One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 155 Chapter Zong!

Chapter 155 Returning to the sect! (The third watch is here!)
Zhennan Army, the camp of the Chinese Army Commander-in-Chief.

"Hehe, the Marshal has already guessed that the two of you are going to apply to return to the sect, but before that, Ye Feng, the Marshal wants to see you." Outside the camp, Wen Chong, dressed in military uniform, looked at him with deep eyes. two people.

"see me!"

Ye Feng looked puzzled, the Marshal of the Zhennan Army who commanded 80 people, since he wants to see him now, let’s not say that Ye Feng doesn’t know who the Marshal is at all, in one, he is a non-staff officer who is not an internal staff member of the Zhennan Army, a dignified Marshal It stands to reason, should not meet him.

"Yes, the Marshal is in the tent." General Wen looked at Ye Feng with a smile. He couldn't see through this young man.

"Ye Feng, you go, I'll wait for you here."

Although Wang Heng was suspicious that the marshal would meet Ye Feng in person, he was sensible and did not ask.

Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded.

Ye Feng looked up at the curtain door of the tent in front of him, stepped forward and opened the curtain, and stepped in alone.

When I came to the commander's tent again, it was still empty inside, but Ye Feng's eyes fell on the dozens of teacups on the tables and chairs on both sides. Explain that there were a lot of people here before, maybe there was a meeting before, and now they have left the venue not long ago.

However, just when Ye Feng was distracted, a majestic word came from the first high platform in the tent.

"You are Ye Lingfeng's son Ye Feng, and also a disciple of Xuantianzong Ye Feng!"

Following the sound, Ye Feng moved his eyes to the first seat, and a middle-aged man in a golden dragon robe came into view. When he saw the face of this person, Ye Feng was shocked, how could it be Uncle Yun?
Isn't Uncle Yun in Juhu City?
However, after Ye Feng observed carefully later, he found that there was still a difference between this person and Uncle Yun. Uncle Yun's personality was gentle and talkative, and he often had a smile on his face. Similarly, this person's face is too strict and solemn.

Moreover, what surprised Ye Feng the most was that this person was wearing a yellow dragon robe. Although it was not a nine-claw dragon robe, it was not something ordinary people could wear. But if this person wore it, it meant that this person was King Hongyun Room people.

"That's right, Ye Lingfeng is my father, and Xuantianzong is my sect." Ye Feng turned around, bowed slightly to the first figure, and paid respects.

"Could it be that Uncle Yun is also a member of the royal family!"

Ye Feng thought to himself, to know that this person and Uncle Yun's appearance are exactly like those drawn out of a mold.

"Ye Feng, do you think this handsome looks the same as your Uncle Yun?" Seeing Ye Feng's suspicious gaze, Nan Fenghou reminded him aloud.

"That's right, it's exactly the same!" Ye Feng nodded.

"That's because your Uncle Yun is my younger brother, and I am his elder brother Nan Fenghou, so, according to seniority, you have to call me uncle." When Yun Jingfeng said about his younger brother, he added a little smile to his face.

"Uh, my nephew has met Uncle." Hearing Yun Jingfeng's words.Ye Feng still can't hear the meaning of Marshal, just playing the family card.

"Good! Good!" Yun Jingfeng nodded in satisfaction, his expression was no longer so serious.

"I guessed that you would apply to return to the sect today, and your Xuantian sect inner sect ranking competition is about to start, so you should go back in advance to prepare."

Looking at Ye Feng, Yun Jingfeng sighed secretly, another evildoer was about to be born, when Ye Feng and others completed the soul-returning battle, he discovered Ye Feng's existence, and Ye Feng's growth in the past month, he also sideways Learn a lot.

What surprised Nan Fenghou the most was that Ye Feng was able to kill a martial artist in the Chenling realm at the Xuanyuan realm, which had never happened in Hongyun Kingdom since the founding of the country.

Perhaps, there are not many such people in the vast world outside, but they just don't know it.

Next, Marquis Nanfeng talked with Ye Feng for half an hour, mostly around inquiring about Ye Feng's cultivation, and occasionally asked about Ye Feng's childhood, especially about Yun Xueer. Although Ye Feng was strange, he told all of them. Yun Jingfeng, after all, this is Yun Xueer's uncle.

I don't know if he had an illusion, but Ye Feng found that Yun Jingfeng's words had been trying to test him, to test his attitude towards Yun Xueer, which made Ye Feng feel terrified, and he was always cautious in answering questions.

I have been testing Ye Feng, but I can't get the main information.Yun Jingfeng also waved his hand and said: "Okay, you go down, maybe we will meet again in the future."

"Subordinates retire!"

This time, he performed military etiquette respectfully, then turned around and walked out the door with his head bowed.

When they came outside the camp, Wang Heng and General Wen still stayed where they were, apparently waiting for him to come out.

"Come out, let's go, take you back." General Wen looked at Ye Feng with a smile, then turned and took the lead.

Ye Feng and Wang Heng looked at each other and followed General Wen's footsteps at the same time.

Special missions are usually escorted by the strong in the sect, but they are escorted by the army when they go back. These should be the consensus reached by the major forces of Hongyun Kingdom and the Zhennan Army.

However, the escort is not free. Escorting by the army back to the sect requires 10 combat merit points. If there is no combat merit point, you need to pay 100 taels of gold, or the equivalent of [-] low-grade spirit stones.

Zhennan army troops also have flying monsters. As for how many they have, that is a secret. To ride the flying monsters, they must go outside the camp and take the flying monsters from there.

On the way to the outside of the camp, after Ye Feng greeted General Wen after passing by the Military Supplies Office, he went into the Military Supplies Office alone, found a staff member, and collected all the harvest of the last 20 days. This time, Ye Feng did not need to be promoted Military rank, so there is no need to go to the Supervision Hall, it can also be done at the Military Supplies Department.

In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of badges of various levels, including the badges of two major generals of the enemy army, were exchanged for a total of 124400 military exploit points this time.

After hearing this data, Ye Feng couldn't help but slapped his tongue and didn't think too much about it. He exchanged all the integers and replaced them with spirit stones and put them in the storage ring. After that, he went out to meet up and rushed out of the camp.

After a while, Ye Feng and others appeared on a wide grassland, surrounded by low terrain, only a rolling mountain peak in the south.

call out!
The whistle containing the profound energy in the body was blown.


A piercing cry sounded, and a huge black shadow quickly flew up from the mountain not far away, appearing in front of Ye Feng and the other three in the blink of an eye.

Heiying is a huge bird with a dark body and a small tuft of fiery red hair on its neck. It is five meters long and its wings are eight or nine meters wide.

Wang Heng's gaze didn't change, he was no stranger to this flying monster, he had ridden it once before.

Then, for Ye Feng, this was the first time he saw a five-level flying monster other than the iron back carving. It gave Ye Feng the first feeling that this flying monster was much larger than the iron back carving. The breath is about the same.

"This is the fifth-level monster Lihuoying. It is comparable to the iron-backed carving of your Xuantianzong." After General Wen finished speaking, he flew up and landed on Lihuoying's back.

"Come on, you two." Standing steadily on the eagle's back, General Wen turned his head and said to Ye Feng and the two.

It was said that Ye Feng and Wang Heng's feet were blown by the wind, and they disappeared in place, appearing on Li Huoying's back, standing behind General Wen.

"set off!"

General Wen stretched out his right hand and patted Li Huoying's head. Afterwards, Li Huoying slightly shook its wings, and its whole figure rushed into the sky immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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