One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 145 Return to the barracks!

Chapter 145 Return to the Barracks!
"What's going on! Where is the coercion!"

"This coercion is irresistible at all, and this coercion contains the sharpness of the sword, could it be"

"Look, how come there are so many phantoms of sword light in the sky!"

The coercion emanating from Ye Feng's body was felt first by the soldiers around Ye Feng. After feeling this coercion, they stopped fighting hesitantly, and looked at the countless sword shadows flying through the air in shock.

At the same time, the Prince Wang, who was leading the army on the other side, was keenly aware of the strange fluctuations in the air, and looked at Ye Feng for an instant. When he saw Ye Feng's golden light and sword shadow rushing towards his junior brother Jin Yuanwu, his expression changed , especially when he found out that his junior was still foolishly rushing over blindly, his body couldn't help exuding a strong evil spirit.

Blowing away the surrounding soldiers with a casual punch, Wang Gongzi looked in Ye Feng's direction, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Junior Brother Jin, get out of the way!"

Here, the corner of Ye Feng's mouth curled up into a sly smile, and he put a third-level Huixuan pill into his mouth to restore the empty Xuanhai in his body.At the same time, I thought to myself, if I want to hide now, can I still come in a hurry?This stance of "Heaven and Earth Piercing the Sun" was Ye Feng's first time to try an enemy. It was just this simple move that drained [-]% of the profound energy in Ye Feng's body. From this, it can be seen how abnormal the advanced martial arts of the mysterious level are, without strong profound energy, Don't dare to use it at will.


At this time, Jin Yuanwu was completely confused, looked at his senior brother suspiciously, and secretly thought in his heart, after all, he is also a dignified warrior of the Chenling realm, if even Ye Feng, a warrior of the Xuanyuan realm, dare not fight against it, then it will be spread that Jin Yuanwu is still so messed up go down.


Jin Yuanwu's eyes widened, and he looked at his chest in disbelief. There was a fist-sized wound, and the blood in his body was continuously spraying out. Moreover, this wound was different from ordinary wounds. It was running profound energy to block the blood vessels. , but completely ineffective, it seems that there is a mysterious force in the wound that prevents the wound from recovering.

"How could I. I. How could it be." Jin Yuanwu looked blank and murmured intermittently.

However, before Jin Yuanwu could finish speaking, he fell from mid-air and hit the ground with a dull sound.


A dark golden streamer flew out from the corpse on the ground, flew towards Ye Feng's direction, and finally fell into Ye Feng's palm. This was a dark gold badge for the rank of major general.

"God, what did I see, since this person killed our general."

"The ghost death god can kill even the generals in the Chenling realm, who is he?"

"Run away, and we will die when we are stared at by him."

A low voice sounded on the battlefield around Ye Feng, and then many enemy officers retreated silently.

If it is said that Ye Feng's beheading of Jin Yuanwu had a deterrent effect on the enemy, then many soldiers of Hongyun Kingdom were greatly encouraged, and their fighting spirit was aroused one by one, making the soldiers of Yinming Kingdom who were fighting against Hongyun Kingdom , I feel withdrawn.

"Ye Feng, great!"

"Ye Feng, I'm afraid that with my strength, it will be difficult for me to catch up with you in this life."

Yu Long and Wang Heng gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, but they kept suppressing their shocked hearts.

Xuan Yuan Realm kills Chen Ling Realm?It can be done.

And after Ye Feng killed Jin Yuanwu, Gu Yangtian, who was fighting against the enemy commander in another place, his complexion changed slightly, his eyes were full of fear, all the killing intent towards Ye Feng in his heart was restrained, and he didn't dare to show it in the slightest .

But Long Yuyang fell silent, fighting against the enemy mechanically like a wooden man.

Ye Feng looked around, nodded to Yu Long, Wang Heng and others, dropped the dark gold badge in his hand, and put it into the storage ring.

At this moment, a young man walked out of the enemy phalanx, looked at Ye Feng, and said coldly: "Ye Feng, you are so bold, since you dare to kill my disciple of the evil king sect."

"Why didn't the evil king sect dare to kill him!"

Ye Feng was taken aback when he heard about the Xie Wang clan, why is he a member of the Xie Wang clan again!However, in Hongyun Kingdom, Ye Feng doesn't care about the power of the Xiewangzong at all. It doesn't matter if your Xiewangzong is powerful, but it's just domineering in the Yinming Kingdom. How dare you attack Hongyun Kingdom on a large scale!


The Prince was dumbfounded, yes, Ye Feng killed his younger brother, the true disciple of the Evil King Sect, but so what, he, Ye Feng, is not from the Yinming Kingdom, and he doesn't care about the power of the Evil King Sect. The battlefield is originally a place where you fight to the death.

Staring at Ye Feng, the prince said sternly: "Ye Feng, don't think that you can be invincible in the world if you practice the ghost. You must know that Chen Xie, the true disciple of your Xuanyuanzong, also cultivates the ghost. Two years ago, he was defeated by my senior brother Xie Yuanzi."

After the prince finished speaking, his eyes fell on Ye Feng's face, carefully observing Ye Feng's expression, as if he wanted to find a look of fear or fear on Ye Feng's face.

However, to his disappointment, Ye Feng only showed a hint of doubt on his face after listening to it, and his whole expression remained unchanged afterwards.

"So what! You have said so much, let me make sure of one thing."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng looked at Prince Wang with a faint smile. Although Ye Feng was surprised, how did the other party know that he was cultivating Nether Shadow Absolute Step, but he was relieved when he heard it later. Youying Juebu is still the big disciple of true biography Chen Xie, and this is the second person Ye Feng heard about Chen Xie from the second person.

Ye Feng's strange performance made the prince puzzled. Hearing Ye Feng's words, he asked without hesitation: "What are you sure about?"

"I'm very sure, that is, you are very afraid of the Shadow's Unstoppable Movement. If my guess is correct, it is that you are not sure about cracking my movement, that's why you talk so much." After finishing speaking, Ye Feng tapped the ground lightly with his toes, lifted up the shadow and rushed into the enemy group again with a flickering figure.


"Ghost Reaper is coming again, run away."

"How to escape, the god of death is too fast, and it is strange and invisible, and it is impossible to guess where he is."




Bang bang bang.
In the blink of an eye, dozens of enemy officers on the battlefield stared blankly at their chests, and then their eyes became loose, and their bodies fell backwards. If you look carefully, every fallen person has a small wound on his chest. The sword mark is so small that it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

There were screams from nearby, the prince didn't care at all, he looked at the figure shuttled on the battlefield, and said coldly: "What a Ye Feng."

The big commotion caused by Ye Feng has long been discovered by the other seven major generals, and they all listened to the conversation between Ye Feng and the prince.

The seven major generals are now all over the battlefield, their eyes fell on the prince who was completely silent, and then their eyes fell on Ye Feng who kept shuttling on the battlefield. Every time Ye Feng disappeared, an officer fell sadly, everyone's face was livid one slice.

On the battlefield, the other seven major generals of Yinming Kingdom exchanged glances with each other, and then all nodded to each other.

Suddenly, majestic voices resounded all around the entire battlefield.

"The entire army of the Yinming Kingdom, listen to our orders, the entire army retreats, maintain a good formation and retreat."

The seven major generals of the Yinming Kingdom army gave the order to retreat at the same time, and the entire battlefield was in chaos for a while.

PS: The military experience will end as soon as possible, I hope everyone will be patient!Book friends who have recommended tickets can click to vote, click to earn bookshelf, and can watch at any time!
 The author asks for all kinds! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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