One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 154 Armistice!

Chapter 154 Armistice! (Second update!)

The sound of regular drums, together with the piercing sound of horns, resounded throughout the vast battlefield. The continuous sound lasted for a long time in the void, and then gradually fell low and disappeared.



After hearing the sound, the generals of Hongyun Kingdom and Yinming Kingdom gave the order to retreat almost at the same time.

On the battlefield, the soldiers who had already been fighting in chaos, almost after the order was given, one after another, like the tide receding, quickly separated and retreated to their respective camps in an orderly manner.

Ye Feng is no exception. Although he is not under the jurisdiction of the generals of the army, he must obey the retreat signal from the sound of the war drum. This retreat signal came from the rear of the army, and it may be an order from the commander-in-chief of the Zhennan Army .

On the other hand, the old devil in the mid-stage of the Chenling Realm of the enemy army looked at Ye Feng with a cold murderous intent, but the sound of the retreat horn from the troops made him reluctantly choose to retreat to the camp. He felt deeply regretful that he failed to kill Ye Feng this time. In the future, whether he can still kill Ye Feng is unknown.

"Ye Feng, let's go, it seems that another major event is about to happen." The general of the brigade team greeted Ye Feng with a smile.

Ye Feng, from Xuantian Sect, with a cultivation base in the middle stage of Xuanyuan Realm, and the rank of major general, killed an enemy major general in the early stage of Chenling Realm. This news has long been spread in the Zhennan Army, and most people are skeptical of this news. .

However, this General Huang did not dare to underestimate Ye Feng. He still remembered that just three days ago, Ye Feng beheaded an enemy major general in front of him. At that time, his first feeling was that he was dreaming, but he could not wake up from this dream. Now, he can only suppress the shock in his heart to accept this fact.

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded, and followed the team to maintain their formation and return to the camp.

in the afternoon.

When Ye Feng returned to his new residence, he was still arranged in the camp of the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army, but in a different location and a large tent.

After more than 20 days, the 9th Brigade of the Chinese Army has already been full again, but most of them are new faces. Very few people can really survive the battle of Huihundao.

inside the tent.

"Since it's the Evil Spirit Sect." Ye Feng sat on the table and frowned.

The evil spirit sect is at the level of a five-star sect. Ye Feng knows this. In the entire continent, there may be as many forces as six-star sects. However, the forces of five-star sects are rare, extremely rare.

The most direct reason is that in order to reach the level of a five-star sect, there must be a strong emperor in this sect. For this reason, there are so few five-star sects in the entire continent that most people can remember five-star sects. The power of the sect.

The Evil Spirit Sect is the existence of the peak five-star sect. It has always been entrenched in the eastern region of Dongzhou. It is a dominant force. However, such a force was owned by the entire eastern region of Dongzhou 20 years ago. The forces unite, and even unite with other superpowers in Dongzhou to wipe out the entire evil spirit sect force, leaving only some subsidiary forces hidden and disappearing.

When he returned to the barracks, Ye Feng had already received the news. It is said that the remnants of the evil spirit sect have resurfaced everywhere in the entire Gufeng area. Now Hongyun country has also emerged, and the remnants of the evil spirit sect have also appeared in the Yinming country.

For a while, both Hongyun Kingdom and Yinming Kingdom were very interested in Mingjin and retreated, and they all began to eliminate internal troubles.

"I didn't expect that the entire Jingyun Sect was wiped out, not one remained, including the two previous sects. I didn't expect that the murderer was the remnant of the Evil Spirit Sect."

Now, Ye Feng finally understands why both countries retreated at the same time. They must be busy dealing with the remnants of the Evil Spirit Sect. After all, when the Evil Spirit Sect was destroyed, all the forces in Hongyun Kingdom participated, although they were only minor players.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the pinnacle five-star sect. Although it was destroyed, many of the former subordinate forces survived. One subordinate force, Heart Eater Palace, put all the forces in Hongyun Kingdom on alert." Ye Feng lowered his head and sighed.

Perhaps, to the Evil Spirit Sect, the Heart Devouring Palace is just the weakest of the many affiliated forces, but the existence of these weakest forces still makes the entire Hongyun Kingdom fear its existence.

"It seems that the training of the army can only end here. It is time to prepare to return to the sect and welcome the arrival of the inner sect ranking competition."

Now that the Hongyun Kingdom and the Yinming Kingdom have stopped fighting, it will definitely last for a while. During this period of time, the armies of the two countries are busy with internal troubles, so there will be basically no war.

"Ye Feng, I've made a breakthrough." At this moment, Wang Heng's happy shout came from outside the tent, and the voice came first before anyone arrived.

Hearing that, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth. He broke through after half a day of retreat, but it took Wang Heng nearly a month.

After a while, the curtain at the entrance of the tent was lifted, and a figure walked in. His body was covered with dust, and it looked like he hadn't changed his clothes for a long time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, the rank of major general is cool. Living in such a big tent, the space is almost twice as large as mine." As soon as he stepped into the tent, Wang Heng's eyes fell on the surroundings and began to look around.

Ye Feng waved his hand slightly and said: "Okay, you will care about this kind of material enjoyment. I haven't said congratulations to you. You have officially broken through and become a master in the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm."

When he came to the table, Wang Heng sat down alone, picked up a glass of water and drank it with his head up. He pondered: "Now I feel that my overall strength is more than [-]% stronger than before. This year, I have the confidence to squeeze into the inner door ranking competition." in the top ten."

"That's pretty cool."

"Well, I plan to practice more on the battlefield to stabilize my strength. By the way, when will there be combat missions." After Wang Heng finished speaking, he looked at Ye Feng and waited for an answer.

Ye Feng glanced at Wang Heng strangely, and Wang Heng looked straight at him with tremors, trembling, "What are you looking at?"

Ye Feng looked suspicious, "Did you come to me just after you left the customs?"

Wang Heng replied bluntly: "That's right, I didn't even take a shower or change my clothes, so I came here directly."

"No wonder!" Ye Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Seeing Ye Feng's expression, Wang Heng fixed his eyes and asked, "Did something happen in the army?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded.

Next, Ye Feng told Wang Heng all the news he had just found out. As for the news about Dongwang, Ye Feng didn't tell Wang Heng because he couldn't explain the source of the news.

After listening to Ye Feng's narration, Wang Heng sighed: "I really didn't expect that so many things happened after I retreated for twenty days."

"I didn't expect you, Ye Feng, to have made a breakthrough. I think it won't be too difficult for you to deal with martial artists in the Chenling realm." Wang Heng looked at Ye Feng with complicated eyes. He saw Ye Feng's growth from the outer door. In the bottom of his eyes, in just a few months, Ye Feng actually made breakthroughs one after another, reaching the middle stage of Xuanyuan Realm.

"Let's not talk about this, Senior Brother Wang Heng, since there is no war in the army, I think we should go back to the sect. There are five days left for the inner sect ranking competition, so we can't miss it." Ye Feng did not answer the question directly, but It's a clever way to change the subject.

"That's right, it's time to go back to the sect, but before I go back, I have to take a shower, and I'll take a shower with you." After speaking, Wang Heng got up and walked directly to the shower cubicle.

The large wooden barrel has already been filled with water, but it is cold water, and it is very simple to get hot water, just use profound energy to stimulate it.

(End of this chapter)

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