ago, the era of Tianyizong's supremacy was shattered. In the following hundreds of years, a series of accidents have occurred in Tianyizong, which has put Tianyizong on the verge of extinction. Those who fled fled, those who killed were killed, and all of a sudden, the Tianyi Sect disappeared from the mainland."

"Fortunately, the ancestors of the Tianyi Sect seemed to have foreseen the difficulties of the Tianyi Sect. They specially selected ten talented disciples from the sect, let them hide their identities and spread them all over the mainland, and gave each of them a key before leaving. , and told them that when Tianyizong is destroyed in the future, as long as you gather ten keys, you can open the treasures of Tianyizong, and those treasures will be the capital for the rise of Tianyizong in the future, but now. "

The old man in hemp robe said at this time, paused for a while, stretched out a hand and held tightly on his chest, where a red key-shaped object hung.

The actions of the old man in the hemp robe caught the eyes of the surrounding people, and these people also subconsciously reached out to hold the objects hanging on their chests, with some tears in their eyes.

Tears flashed in the eyes of the old man in hemp robe, and he said hoarsely: "I bring this up to tell you that the Tianyi Sect is on the verge of extinction. If everything is still done according to the laws of the Tianyi Sect, it will only speed up the demise of the Tianyi Sect."

"Boss, I'm confused." At this time, the two old men who questioned before said apologetically.

The two old men understood the meaning of the old man's words after careful thought.

If the Taixuan Dao Sutra can only be practiced by the holy sons of the Heavenly Will Sect, then the Heavenly Will Sect is not there!Where did the disciple come from!There are no disciples!How to choose the Son!
"Okay, the seven of us, as the guardians of the inheritance of Tianyizong, have to make arrangements for the revival of Tianyizong in the future. Ye Feng is 15 years old, he is at the peak of the early stage of the Xuanyuan realm, and he has comprehended the prototype of the sword will. The blood of the ancient Yue family, these It is enough for us to gamble once, if the gamble is right, there is hope for the revival of Tianyizong, if the gamble is wrong, then "

Hearing this, the expressions of the other six people flashed with confusion, the fate of Tianyi Sect may be connected with Ye Feng today, and where will they go in the future!No one knows.

In other words, after Ye Feng came out of Martial Arts Pavilion, he went directly to his new residence.

In the evening, when Ye Feng came to his new residence, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

On a mountain peak, Ye Feng stared at the low thatched house in front of him, his bright eyes had become dull.

"Could it be that Xuantianzong's benefits are going back as you live?"

He remembered that when he was in the outer sect, he still had a courtyard to be alone at any rate, but now he has been promoted to an inner sect disciple, but he has to live in a thatched hut.

For a moment, Ye Feng wondered if his eyes were blurred.

However, when Ye Feng approached the hut, his eyes were fixed on the door. However, no matter how Ye Feng stared, the number 308 on the door would not change, and it was exactly the same as the house number given to him by the management office of the inner door affairs hall. Ye Feng could only grit his teeth and bear it. (The number 308 commemorates the dormitory where the author was studying.)
Pushing open the wooden door, a faint fragrance came, which shocked Ye Feng, it seemed!A sweet scent that only a girl's room can have.

However, when Ye Feng looked around the scene in the house, what caught his eye directly made Ye Feng dumbfounded.

In the entire room, five pots of unknown flowers and plants were planted. The inner walls of the house were completely decorated in pink, and wind horn bells were hung on the windows. When the breeze blew, the room resounded with the sound of bells colliding.

In the end, when Ye Feng looked at the bed, the corners of his mouth twitched. The green bedding was neatly arranged on the bed, and there were a few women's underwear thrown on the bed. This scene made Ye Feng confused.

"The cheating inner sect affairs management office, did you make a mistake?" Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Feng let out a painless groan.

Such a scene clearly indicated that it was a woman's residence, and she hadn't moved out yet.


At this moment, there was the sound of the door being pushed open behind the room, followed by the sound of lightly groaning footsteps, who were slowly walking in. Upon hearing this, Ye Feng turned around and looked back.

A girl with a beautiful figure appeared in front of her eyes. She was dressed in a green silk skirt, which added a bit of gorgeous color to the girl, and her waist was slender and smooth.

After Ye Feng turned his head, his four eyes met, and then a scream of more than eighty decibels sounded.

"Ah, you. You. Who are you? You. Why are you in my room?"

After finishing speaking, the girl's face was very frightened and angry, and her pretty cheeks were covered with frost. Since her boudoir was entered by a strange man, how could she not be angry.

"This, that..." Ye Feng opened his mouth, not knowing where to start.

Seeing Ye Feng's flustered expression, he hesitated and couldn't speak, the girl couldn't help shouting angrily: "What about this and that, hurry up, or I'll break your dog leg and throw it out!"

 Ye Feng and that beauty!

  Whether Ye Feng went to the wrong room or not, let's guess!
  In addition, today is Monday, the author is asking for recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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