One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 129 Departure to the Frontier Battlefield

Chapter 129 Departure to the Frontier Battlefield
There was no words all the way, after following the elders all the way, Ye Feng and others appeared on a wide grassland.

This is where!

Looking at the lush forests all around, and the wide grassland in front of him, Ye Feng couldn't help but have a doubt, the elders' management office, if you walk behind, there is nothing wrong with it.

Not only Ye Feng was puzzled, but two other disciples also had doubts in their eyes. Obviously, like Ye Feng, it was their first time to accept a special mission and come here for the first time.

Compared with Ye Feng and the other two, Wang Heng and the other young man looked calm.

He seemed to know that Ye Feng and the others were coming here for the first time. The elder who had been leading the way suddenly stopped, turned his head and explained to Ye Feng and the others: "This is the place where the flying monsters of the sect are bred. I will bring you here. It is for you to take the flying monsters to the border battlefield, so that you can reach the southern border in only one day."

"one day."

Ye Feng opened his mouth wide in astonishment, but he didn't make a sound at all. As far as he knew, it took more than [-] miles from Xuantianzong to the southern border of Hongyun Kingdom. Such a long journey can be reached in only one day. , Could it be that this flying monster travels [-] miles a day!
The fastest horse in Hongyun Kingdom, the black-eyed brown horse, is produced in the dark prairie. It has the blood of a monster in its body and can travel five thousand miles a day. ten days.

For some reason, after the elder finished speaking, Ye Feng's mind appeared in Ye Feng's mind during the inner door assessment. At that time, the huge iron-backed bird sculpture appeared at that time. At that time, the assessment elder said that it was a flying monster raised in the sect. That flying monster.

Not only Ye Feng was surprised, but the others were also the same, all showing expressions of astonishment, traveling [-] miles a day, what a terrifying number.

Perhaps, only if Wang Heng has ridden it before will there be no surprises.

At this moment, a sharp bird's song came from the depths of the surrounding void. The bird's song was short and high, and a force that belonged exclusively to the king of flying monsters came faintly.

Ye Feng followed the prestige and looked surprised.

In the endless void, a giant bird swooped in. This giant bird had a majestic physique, its wings were five or six meters wide, and it was covered with dark black feathers, which shone like metal in the sun. A pair of The claws are afraid that they can easily crush a hill, and they are bent like iron claws.

At this time, the thin elder introduced aloud: "This is the flying monster raised by our Xuantian Sect ~ the iron back carving!"

"Iron Back Sculpture!"

This is the second time Ye Feng saw the iron back carving. The first time was at the inner door examination place. At that time, Ye Feng personally felt the arrogance coming from the iron back carving. When he saw the iron back carving again, it was still the same Stand proudly.

The iron-backed eagle flies [-] miles a day. It comes and goes like lightning, and is ten times faster than the black-eyed brown horse. It is best used for traveling, but it is very difficult to catch. Don't look at it as a fifth-level monster. It is equivalent to a warrior in the mid-stage of the Chenling Realm, but a warrior in the late stage of the Chenling Realm may not be able to catch up to it, and even if it is successfully captured, it is extremely difficult to domesticate it, almost impossible.

Ye Feng was very puzzled, since Xuantianzong had the ability to tame iron back carvings, at the same time, he was also curious about how many iron back carvings Xuantianzong had, probably not more than ten!You must know that the iron back carving is not only a flying tool, but also a high-altitude killer. Almost every iron back carving has the mid-stage strength of the Chenling Realm, which is also a great foundation of the sect.

The strong wind was blowing back, and the black shadow in the sky was getting closer and closer. When it was approaching, Ye Feng and others discovered that there was a young man standing tall and tall on the iron back sculpture. He was dressed in a plain robe and had a stern face. breath.

Soon, the iron-backed eagle let out a sharp hiss, and then slowly landed on the grass, and the airflow generated by the flapping of its wings swept wildly towards the surroundings.

After the iron-backed eagle came to a complete stop, the young man on the eagle's back leaned slightly, bowed respectfully to the old man below, and said, "Third Elder, this disciple is going to Yinming Kingdom this time, so I will lead the team this time."

