One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 164 Murong Xin's Danger!

Chapter 164 Murong Xin's Danger!
"It's really terrifying. A middle-grade ban-breaking Xuanyuan pill can be taken by an ordinary early stage of the Chenling Realm, and it can directly break through to the peak of the early stage of the Chenling Realm. Put it on me, but it can only be promoted from the middle stage of the Xuanyuan Realm to the peak of the Chenling Realm. The peak in the middle stage of Xuanyuan Realm."

Slowly exhaling turbid air, Ye Feng's bright eyes flashed a trace of helplessness, he now finds that he has surpassed the routines of ordinary warriors, and those routines are completely useless to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also thanked Senior Dongwang in his heart. If he hadn't obtained all the legacy of Senior Dongwang, he would not have been able to have the Prohibition Breaking Xuanyuan Pill, let alone the rich resources of spirit stones, and it would be even more impossible for him to obtain the Tiger Demon Forged Body However, his strength cannot be improved like a rocket.

It was late at night, the waning moon was covered by dark clouds, and the sky was dim.

Suddenly, Ye Feng's expression changed, and his soul power surged, extending to 200 meters outside the temple, where there was a wave of profound energy from the battle, and the faint sound of whistling and piercing the air could be heard.

"Murong Xin, you are not my opponent, you should stop obediently, otherwise, don't blame me for being so hot."

In mid-air, a purple figure floated in mid-air. He was about twenty years old, with long golden hair fluttering in the wind. His cold eyes stared directly at the woman 50 meters away.

"Zhang Yifan, if you kill me, you will never get the Earth's Inflammatory Milk." In mid-air, there was a woman with a beautiful figure, wearing a black dress, with a pale complexion, several palm prints could be seen on the girl's abdomen.

While talking, Murong Xin was not idle, took out a elixir from the storage bag, threw it into her mouth without looking at it, and at the same time, her body began to run the exercises, slowly recovering her profound energy, and suppressed the elixir in her body by the way. injury.

Originally, this time Murong Xin came out to experience alone. After all, her cultivation had reached the peak of the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm, and she had been practicing in seclusion, but it didn't have much effect. Instead, she went out to experience and seek opportunities to break through. The chances are even greater.

However, the young Murong Xin has no intention of practicing outside and doesn't know how to hide her identity. With her beautiful appearance and the signature of Xuantianzong's core disciples, Murong Xin finds four teammates and goes to the Black Wind Mountain Range to practice together.

After half a month of experience in the Black Wind Mountain Range, the relationship between several people has gradually become familiar. A total of five people are in the late stage of the Xuanyuan Realm, or at the peak of the late stage. During the battle, five people successfully killed Leigong Yuan, and in Leigong Yuan's cave, they found the treasure of heaven and earth, "Earth Core Flame Milk".

However, at this time, one of his teammates suddenly beheaded his closest teammate, killing him with one move. The other three, including Murong Xin, were all startled by this person's behavior, and they didn't wait for them to speak out. , the teammate who murdered was also Zhang Yifan, who officially exposed his cultivation at the early stage of the Chenling Realm and began to slaughter the other three.

In the end, Murong Xin realized that the form was not right, and immediately took away the Inner Earth Flame Milk, and then quickly flew back out of the cave. After killing the other two disciples, Zhang Yifan immediately chased them out.

Up to now, Murong Xin has been running here for about ten minutes. The difference in cultivation level made her quickly caught up by Zhang Yifan.

"Since you don't hand it over, then you can go die. Killing a core disciple of Xuantianzong is also considered a great achievement."

Murong Xin's answer made Zhang Yifan's face terribly gloomy, if he hadn't been worried about Murong Xin destroying the Earth's Heart Flame Milk, he wouldn't have procrastinated until now.

You know, "Earth Core Flame Milk" is an innate elixir. Just take a cup of the size of your thumb, and you can make a martial artist in the Chenling Realm break through a realm. Moreover, "Earth Core Flame Milk" can also be used to refine elixir. The main material for refining the taboo breaking ★Xingyuan Pill is Earth Core Flame Milk.

