One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 128 The place of death

Chapter 128 The place of death
Xuantianzong, Inner Sect Elder Management Office.

"One month is enough for me to break through the middle stage of Xuanyuan Realm!"

Ye Feng stared at the dark golden metal gate in front of him, and saw the elder management hall inscribed on the horizontal plaque above, which was located in the inner gate, so it was also called the inner gate elder management office.

After gazing for a moment, Ye Feng stepped into the gate with his foot lifted. After entering, there was a wide space with eight thick stone pillars erected inside, engraved with mysterious patterns.

Compared with the lively scene in the mission hall, the elder management hall is deserted. At first glance, there are only a few people in the room, and they are all gathered on the high platform in front. There is an elder sitting on the desk with a pen in his hand. I am skillfully writing on the table.

When Ye Feng looked towards the high platform, there was a vertical sign standing there, with seven large characters written on it.

Sign up for special missions!
After seeing the sign, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and walked directly to the high platform. There was only one inner sect senior in front of the elder, and three other inner sect seniors were sitting on the long bench beside him.

Under Ye Feng's keen perception, these four people are all masters, and none of them is lower than the middle stage of the Xuanyuan Realm. Ye Feng even faintly feels that one person's cultivation is at the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, and he is afraid that he is at the top of the black list. man of.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"Take out your identity token and report your cultivation realm!"

Ye Feng raised his head in doubt. Unknowingly, the person in front had already completed the registration process and had already retreated to the side to sit down. Now it was his turn to go through the registration procedures.

"The peak of the early stage of the Xuanyuan Realm!" Ye Feng said, tearing off the identity badge hanging around his waist, and handing it to the thin old man in front of him, not daring to neglect him at all. The old man who can sit here is obviously the elder of the inner sect. Although the voice is cold and the temper may not be very good, Ye Feng can also understand, after all, there are many strong people with weird tempers.

As soon as Ye Feng finished speaking, the three people who had been sitting beside him with their eyes closed and meditating, opened their eyes and looked at Ye Feng at the same time. In their minds, this is another desperate newcomer who dared to participate in special tasks at the peak of the early stage of the Xuanyuan Realm. Although Luo Shuiyang also participated in special missions when he was at the peak of the early stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, he is a genius who is rare in a hundred years.

Feeling a few pairs of eyes falling on him from behind, Ye Feng turned his head to look in the direction. When he saw one of them, he couldn't help but be surprised that Wang Heng was also here.

However, at the moment Ye Feng was in a daze, his soul force captured a gloomy cold light falling on him, and after checking one by one, Ye Feng finally confirmed that this gloomy cold light came from the young man next to Wang Heng, and he was the only mysterious The later stage of the Yuan Realm.

"It doesn't matter who you are! You better not mess with me!"

Thinking of this, Ye Feng began to keep the young man's appearance in mind to prevent accidents in the future.

Suddenly, the elder who had been dealing with things with his head down raised his head, looked at Ye Feng with cloudy eyes, and asked, "You are Ye Feng!"

Ye Feng replied respectfully: "The disciple is right!"

After getting Ye Feng's answer, the elder stared at Ye Feng like a torch, and finally murmured a few words in a low voice, and nodded thoughtfully.

Being watched by the elder all the time, Ye Feng was puzzled and thought he had flowers growing on his face. Thinking of this, Ye Feng habitually touched his face with both hands, and touched it back and forth four or five times, but he didn't find anything on his face.

"Okay, now we have gathered five people, and we will set off immediately, all follow me." After the elder finished speaking, he took the lead and walked inside.

Hearing this, Ye Feng and the others put away their thoughts and began to walk behind the elder.

"Ye Feng, I didn't expect you to go to the land of death!"

The five people walked in a row, and Ye Feng was on the left. The person next to him was an inner disciple whom Ye Feng didn't know, but Wang Heng seemed to know him, and after a few words, the two switched positions.

Ye Feng said lightly: "You are not the same!"

Unexpectedly, Wang Heng shook his head, "No, I'm different from you. This is my second visit, and your first visit."

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded half-understanding.

Here, Wang Heng continued: "The first time I went, five people went, only one of me survived, and the others all died on the battlefield."

Ye Feng furrowed his brows deeply. Only one of the five survived. The probability of death is too high. Sure enough, on the road of practicing martial arts, no one can cultivate to the peak smoothly. On the road to the peak of martial arts, there are murderous opportunities everywhere. , dangers are everywhere, if you are not careful, you will end up dead.

Of course, a warrior can grow and progress rapidly only after experiencing countless crises and tribulations. The rules of the universe are constant, and the more dangerous the place, the more opportunities to obtain.

The danger factor of the land of death is so high. It stands to reason that if you have been there once and came back alive, then there is no need to take risks again, because next time, you cannot guarantee that you will come back alive.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said: "Since you have already been there once, why do you want to go this time?"

Hearing this, Wang Heng smiled self-deprecatingly, "For what! In order to obtain military merit, to obtain a higher military rank, to obtain a title, and to ensure that the status of the family is not weakened, I can only fight. Life."

Ye Feng was silent. From Wang Heng's voice, he could hear that he was helpless, but he was powerless to change. Perhaps it was true as he said, the meaning of his life was to fight for the destiny of his family.

Hearing this, Ye Feng also probably understood that Wang Heng's family should be a noble family of Hongyun Kingdom. However, it is not a hereditary title, and it is impossible to pass it on forever.

If you want the title to be passed on forever, you have to rely on the younger generations to work hard. If there is no one who inherits the title in the three generations, then the title of this family will be exploited by the royal family, and then all rights will be taken back. Once this is the case, this It won't be long before the family falls.

The Ye family where Ye Feng lives is very lucky, because Ye Feng's father is one of the three dukes of Hongyun Kingdom, and this duke title is hereditary, that is to say, as long as the Ye family always exists, then this duke title will never be It will disappear, unless the Hongyun Kingdom is destroyed, the title of the Ye family will exist in name only.

This is the fate of life. The ancestors of the Ye family made countless contributions when they founded the Hongyun Kingdom, so they were awarded the hereditary duke. As lucky as the Ye family are the Long family and the Ouyang family. The ancestors of these three families were once Follow the ancestors of the Yun family to conquer the sky of Hongyun Kingdom.

The ancestors of the Ye family and the Long family were both famous for their martial arts, and they made countless achievements with the founding king. After the establishment of Hongyun Kingdom, both were canonized as majestic generals.

However, Ouyang's family was born as a civil servant. The ancestor of Ouyang's family was a strategist at the time, and he had always been behind the account to make suggestions. After the establishment of Hongyun Kingdom, he was canonized as the first prime minister.

Ye Feng vaguely remembered these things when he was looking through ancient books at Ye's house, and up to now, these things can be clearly imprinted in his mind.

 Don't think the author is too wordy, some things must be introduced, otherwise you will not understand later!

  Besides, you can read the words I wrote in five hours at most in one minute. Don’t you have the patience for this?

(End of this chapter)

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