One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 144 Return to the barracks!

Chapter 144 Return to the Barracks!
Walking to Ye Feng's side, Yu Long cupped his fists and respectfully said: "Ye Feng, thank you for helping me out of my difficulties several times before. I, Yu Long, will always remember this kind of kindness in my heart."

You know, in the previous battles, Ye Feng rescued him again and again, and Yu Long would remember it in his heart. It can be said that if Ye Feng hadn't been there, perhaps at this moment, Yu Long would have already become one of the many corpses on the battlefield.

Ye Feng waved his hand slightly, and said with a wry smile: "General Yu, you are serious!"

At the same time, Ye Feng also sensed reverent gazes from the surroundings. These people, like Ye Feng, have fought all the way up to now, and each of them has no fewer than dozens of lives, which can be seen from the dark red armor.


Suddenly, Ye Feng frowned, and his eyes were fixed. According to his keen perception of soul power, there was a cold light staring at him not far behind him, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, but it was very hidden. In an instant, this feeling disappeared immediately.

"It's him." Although the feeling disappeared when he turned his head, a figure behind him fell into his eyes, that is another leader who survived the battle, Baihu Mountain's inner disciple 'Gu Yangtian' .

"Gu Yangtian, don't let me find a chance, otherwise"

Looking at Gu Yangtian, Ye Feng turned his head back, but at the moment of turning his head, a sharp light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and then disappeared.

Baihu Mountain has always been a thorn in his heart. If he hadn't taken into account the laws of the Hongyun Kingdom's military and could not attack soldiers from the same camp privately, Ye Feng might have been unable to bear it long ago and cut Gu Yangtian straight away. kill.

It's not that Ye Feng is arrogant. In his storage ring, he has collected twelve gold badges of the enemy army, which means that all twelve commanders of the enemy army died under Ye Feng's hands. A person is comparable to Gu Yangtian's strength, but he is no match for Ye Feng.

In addition to Gu Yangtian casting a cold light behind his back, Ye Feng also found a gaze falling on him. This person did not hide it, but stared at Ye Feng nakedly, his eyes were full of jealousy, and this person was from Xuantianzong Long Yuyang from the inner sect.

Ye Feng can also understand that the five people who joined the army this time are said to be the strongest, and the one with the highest status should be him, Long Yuyang. Talk more, because he knows that his strength is higher than his junior brother Wang Heng.

However, now there is another junior brother, Ye Feng, who completely shatters his illusions. He is jealous that Ye Feng's talent is higher than him, so the inner sect's challenge scene is completely arranged by him. However, the challenge scene has not caused Ye Feng's reputation to drop , On the contrary, his fame has risen, which is completely beyond his expectations.

At this time, many soldiers shouted around.

"The enemy is coming!"

Yu Long raised his gun and walked to the middle of the front row, encouraging him: "Everyone is holding on, our mission is only half an hour away from completion, and when the time comes, reinforcements will come to support us."

Hearing this, many soldiers around were extremely excited and their fighting spirit was high.

"What! There are reinforcements, we have not been abandoned!"

"Hold on, we must wait until reinforcements arrive, victory must belong to us!"

"Victory is ours!"

Ye Feng looked at everything around him indifferently. The many soldiers who were full of fighting spirit seemed to be greatly encouraged in their hearts. They faded away from their lifeless appearance one by one, and regained their youthful fighting spirit. There is no doubt that Yu Long is very good as a general.



No need to say too much, as soon as the troops of the two sides collided, a bloody fight immediately started. Perhaps the troops of the Hongyun Kingdom were strongly encouraged.

Where there is war, there will be life and death. For the first collision attack, dozens of people will be instantly killed.

When Ye Feng started the battle, he rushed into the battlefield in an instant. The strange thing was that most of the officers of the enemy army flew back immediately when they saw Ye Feng slaying him, not daring to let Ye Feng get close at all.

Ye Feng has been turned into a ghost ghost by them. They all know that Ye Feng is not a high-level man, but he is very powerful, and he specializes in hunting down their officers and personnel. Under the careful attention, they all know that at least 200 officers died in the In Ye Feng's hands.

"." Seeing such a situation, Ye Feng had an innocent expression on his face, and thought to himself, he was just beheading some officers, so it is necessary to be afraid of him being like this!
If Ye Feng's words were heard by the officers of the Yinming Kingdom, they would definitely be furious. There are more than 200 officers, and they are just a few. You should kill ordinary soldiers. You know, even those in the Chenling realm like Yu Long The number of warriors who have been beheaded so far is only a few hundred, and most of them are ordinary soldiers, unlike Ye Feng, who specifically picks on enemy officers.

"Ye Feng, let's see where you are going."

At the same time as the voice sounded, Hu Su broke the empty body from the air, and a fuzzy black shadow attacked like lightning. At the same time, a translucent demon tiger appeared in the air, with its mouth wide open and a deafening roar.

"Knife Qi Consolidation!" Ye Feng's gaze paused, his footsteps moved lightly, and his figure appeared on the other side in a blink of an eye.

Bang bang bang!
At the same time, the tiger-shaped monster formed in the air hit Ye Feng's original position in the blink of an eye, and saw a three-foot-sized boulder under Ye Feng's previous position, bursting into countless small stones, and the energy generated strong fluctuations , in the air like ripples on the surface of a lake, rippling out continuous ripples.

"This is the supernatural power 'Consolidation of Mysterious Qi' of a martial artist in the Chenling Realm, and it is truly extraordinary!"

Looking at the shattered boulder, Ye Feng's eyes flashed with a fiery look, the profound energy of the Chenling Realm condensed into supernatural powers, this is the most important symbol of a warrior in the Chenling Realm.

Condensation of profound energy is to condense the profound energy in the body into various forms, which can burst out with great power, can be condensed, in the form of weapons, monsters, plants, and even condensed into the form of heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, mountains and rivers Wait for the natural scene, but the degree of difficulty is extremely high.

"Chen Lingjing, I think as long as you are strong, you can kill like a dog!"

Looking at Jin Yuanwu who attacked him again, Ye Feng's heart was filled with unexplainable anger. He really thought that he could not be pinched by a clay figurine, not to mention that even a clay figurine is also full of anger.

"Hmph, since that's the case, then don't keep hiding."

After finishing speaking, Jin Yuanwu urged his movements again, the big saber in Ye Feng's hand was already shining brightly like lightning, and a knife as thick as a wooden barrel flashed out, rushing towards Ye Feng.

Ye Fengsen said coldly: "Since you are here, you don't even want to go back alive!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng's body gushed out strong profound energy fluctuations, and a faint coercion slowly spread to the surrounding battlefield. Within 50 meters of Ye Feng's radius, countless bright white sword shadows flickered in the void, shuttled and surged repeatedly.

"The first form, the universe pierces the sun!~"

A sharp sword light swung out from the sword body in Ye Feng's hand, and shot towards Jin Yuanwu who was rushing towards him. The whole body of the sword light glowed golden, and there was an invisible layer of sword intent covering the surface of the sword light.

"Just posturing." Jin Yuanwu's eyes flashed with disdain. In his heart, he had already determined that Ye Feng would not be his opponent, otherwise he would not have been running away before. As for not being able to catch up with Ye Feng, he could only attribute it to Ye Feng's cultivation. Advanced physical skills.

(End of this chapter)

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