Seeing the young man on the eagle's back, the thin old man was stunned for a moment, then the coldness faded from his face, "Jiang Shuying! So it's you kid, I'm relieved to have you leading the team."

After finishing speaking, the third elder turned his head to look at Ye Feng and the other five, and said, "This man is ranked second among the four true disciples of the sect. You can call him Senior Brother Jiang, or Second Senior Brother."

Hearing this, the eyes of Ye Feng and the other five people were shocked, and then they respectfully said in unison: "Hello Senior Brother Jiang!"

After Ye Feng finished speaking, he looked at the young man, revealing a trace of solemnity. This man was like a pool of water, but it was bottomless. Ye Feng could not find any useful information on this man.

True disciple!

Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved, I am afraid that this person's strength is comparable to that of ordinary elders.

"Okay, there is no need to be too polite, all juniors come up by themselves."

The man named Jiang Shuying waved his hands casually, and then said to Ye Feng and the others. Although his voice was cold, it didn't seem to be intentional, but it seemed to be naturally cold.

Hearing this, Ye Feng and others tapped the ground one by one, and jumped onto the broad and flat back of the iron back sculpture.

Just after Ye Feng and others went up, the third elder on the ground reminded: "You are going to the southern border army to practice, don't miss the inner sect ranking competition in a month's time."

Wang Heng laughed and replied, "Don't worry! Elder."

Ye Feng and the others nodded in unison.

"Okay, Jiang boy, you can go."

Jiang Shuying stood in front of the eagle back, nodded, and patted the iron back eagle's neck. Then, as if the iron back eagle had received the order, it vibrated its wings and slowly lifted off.

When the Iron Back Eagle was slowly lifted into the air, Ye Feng and the others swayed slightly. It was because they did not grasp the center of gravity for a while, so they swayed their bodies. In addition, it was the first time for Ye Feng and the others to ride a flying monster, which was a bit uncomfortable. Adapting is normal.

When the iron back sculpture was several hundred meters into the air, Jiang Shuying, who had been standing in front of him, reminded: "Everyone stabilize your body, the iron back sculpture will accelerate soon, and the iron back sculpture is very fast."

Wang Heng warned: "Be careful, the speed of this iron back carving is unbelievably fast. The first time I rode it, I almost fell from the air."

Hearing this, Ye Feng and the other two disciples didn't dare to be careless, and slowly moved their profound energy secretly.

On the contrary, the young man in the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm looked at Ye Feng and the others who were serious, his eyes flashed with disdain, as if he despised Ye Feng and the others for taking this seriously, but he didn't know that it was the first time he Just ride.

wow wow wow...

The iron-backed eagle flapped its wings fiercely a few times, and its huge body shot into the sky like sharp arrows. The wings were retracted behind the back to reduce resistance. The speed close to the speed of sound is really unimaginable, just like sitting on a rocket. The oncoming air is no different than a knife, cutting skin.

Roots took root under Ye Feng's feet, and the mysterious energy on his body shone brightly to block the airflow that scraped his face like a knife.

As for Wang Heng, he has long been a veteran driver, and he is already familiar with it the second time.

The other two disciples were prepared in advance, so when they encountered strong air currents, they recovered immediately after being embarrassed for a while.


Hearing the terrified shouts, Ye Feng and others looked over, only to see that the man in the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm was out of balance, and his whole body was about to be swept away by the strong wind.

At the critical moment, Jiang Shuying's figure flashed, and then grabbed the man who was almost swept away by the strong wind.

"Operate the profound energy to resist the airflow." After standing still, Jiang Shuying returned directly to the front of the eagle's back after saying this, leaving only the disciple with a flushed face, and this disciple was actually the top ten inner sect disciples Fifth, Long Yuyang.

It stands to reason that even in the early stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, facing the violent wind, he could resist it. However, Long Yuyang felt that his strength was the highest among the five, and he didn't take it seriously, so he didn't do anything to resist the wind, which led to the embarrassment just now. appearance.

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(End of this chapter)

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