One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 161 Instant Kill!

Chapter 161 Instant Kill! (three more!)
on the street.

When everyone in the audience thought that the evil knife ghost would kill Ye Feng immediately, the next performance of the evil knife ghost made them all puzzled.

The evil knife ghost did not make a move, but frowned. Ye Feng's performance from beginning to end puzzled him. The other party's cultivation base was only in the middle stage of the Xuanyuan realm, but the calm tone made him feel a little crisis, and it seemed that he would Something terrible happened, but as soon as the idea appeared, he denied it. How could it be possible that a warrior in the middle stage of the Xuanyuan realm, even if he is a monster, can't beat himself. The disciples of Baihu Mountain are living examples. Let him be amazed to be amazed, it is not falling in his own hands.

Thinking of this, the evil knife ghost licked his tongue coldly, and said coldly: "For the sake of your imminent death, report your name, old ghost, I will not kill unknown people!"

"Hehe, you must have heard of my name. After all, I have been blamed for you for such a long time. If you don't know me, you can't justify it." While speaking, Ye Feng fixed his eyes on the expression of Xie Daogui.


After Ye Feng finished speaking, Xie Daogui's expression changed, his pupils widened to look at Ye Feng's attire, and finally his eyes stayed on Ye Feng's face.

After a few breaths, the evil sword ghost uttered an exclamation: "You are Ye Feng! Xuantian Sect Ye Feng!"

After finishing speaking, Xie Daogui's face was cloudy and uncertain. Regarding the news that Ye Feng had killed a martial artist in the Chenling Realm in Ye's house, he had always adhered to the principle of preferring to believe what he had, but now Ye Feng's expression was indifferent. The appearance in front of him just showed that Ye Feng didn't care that he was a martial artist in the Chenling Realm.

Ye Feng said resolutely: "That's right, I am Ye Feng. It seems that Hua Splash Lei did not lie at the beginning. You killed someone with a wicked knife ghost and insulted his female disciple. Instead, labor and capital will be blamed for you."

"My apprentice, Huaspianlei, was killed by you?" Xie Daogui's expression suddenly changed, Ye Feng could know that it was through his apprentice that he got the news.

Hearing this, Ye Feng shook his head, "No, I didn't personally kill Hua Splash, I just took off his head and submitted the task."

The evil knife ghost stared at Ye Feng firmly, holding the big knife tightly with both hands, and began to circulate profound energy in his body, pouring his strength into the blade. After everything was ready, he grinned at Ye Feng and said fiercely: "If you die, you will die. I am a waste. Just give him revenge, kill him in the net!~"

Before he could finish his sentence, the evil knife ghost came striding forward suddenly, and swung his sword aura several times when the big knife was in the middle of the way.A series of gray and white sword qi formed a huge grid in the air, and attacked Ye Feng's position like lightning.

Next up!

There were bursts of ear-piercing piercing sounds in the air, and the huge saber aura erupted in the air with strong energy fluctuations, so that the area within a radius of 50 meters was completely covered by the attack range of the huge saber aura.

Immediately, the screams of dozens of dying people sounded around, and the houses on both sides of the street, under the power of the explosion, quickly heard rumbling noises, and the buildings on both sides were immediately riddled with holes, and then quickly Disintegrated and collapsed.

The place where the explosion occurred, covering the area within five feet, was already full of dust, and it was impossible to see clearly what was going on inside.

The evil knife ghost probed out his spiritual consciousness, and when he found that there was no breath at the explosion point, he thought that Ye Feng had already been blasted to death by the force of the explosion.

"Hahaha, no one can escape from the person I, the evil sword ghost, wants to kill. Ye Feng, genius! Oh, bah, it's not in my hands." The evil sword ghost felt relieved, and killed two sects today. Disciple, it doesn't take much effort, what Ye Feng!I thought it was awesome!It's not that there are no bones left that I wiped out with one move.

His eyes swept over the warriors who had retreated far away, and found that most of the eyes were full of disbelief, and the evil knife ghost didn't bother to continue checking.

Just as the evil sword ghost was about to bend down to search Lu Tiancheng's body, a dazzling sword light suddenly magnified in front of his eyes. Ye Feng, who was wearing a moon-white robe, looked like a ghost in the dark, but he had an air of otherworldliness , flashed in front of his eyes at an almost teleportation speed.

