One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 102 Misunderstanding

Chapter 102 Misunderstanding
"You should see for yourself!"

Ye Feng opened his mouth, and in the end he didn't say much, but took out the house number certificate issued to him by the inner door affairs management office.

As soon as Ye Feng took out the house number card, Murong Xin froze. She wanted to reprimand Ye Feng a few words, but the words got stuck in her throat.

Of course she is familiar with this house number card, because she has carried it for two years, and she still clearly remembers that she personally sent it back to the inner door affairs management office in the morning.

Last night, she broke through to the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm in cultivation. This morning, she took a bath in the house, threw the changed clothes directly on the bed, and then hurriedly went to the Elder Hall of the Inner Gate to verify the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, and successfully advanced to become Core disciples.

The welfare of the core disciples is different from that of the inner disciples. There are more than 500 inner disciples in Xuantianzong, but there are only 12 core disciples. The welfare of fewer people is of course good, so the places where the core disciples live are all big courtyards.

When Murong Xin became a core disciple, the first thing she did was to go to get the key to her new residence, so happy that she passed by the inner door affairs management office and returned the door card, thinking in her heart that she would be able to move in soon. Elsewhere, she can finally live in this hut.

However, because Murong Xin first went to find out about the new residence, and then met a few friends on the way back, she was delayed until very late.

The fact is that today's oolong incident is formed by these piecemeal coincidences.

Just as Ye Feng and Murong Xin were staring at each other with big eyes, suddenly there were several concerned questions from outside.

Outside the house, a refreshing male voice sounded, "Murongxin, what happened to you in the house? Are you okay?"

Immediately afterwards, a soft female voice sounded, "Xin'er, what's wrong with you in the room, what happened!"

Hearing the sound from outside the door, Ye Feng and Murong Xin's complexion changed drastically at the same time. They were alone in the same house at the same time. Once they were found out, I'm afraid that the two of them would become famous in Xuantianzong.

However, Ye Feng and Murong Xin did not answer in the room, which inevitably made people outside guess wildly.

A man suspiciously said: "You said, there must be an assassin who ran into Xuantianzong to assassinate Murong Xin!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he was scolded by the woman, "Liu Tian, ​​shut your crow's mouth."

After the woman finished speaking, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, and she couldn't help saying: "Anyway, it's better for us to go in and check."

inside the house.

Ye Feng and Murong Xin looked at the wooden door almost at the same time. At the same time, Murong Xin raised her hand and attacked the wooden door with a force, wrapping the wooden door lock and inserting it into the lock cylinder.

Seeing that the door was locked, Murong Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a threatening low voice, "You'd better stay here and keep quiet, I'll settle accounts with you later."

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned first, then nodded slightly, but he didn't speak.

After Murong Xin finished speaking, she walked softly to the door.

Soon, there was a knock on the wooden door from outside, and at the same time there was a gentle woman's probing voice: "Xin'er, did you hear that, if you don't answer, I'm going to open the door and go in."

"Don't!" Murong Xin replied subconsciously when she heard that she was going to open the door to come in. Once the door was opened, she and Ye Feng would be exposed to everyone. Although they had nothing to do with each other, there would always be Misleading.

"Sister Bing, I'm fine."

Hearing Murong Xin's voice, the woman outside subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but then said suspiciously: "It's really all right, why don't you open the door and let me go in and have a look!"

"This. This..." For a moment, Murong Xin realized that she didn't know what to say at this moment.

Standing in front of the house, Murong Xin rubbed her little head with both hands, and a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

"Sister Bing, I'm taking a shower, so it's inconvenient to open the door." Murong Xin leaned against the door and said in a low voice.

"Taking a bath, Xin'er, didn't you tell me in the afternoon that you took a shower in the morning! Why are you taking a shower again! And what happened to your yelling before?" The woman called Sister Bing outside the door listened She was taken aback for a moment, as if she couldn't figure out what Murong Xin was playing.

"Well, my body sweated in the afternoon, and it was sticky and uncomfortable, so I washed it again."

"When I was taking a shower just now, I saw a praying mantis crawling around in the room. Sister Bing, you know that I am most afraid of praying mantises, so I screamed excitedly for a moment, and now I'm fine."

After finishing speaking, Murong Xin herself admired herself a little, she was able to be quick-witted when panicked, it should be easy to fool Sister Bing now.

"That's fine, since you're fine, I'll go back, and come to me if you have anything to do." After the woman finished speaking, she greeted the others outside, and after that, the outside fell into peace.

In the house, Ye Feng sensed the sound of footsteps outside through concentration, and the sound gradually weakened. It seems that the people gathered outside the door should have left.

"Today's affairs are not allowed to be leaked at all."

At this moment, Murong Xin turned around and looked at Ye Feng with a hint of threat in her eyes.

"I see."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't help but drop her rating in his heart. Although she is beautiful and powerful, it seems that her heart is not as good as it used to be.

In a short period of time, Ye Feng threatened himself twice in a row, and Ye Feng no longer had the feeling of meeting him for the first time.

"Then this house." Looking at the house in front of him, Ye Feng is not sure who the house belongs to now, if it doesn't belong to him, then Ye Feng will just push the door and leave.

"The house is yours, but I didn't expect that you would move in after I went to the management office to return the house certificate this morning."

After Murong Xin finished speaking, a trace of embarrassment flashed in her bright eyes, then she looked at the things in the house, and then said: "You wait for a while, I will leave after packing up."

Hearing the words of the woman in front of him, Ye Feng could probably understand the whole story. In the whole incident, it was not Ye Feng who caused the embarrassing situation, but this woman named Murong Xin.

However, when it turned into a reality, it was this woman who stood up and overwhelmed Ye Feng, rebuked Ye Feng, and even threatened Ye Feng, causing all this, that is strength.

As Murong Xin, who is at the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, even if she realizes that she made a mistake, she will not bow down to Ye Feng, who is weaker than her, and admit it. It all stems from the confidence and self-esteem that strength brings to her.

"I'll go out for a walk, you can leave immediately after packing up." In order to break the embarrassing situation, Ye Feng got up and walked to the door, leaving Murong Xin standing alone in embarrassment in a daze.

inside the house.

"Am I going too far, this boy seems to have done nothing wrong from beginning to end!"

Murong Xin turned around and stared at Ye Feng's leaving back, lowered her head thoughtfully, it seemed that since she entered the room, she had never given Ye Feng a good look, and even threatened him with words.

However, now she discovered that all these mistakes were her own fault. If she hadn't returned the house card early, this oolong would not have happened.

Although she knew that she had done something wrong, as a core disciple, she couldn't bear to apologize to Ye Feng, so that the current situation happened.

Staring at Ye Feng's aloof back, Murong Xin's heart trembled inexplicably. She always felt that she did something wrong today, which made her restless.

 The last update on Monday, do what you say!
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(End of this chapter)

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