One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 163 The mid-term peak of Xuanyuan Realm!

Chapter 163 The mid-term peak of Xuanyuan Realm!
On the sparsely populated road, Ye Feng drove a horse and galloped alone, and at the same time took out the low-grade storage ring of Xie Daogui from the storage ring, and quietly poked his soul power into it.

A faint wave of aura spread, and Ye Feng saw the space inside the ring.

The space has a size of thirty feet, which is equivalent to the capacity of a spacious hall. It is filled with gold and silver, and the golden light makes the inside bright.

Counting it carefully, there are more than 200 million taels of gold and more than 60 taels of silver piled on the ground, and there is a stack of golden gold tickets next to it, which adds up to more than 100 million taels, and the total exceeds more than 300 million taels of gold. More than 3000 million taels of silver is definitely a huge fortune.You know, the total annual income of the Ye family is only a little over 400 million taels of gold, and all of this has to be shared. As for the elders of the family or Ye Feng’s father, their gold is only a few hundred thousand taels, but the most precious thing lies in their cultivation. Dharma, all kinds of rare treasures, are the most precious.

In addition to common things such as money, there are also spiritual stones piled up next to them. There are probably tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, and hundreds of middle-grade spiritual stones. It is used in cultivation, as for low-grade spirit stones, or it is used as trading currency.

In the storage ring, apart from money and spirit stones, there are several cheat books on the small bookshelf in the corner.

With a thought, Ye Feng took out the secret book on the top shelf from the storage ring.

On the cover of the cheat book, there are four soul-stirring big characters in blood-colored characters—Sword Soul Cult!Open it and have a look.

"Sword Soul Cult, Xuan-level middle-level martial arts, the unique martial arts of the seventh-rank sect of the Yinming Kingdom, the Xiewang Sect, the practitioner must be a swordsman. A martial artist who has learned something along the way draws the soul of the human body and infuses it with sword energy, the power increases dramatically, frightening people's minds, and can easily take the lives of others."

The evil king sect of the seventh-rank sect of the Yinming Kingdom!

It seems that the evil sword ghost is indeed the elder of the outer sect of the evil king sect, but for some reason, he has been wandering in the territory of Hongyun country.

As the Seven Star Sect, the Xiewang Sect is the overlord of the Yinming Nation, and it overwhelms other forces in the country and dare not take the lead. Unlike the Hongyun Nation, where the six major forces rise together, no one can do anything to each other. balance.

On the horseback, Ye Feng shook his head helplessly, and put the cheats of the sword soul cult into the storage ring. This kind of sword learning martial arts is not suitable for him, and the harm is too great. It doesn't matter to me, as long as I learn it, I will be unlucky, and maybe I will be abolished in martial arts. Compared with a giant like Xie Wangzong, my personal strength is too weak.

Although Ye Feng doesn't care about the Xiewangzong, after all, the other party can only dominate in the Yinming Kingdom. If he is asked to come to the Hongyun Kingdom, he is afraid that he will have a wicked heart, unless he can have the domineering spirit of the evil spirit sect 20 years ago. , against the entire Gufeng domain.

The mind sank into the storage ring again, and looked at all the remaining cheats, and found that most of them were yellow-rank martial arts and martial arts, and there were very few cheats above the mysterious rank. Cheats exist.

"Let's deal with it in the future!"

Withdrawing his soul power, Ye Feng has no interest in watching.

First of all, he is now practicing martial arts, swordsmanship and martial arts, body skills cheats, body training exercises, and all of them are of high-level existence. In other words, attacking martial arts are relatively simple, except for swordsmanship attacks, Ye Feng's melee attacks, He only knows one kind of boxing martial art, the top level of the yellow rank, the Earth Splitting Fist.

"There is no lack of means of attack for the time being, let's work hard to improve the realm of cultivation."

The green-haired horse galloped wildly, and ran tens of meters in the blink of an eye. The scenery on both sides quickly retreated and became blurred.

There are no stars in the dark night, the waning moon hangs high, and thick clouds move slowly in the sky, covering the sky and covering the ground.