In Lei Gong Yuan's Cave, Murong Xin took [-]% of the Earth's Core Flame Milk, and only [-]% was taken away by Zhang Yifan before it was too late.

"Go to hell! Lei Yang Mie Palm!~" With a gloomy face, Zhang Yifan's figure flickered, and he waved his palms in mid-air, forming a palm print of electric current and purple light in the air, and rushed towards Murong Xin quickly.

"Are you going to die!"

Looking at the giant purple palm that was getting closer and closer in the air, Murong Xin smiled miserably. At this moment, the profound energy in her body was less than [-]%, how could she resist, and the opponent was still a martial artist in the Chenling Realm, there was a huge difference in strength between the two.

However, just when Murong Xin was about to throw the "Earth Core Flame Milk" to the ground.

A dazzling sword light flew from behind her, and quickly met the giant purple palm on the opposite side. Suddenly, the air twisted suddenly, and bursts of energy shot wildly in all directions, and then the dazzling sword light burst out again, directly tearing the giant purple palm apart. Cracked and shattered, the berserk profound energy lost control for a moment, exploded in mid-air, and quickly disintegrated.

boom boom boom
A burst of roar resounded through the night.

And the roar of the explosion also awakened Murong Xin who was in a sluggish state. After waking up, Murong Xin suddenly flew downwards. She knew that there was a mysterious master behind her, and he was the one who rescued her just now. Her life, otherwise, the power of that giant purple palm, relying on [-]% of the profound energy in her body, would absolutely be unstoppable.

And at this time, the blond man in purple clothes on the opposite side finally realized that something was wrong. Someone intervened just now and easily dispelled his palm technique.

"Your Excellency, Zhang Yifan is in the lower Baihu Mountain. It has nothing to do with Your Excellency at this time, and I hope you don't want to interfere." Putting his hands into fists, Zhang Yifan shouted loudly to the surroundings.

From Zhang Yifan's point of view, that mysterious person was at most equal to him, and now that he carried out the sect behind Baihu Mountain, the other party would have some scruples.

Zhang Yifan's words caused Murong Xin, who had just arrived on the ground, to change her expression drastically. If the person who made the move just now was frightened by Zhang Yifan's words and did not dare to make a move, wouldn't she be in danger again.

Thinking of this, Murong Xin turned around and looked behind her, bowed slightly, and respectfully said: "Senior, as long as the little girl is rescued, Baihushan dare not do anything to you, my master Xuantian Sect will definitely protect us. Moreover, the little girl is willing to send [-]% of the congenital elixir "Earth Core Flame Milk" will be donated to you."

Murong Xin's words caused Zhang Yifan's aura to change suddenly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

"You guys say that! It's hard for me!" Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk? There was a clear voice.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slight fluctuation in the void, and a handsome young man appeared in midair out of thin air.

Although, it is already dark night!
But as a cultivator, in the dark night, as long as one sticks out his spiritual sense, what he observes is the same as during the day.

"Hehe, it's very simple. As long as you promise not to intervene, I will give you half of the "Earth Core Flame Milk". How about it? Although it is not [-]% of the share, you will not be hunted down by Baihu Mountain."

As soon as Ye Feng appeared, a strange look flashed in Zhang Yifan's eyes. Ye Feng's youth was beyond his expectations. At first, he thought that the other party would be around his age, or in his 40s or [-]s, but he never expected that the other party would be Just a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

on the ground.

"It sounds so familiar"

Murong Xin raised her head to look at Ye Feng, her expression was full of doubts.

Since Ye Feng appeared in front of her, only the back was left for her, so she didn't notice Ye Feng's appearance.

PS: The third update is over today!
Because today's recommended tickets are full of 50 chapters!
A new chapter will be added at eleven o'clock in the evening!
 Welcome to the official group of "Doubu Jianzun", group number: 253419312
(End of this chapter)

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