One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 162 Charter!

Chapter 162 Return!

Ye Feng didn't hear the surrounding discussion, his attention was all on Xie Dao Gui.

As a veteran martial artist of the Chenling Realm, he usually has a lot of money, ranging from millions of taels of gold to tens of millions of taels of gold, and there must be no shortage of resources for cultivating spirit stones. Crazy place, after all, who doesn't need spirit stones to assist in cultivation!

Although Ye Feng's net worth is rich, all the money in Xie Dao Gui's body can't be worth one percent of his money, but who doesn't want to have as much money as possible.

Kneeling down, he stretched out his hand and rummaged all over Xie Dao Gui's body. Ye Feng didn't find anything that looked like a storage bag or a storage ring, only tens of thousands of taels of gold and loose silver in his pocket.

"No way, this evil knife ghost is also a strong Chen Lingjing, and he doesn't even have a storage bag? Who will believe it? Besides, the evil knife ghost killed the disciple of Baihu Mountain before, and from the disciple of the dead sect Where did you get a lot of wealth? You said before that you would go back to the Yinming Kingdom directly, and it is impossible to only have such a small amount of money on your body, so there must be something mysterious about it.”

Ye Feng, who didn't believe in evil, stopped his hands and began to release his soul power, carefully detecting the evil sword ghost.


Ye Feng's eyes lit up, and he reached out to touch the bracelet worn by the evil sword ghost.

There is a mystery inside the bracelet, and when the hand exerts force, the bracelet begins to deform and shatter, revealing the mystery inside, a round object wrapped with a red string, shaped like a ring, when the hand touches it, a faint wave of spiritual energy is transmitted.

"It's a low-grade storage ring, so that's it."

Ye Feng secretly admires Evil Sword Ghost's scheming, and puts the most precious things XZ in the jewelry. If his soul power is not so strong and powerful, there is a high probability that he will make a mistake and miss a chance to pick it up.

There were so many people with mixed eyes, Ye Feng poured his profound energy into his fingertips, cut open the bracelet of the evil knife ghost calmly, touched the storage ring out, and then put it into his storage spirit ring without looking at it, by the way Put away the evil knife ghost's saber, if Ye Feng remembers well, the evil knife ghost's saber is the top-grade treasured sword "Soul Breaker" that appeared in the auction back then.

Putting away the evil knife ghost's wealth, Ye Feng came to Lu Tiancheng's corpse on foot, searched for a while, and a storage bag appeared in his hand, without looking at it, he put it into the storage ring.

As for what will happen if Baihushan knows Ye Feng's behavior in the future, Ye Feng doesn't care at all, he, Ye Feng, has long been at odds with Baihushan!

After the body search, Ye Feng got up and looked at the head of the evil sword ghost.

The head and face were hideous and terrifying, the face was blurred with blood and water, and the mouth and nose could not be distinguished clearly. Only those eyes were wide open, staring at Ye Feng.

Shaking his head, Ye Feng took out a piece of black cloth from the storage, stretched out his hand and sucked it, the head of the evil knife ghost fell on the black cloth, and immediately wrapped the black cloth neatly, tied a knot from the top, and wrapped the head tightly Tight, only the outline of a head can be seen from the outside.

With this head, you can go to the mission hall to receive reward points and record your personal achievements.

"Young man, you can't just leave like this. My restaurant is completely destroyed, and many diners have died. What should I do?"

"Yes, young man, my shop has also been destroyed and dilapidated, and the renovation will cost a lot of money. What should I do?"

"Young man, my pawn shop was also destroyed by the shock wave of the battle."


Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave, the bosses of the shops who had been grimacing all the time came forward and cried one after another. They could see that Ye Feng was young and immature. Although he was powerful, they could sense righteousness from Ye Feng. Sect disciples should not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Thinking of this, these bosses who are over fifty years old sighed sadly with their noses and tears.

See this situation.

Ye Feng frowned. The nearby restaurants, shops, and houses were all destroyed by Xie Daogui and Lu Tiancheng. The diners and onlookers inside also basically died under the shock wave of the fight between the two, and had nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter much, but now that Xie Daogui and Lu Tiancheng are dead, he has all the wealth of the other party, and it can't be justified without compensation.

A thought flashed through his mind, Ye Feng took out two gold tickets with a denomination of ten thousand taels, and said: "Here are twenty thousand taels of gold tickets, of which 2 taels of gold are enough to compensate for the loss of your shops and restaurants, and the remaining 1 taels of gold Compensate the families of those innocent people who died, if you dare to embezzle money, if I know it, you will die next time."

Huangshi Town has a good location. Most of the buildings are often redecorated. The value of a restaurant does not exceed 1000 taels of gold, but human life is a bit difficult to calculate. The lives of rich and noble families cannot afford to pay for tens of thousands of taels. Just prepare to lose your life!Money, they have plenty.

Based on the laws of the Hongyun Kingdom, an ordinary person who dies due to an accident needs to compensate his family with 1000 taels of silver. This 1000 taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family to live for ten years. Ten thousand taels of gold can be used to compensate seven or eight restaurants and shops, and the remaining 2 taels of gold can be used to compensate one hundred families, but the number of dead people is far from reaching one hundred people.

I don’t know if it’s the sorrow of the poor. They would rather choose the latter than the life of their family and 1000 taels of silver. At least the latter can guarantee them peace of mind for ten years, and they will have enough money for their children to marry their wives. .

Seven or eight bosses who were half a century old kept nodding their heads like chickens pecking at rice, "Don't worry young man, there are so many witnesses here, how dare we embezzle a single cent."

"I hope so." Ye Feng thought about it too.

Handing the golden ticket to the other party, Ye Feng was about to leave, when those knights who had been watching around surrounded him.

"The young hero is very skillful! The evil sword ghost has done many evils. Many people wanted to kill him, but they were killed by him. Today, the blood-handed evil sword ghost died. I don't know how many people thank the young hero for his deed of killing evil."

"That's right, although the young hero is young, his strength surpasses us by a large margin."

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling face, Ye Feng said calmly: "Everyone is flattering, good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil, even if I don't kill him, someone else will kill him in the future."

"I don't know the name of the young hero, let me respect you."

Ye Feng thought that the purpose of traveling in the rivers and lakes is to gain fame. Sometimes you don't care about fame, and others will respect you because of your fame. In the end, you still can't escape this shackle, so you might as well be more generous, and said: "I am a disciple of the Xuantian Sect, Ye Feng. "

"What! You are Ye Feng, Ye Shaoxia!"

"So that's the case. It seems that the rumors at the time were indeed true. Ye Shaoxia is extremely powerful. His cultivation is not up to the Chenling Realm, but he can easily kill the Chenling Realm warriors and float Li Ye in the lower lake."

"Under Chrysanthemum Remnant Lei Luo."

"I'm playing the single sword Tie Kun."


All of a sudden, the quacks who gathered around reported their names one after another. They thought they were well-known in this area. If they could get in touch with the disciples of the Xuantian Sect, their reputation would become even stronger in the future, and they would make others look up to them when they went out. Take a look and save some face.

Ye Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, sometimes fame is not a good thing, and there are many troubles.

After finally getting rid of these fanatics, it was already afternoon.

Riding on the green temple horse, Ye Feng left in the dust.

PS: A new week is here!first day!The first update!
There are more than [-] recommended tickets today, four more!

Or add an apprentice fan, the same four updates!

(End of this chapter)

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