Pooh!A bloody arrow shot out from the neck of the evil knife ghost, spraying five meters away.

"You're not dead!" the evil knife ghost said with difficulty, and a lot of blood kept gushing from his neck.

Standing three steps behind Xie Dao Gui, Ye Feng put his sword back into its sheath, and said calmly: "I wanted to talk to you a few more words, but you were so anxious to die. What a pity!"

blah blah blah!

A self-deprecating look flashed in Xie Dao Ghost's eyes, his head tilted, and fell from his neck, and then his body also fell down, blood quickly staining the ground.

Turning around, Ye Feng shook his head slightly and let out a soft sigh.

If it was really a fair fight, he would need at least three moves to kill the evil sword ghost. After all, the strength of the opponent was even higher than that of Jin Yuanwu, and his personality was cunning and cunning. Ten Jin Yuanwu could not compare to one evil sword ghost.

It's just that although the evil sword ghost is scruples about Ye Feng, he can't figure out Ye Feng's routine, coupled with his own blind arrogance, he didn't find Ye Feng's body, and thought that Ye Feng was beheaded, which was completely defeated by himself.

Otherwise, even if Ye Feng's sword could hit him, it would be blocked by the opponent's body-protecting profound energy, and he would be slightly injured at most.

But Ye Feng also forgot one thing, that is, after he practiced the Nether Shadow Absolute Step, his speed was unbelievably fast, and the evil knife ghost just wanted to get lucky, but it was already too late.

It's a pity that the evil sword ghost was insidious and cunning all his life, and he was cautious, but he was paralyzed at the last moment.

Of course, no matter how cautious the evil knife ghost is, when Ye Feng decides to kill him, his life is no longer his own. This is the absolute strength, the absolute advantage, which cannot be made up.

Those lone knights who were still watching around opened their mouths wide open, stunned.

They first saw Ye Feng miraculously dodging the attack of the evil knife ghost, and then saw Ye Feng's figure flashed, and then the sword came out, and then the head of the evil knife ghost fell off. They were also in the cloud as to what exactly happened. foggy.

With one sword strike, the head falls to the ground!

What a snap, what a skill, no fancy tricks at all.

Just like a killer hiding in the dark, if you don't make a move, it's fine. If you make a move, you will die, and you will never save it until the next time.

"Ahem. This young man is a genius!" said a quack in embarrassment.

The knight-errant at the side laughed and said, "Hey, I remember, just now you said that this young man is arrogant, could it be that my ears are not sharp and I misheard."

"Ahem. You must have heard it wrong!" The original speaker said awkwardly.

At this time, someone beside him solemnly said: "In this person, I seem to see that the great world is coming. The young generation of Hongyun Kingdom, all kinds of geniuses have emerged, and there are new geniuses, Beichenzong Lin Mo, Blood Demon Sect Ling Yuanfeng, Broken Sword Sect Chen Hao, Baihua Sect Yun Xueer, Baihu Mountain Zhuge Yi, Xuantian Sect Luo Shuiyang, Murong Xin, Ye Feng. The great world will usher in a new round of reshuffle of all forces."

"That's right. Although these people's cultivation base is a bit worse than the older generation's disciples, they are still young and have a lot of room for growth. Moreover, these people are progressing very fast. It is said that Lin Mo of the Beichen Sect, Murong Xin of the Xuantian Sect, and Chen of the Broken Sword Sect Hao, Yun Xueer from Baihuamen, these four people have reached the peak of the late Xuanyuan Realm, and they are only one step away from breaking through to the Chenling Realm."

"Yeah, all the geniuses have risen one after another. This is the harbinger of the coming of the great world. Although this kid's cultivation base is not high, his strength is unfathomable. He even killed everyone in the Chenling Realm with one move. If his cultivation base is higher, I'm afraid For the younger generation of Hongyun Kingdom, he must be the first genius."

Hearing this, other people's eyes showed shocking colors, they all overlooked one point, that is, this person has managed to kill across borders, he is definitely a monstrous existence.

PS: The third update!On the last day of this week, there are about 300 recommended tickets!
None of the fans have increased!Ok!Continue to code!

(End of this chapter)

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