One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 160 Arrogant Ye Feng!

Chapter 160 Arrogant Ye Feng!
Violent Yuan Pill, this is a kind of elixir to stimulate internal functions, allowing warriors to gain powerful strength in a short period of time, but due to the large side effects, generally few warriors will take it, and no one will take Violent Yuan Pill unless it is absolutely necessary.

Violent Yuan Pill is also divided into levels. The first level Violent Yuan Pill is suitable for warriors in the Qi Gathering Realm, the second level Violent Yuan Pill is suitable for Xuanyuan Realm warriors, the third level Violent Yuan Pill is suitable for Chenling Realm warriors, and so on. Although Violent Yuan Pill has great side effects, However, due to the rarity of refining materials and the fact that it is a life-saving elixir, the selling price in the market has remained high.

The third-level pill that Lu Tiancheng took, Baoyuan Pill, needs at least 30 taels of gold to sell in the market, and the fourth-level ordinary pill is no more than that. From this, we can see how precious Baoyuan Pill is.

"Boy, so what if you take the Liexin Pill, die for me." The other party even has the Violent Yuan Pill. It is obvious that this person has unusual connections. Maybe he has other valuable things on him. Thinking of this, Xie Dao The ghost's momentum became stronger, and he swung his big knife fiercely at Lu Tiancheng.


The air was split by the gray-white saber air, causing waves of ripples to rush out, as if to kill Lu Tiancheng with a knife.

Lu Tiancheng raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar, the red light on his body suddenly rose by three points, and the strong profound energy fluctuations caused the surrounding buildings to shake and make a rattling sound.

"Want to kill me, you are looking for death."

Without retreating or evading, Lu Tiancheng waved his right hand a few times in the void, and a group of purple and red airflow converged and formed, turning into a purple light ball and blasting towards the gray and white saber air.


The buildings on both sides cracked several big cracks, and the shock wave enough to kill the tiger radiated everywhere, blowing the crowd watching the battle in a distance, and there were bursts of wailing.

After the two fighting each retreated about ten steps, they quickly fought together again.

bang bang bang bang bang bang
In the fierce battle, the palm wind whizzed continuously, the figures overlapped one after another, and the crackling sound was continuous. The two fought from east to west, from the air to the ground, and from the street to the roof of the restaurant, anywhere. It's where they fight.

After a long time, a figure suddenly stepped back and landed on a roof.It's the evil sword ghost!
"If you want to procrastinate for a long time, there is no way!"

The corner of Lu Tiancheng's mouth curled up into a sneer, and he flew towards the opponent immediately, punching him in the air and chopping him horizontally.

The evil sword ghost had no intention of dodging at all, he swung his hands slightly and pulled them apart, and suddenly raised his right palm, directly facing Lu Tiancheng's attack.



After the huge bang, there was a scream, and the inhuman Lu Tiancheng sank deep into the wall of the restaurant, stuck and unable to move, his pupils were dilated, his expression was smeared with anger, and he said weakly, "Hello, evil knife ghost!" Despicable, you have been hiding yourself, your strength has already recovered."

"Hahaha, as early as ten days ago, my injuries were already intact, and my cultivation strength had already returned to the peak of the early stage of the Chenling Realm. I was only afraid that those old guys in Hongyun Kingdom would find out, so I kept hiding it. In this case, both You don’t have to worry about being chased and killed by the strong, you can play with your so-called six major sects, and you can get a lot of wealth from you, why not do it.”

Licking his tongue, the evil sword ghost continued: "With the wealth on your body, I am going to leave Hongyun Kingdom and return to Yinming Kingdom. At that time, no matter how powerful you are in Hongyun Kingdom, who can help me?" He, hahahaha..."

At the end, the evil knife ghost laughed wantonly. He was in a bad mood all the time, but now he suddenly felt comfortable and comfortable all over his body. After killing Lu Tiancheng, he fled directly to the south and returned to his Yinming country. At that time, who can do anything to him, but it is a pity that there are still many beautiful women in Hongyun Kingdom, who have not waited for the blessing of his evil sword ghost.

Lu Tiancheng's pupils were wide open, and he swallowed his last breath unwillingly. At the moment of his death, he already regretted it, regretted not killing directly, regretted coming here next, regretted that he had a brother like a pig, regretted touching him. On the evil knife ghost, this sinister and cunning old monster.

If life is given another chance, he will definitely choose to live a good life, and will not be blinded by a moment of anger, and finally lose his life.

Seeing that Lu Tiancheng was suspected to be dead, the evil sword ghost was still worried. He slashed open the opponent's chest with a volley, and then slowly walked up to him, ready to collect the spoils.

"What an evil knife ghost, with such a deep scheming mind, he is so sinister and treacherous."

A clear voice came from the crowd.

The evil knife ghost stopped in his tracks, followed the voice, looked over, and said with a stern face: "Who is it?"

"The one who borrowed your head." Ye Feng slowly walked out from the crowd, looking calmly at the evil sword ghost.

It's just that as soon as Ye Feng came out, the few figures who had been staying near Ye Feng immediately cried out in shock.

"Hiss, this boy is dying, this evil sword ghost is a cruel old poison."

"Sigh, you can tell at a glance that you are a pampered family child. I really think that I can defeat the evil sword ghost after learning two martial arts. I am so naive."

After the two finished speaking, they both shook their heads helplessly.

Beside the two of them, there was a beautiful woman who was dressed so delicately. At this time, the beautiful woman fixed her eyes on Ye Feng and sighed: "It's a pity, this handsome body, look at this He looks so handsome, and when he grows up in a few years, I don't know how many young girls' hearts he will captivate."

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of laughter from the side.

"Hu Sanniang, I think it's because you are full of enthusiasm. Why, instead of looking for a tall and powerful man like me, you still like a boy with a pretty face."

Just when the two were about to talk, the man standing in front of them scolded in a low voice: "Stop talking, you will suffer if the evil sword ghost hears it."

Hearing this, the other two shut their mouths tightly and looked at Ye Feng.

The evil knife ghost took a look at Ye Feng, and saw that he was wearing a moon-white robe, with a faintly fluctuating sword on his waist. He was only about fifteen years old, with a handsome face, handsome aura, and pure and sharp breath. There are quite a few people who took my head. I have already beheaded two disciples from Baihu Mountain, and now a disciple from Xuantianzong has come. Interesting! Interesting! Waiting for me to kill you, isn’t it Broken Sword Sect, Baihua disciples of the North Star Sect and the Blood Demon Sect have to come here one by one."

Ye Feng said calmly: "I don't know whether the disciples of Broken Sword Sect, Baihua Sect, Beichen Sect, and Blood Demon Sect will come, but I know that even if they come, they will not be able to complete this task."

"Oh why!"

The evil sword ghost's eyes showed thoughtfulness.

"Because, the head of your evil sword ghost has already been determined by me."

Facing the question from the evil knife ghost, Ye Feng said something that made everyone around him feel uneasy.

As soon as the words fell, the evil sword ghost was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and said coldly: "Interesting! Interesting! I haven't seen such an arrogant person in a long time. Today I have gained knowledge. I know that my strength has returned to the Chenling state You are at the peak in the early stage, but you still dare to come up, I really don’t know what gave you such courage.”

And many people watching nearby shook their heads when they heard the conversation between Ye Feng and the evil knife ghost.

"Conceited boy!"

"This young man is too arrogant, he deserves to die, and he can't tell who is strong and who is weak."

PS: The second update!The number of fans is so small! !Hope the number of book fans breaks through 50! !

(End of this chapter)

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