"There are still two days left for the Inner Sect Disciple Ranking Tournament. There is still a day's journey away from Xuantianzong. There is still plenty of time. Tonight, I will raise my cultivation level to the peak of the middle stage of the Xuanyuan Realm!"

On the dark path, the crisp sound of horseshoes approaching from far to near, Ye Feng, who was riding on horseback, thought so.

This place is in a barren mountain, surrounded by jungles, but there is a dilapidated temple here. Judging by its dilapidation and the spider webs, it may have been dilapidated for decades.

"Dragon King Temple! Just stop here and raise your cultivation to the mid-term peak." Looking at the plaque on the temple, the three characters that were almost obscured by the dust were covered.

Turning over and dismounting, he led the green-haired horse to the side pillar, fastened the rope lock, patted the horse's back, and Ye Feng stepped into the dusty temple alone.

As soon as he entered the temple, Ye Feng waved his arms wantonly, and waved out waves of fierce energy, attacking everywhere in the temple. However, Ye Feng controlled his strength just right, and the attack he swung blowed all the dust in the temple into the air. .

"go with!"

Ye Feng's body was shrouded in a layer of white light, and the dust flying around did not fall on Ye Feng's body at all. With Ye Feng's palm after palm, all the dust in the temple gathered into a ball, and finally was pushed away by the profound energy fluctuations. To the door, disappeared.

"Using martial arts to clean the sanitation, I am afraid that only I can do it."

Looking at the clean surroundings in the temple, Ye Feng raised his hand and touched his nose. This martial art is really useful and it is very convenient for cleaning.

With a wave of his hand, the gate of the temple closed automatically, and then a trace of soul power was attached to it.

Find a futon, sit cross-legged on it, take out a elixir from the storage ring, break the ban ★Xuanyuan Pill, middle-grade level.

"A medium-grade ban-breaking Xuanyuan pill should be able to satisfy the seven mysterious seas in the body!"

As he spoke, he threw the elixir in his hand into his mouth, and began to practice with his eyes closed.

In the past, although Ye Feng practiced very diligently, even assiduously, he had not reached the point of self-forgetfulness. The so-called self-forgetfulness means that he has nothing else to do but practice, everything is centered on practice, and any obstacles to practice must be overcome. Or give up.

Except for the time when he first came to this world, he practiced during that time or could be called selfless, and recently, Ye Feng has devoted all his mind to practicing martial arts and martial arts, so that cultivation has been placed in a secondary position.

However, meeting the young generation now, Ye Feng found that most of the talented children of his own age had reached the late stage of the Xuanyuan realm, or even reached the peak of the late stage, and began to feel a sense of urgency in his heart, and his cultivation must be improved quickly.

Although Ye Feng's strength is comparable to that of the Chenling Realm, and he can even kill ordinary early-stage warriors of the Chenling Realm, however, Ye Feng will not be as calm as the Chenling Realm due to the limitation of his cultivation.

And if Ye Feng's cultivation is raised to the Chenling Realm, at that time, Ye Feng's strength will definitely be improved a lot, and his strength will be improved to a higher level.

Inner ranking competition, this is an opportunity.

When participating in the inner sect ranking competition, it is easy to raise your cultivation base to a higher level and get the first rank in the inner sect. Even, as long as Ye Feng wants to, he can easily beat the core disciples to rank first.

However, if you want to become a core disciple, you must reach the peak of the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm. Strength does not allow Ye Feng to be promoted to a core disciple.

Time passed slowly, the profound energy in the body circulated circle after circle, and I don't know how many cycles, the medicinal power of the forbidden Xuanyuan pill, along with the circulation of the profound energy, slowly merged into the seven mysterious seas in the body.


There was a dull roar in the body, and then the seven mysterious sea light balls in the body were visible to the naked eye, and the profound energy became more solidified and thick.

"The profound energy in the body has increased by more than [-]%, and the profound energy is more solid and pure than before."

Opening his eyes, a bright light flashed in Ye Feng's eyes, and the changes in his body were all in his perception.

(End of this chapter)

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