One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 170 Temporary meeting!

Chapter 170 Temporary meeting!

Xuantianzong, Yuqing Peak!
In the square outside the mission hall, Ye Feng did not submit the mission immediately, but came to the inner sect's black list to rank under Yubi.

Looking up at the jade bib on the black list, there are dense wooden plaques hanging on it, and each wooden plaque is engraved with a name. Ye Feng found that although the ranking of this list has changed a lot after three months, they are all in the top [-] of the black list. A disciple who is not famous.

As for the top [-] on the black list, the number is still the number, and there has not been much change at all.As for the reason, it's very simple. Everyone's minds are focused on the upcoming ranking competition. There's no need to work hard now. Waiting for the competition to show their amazing strength can be done once and for all.

His eyes paused for a moment on the fourth row, and Ye Feng's eyes showed a strange color. His own ranking remained unchanged at 85. However, except for Ye Feng's ranking, Ye Feng found that on the fourth row, most of the names had changed, and some people's rankings were lowered. , someone's ranking improved, but no one challenged the 85th place Ye Feng.

But after thinking for a while, Ye Feng understood that just taking the last challenge stage incident alone, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ye Feng had spare energy, that is to say, Ye Feng could easily defeat Wan Ziliang, who was ranked 85th, and replace him without using all his strength. Strength, other enemies are afraid to avoid it.

"So many people are missing."

Ye Feng's eyes fell on Yubi who ranked last, and found that the ranking was already at 520, which was nearly 30 people less than three months ago.

There are only two possibilities for these people's tokens to disappear. One is that they are over 25 years old and have left the sect or become a deacon of the sect. The other possibility is that the person has died.

"Only when I become stronger can I control my own destiny."

He took a deep look at the ranking jade, and then, Ye Feng walked into the mission hall as if no one else was there, and handed over the head of the evil sword ghost to the staff for confirmation. After that, there was a series of procedures, and the mission reward 500 points were entered into Ye Feng Point crystal card and 30 taels of gold were handed over to Ye Feng.

Under the scrutiny of the staff, Ye Feng walked out of the mission hall and returned to Yuan Lingfeng's residence.

"That's what the elder said. Ye Feng, the monstrous disciple, can kill even old monsters in the Chenling Realm. He deserves to be called a monstrosity."

Watching Ye Feng's leaving back, the task staff sighed, he is 30 years old now, and his strength is only at the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm, this boy is half his age, but his strength is much stronger than him.

Xuantian Sovereign Hall, the meeting hall.

"Junior Sister, this time you suddenly asked for an emergency meeting, what happened?"

In the main hall, on the row of seats on the left, four or five figures were seated here. One of the middle-aged strong men couldn't help being puzzled, and turned his head to ask a beautiful woman next to him. , showing the beauty of the aftertaste of a mature woman.

When the big man asked a question, several people around him also showed doubts, but they all held back their temper and did not express it directly.

"Hehe, senior brother Jin, don't worry, I will tell everyone when all the suzerain elders arrive."

Facing the middle-aged strong man's question, the beautiful woman in the palace costume did not answer directly, but smiled and persuaded to wait.

This beautiful woman in palace attire is also the elder of the twelve inner sects of the Xuantian Sect. Her strength is at the late stage of the Chenling Realm. He is not only an alchemist, but also a peak alchemist of Xuan rank.

In addition, the beautiful woman in palace costume has another identity, that is, she is the master of core disciple Murong Xin, not the master of martial arts, but the master of Murong Xin in alchemy.

As early as when Murong Xin was still an outer disciple, Elder Yu discovered that she had the talent for alchemy, so he took her as a disciple to teach alchemy skills, and occasionally give her advice along the way of martial arts.

Just 10 minutes before, Murongxin came to her and told her about her adventures outside. After that, she took out "Earth Inflammation Milk" worth nearly [-] million gold, saying that it was obtained together with Ye Feng. However, due to the large amount, Ye Feng She and herself only left enough for two people, and donated the rest to the sect.

Worth nearly [-] million taels of gold, Elder Yu was shocked by this data and was speechless, and the precious innate elixir such as "Earth Core Flame Milk" almost made Elder Yu, who has always been prudent, make a fool of himself.

When Elder Yu understood the cause of the incident, especially when he learned that Ye Feng killed Zhang Yifan, a true disciple of Baihu Mountain, his expression was moved. Later, Elder Yu felt that the impact of this matter was too great, so he decided to hold a temporary meeting of the sect.

In Xuantianzong, there is no major event happening, and usually no meeting will be held. However, recently, the Hongyun Kingdom has begun to appear chaotic, and the frequency of meeting is held more frequently.

Time passed slowly, and in the empty meeting hall, 11 people were seated in a short while, only the suzerain Chen Mubai and the great elder Jiang Zhong did not arrive.

During the waiting time, everyone in the hall talked with each other, and most of the discussions were about tomorrow's ranking competition.

"Come, come, the suzerain is here."

"Well, the Great Elder is here too."

As soon as the words were finished, two figures entered one after the other at the entrance of the meeting hall. The first person was tall and burly, with tight and muscular muscles. This person was Chen Mubai, the suzerain of Xuantian Sect.

Behind Chen Mubai followed a slightly fat old man, stroking his beard gently. This person was Jiang Zhong, the great elder of Xuantianzong.


When Chen Mubai's figure appeared in the meeting hall, there were 11 people seated in the hall, and all of them got up and said respectfully.

Chen Mubai nodded, and said loudly: "All elders, please take your seat!"

Hearing that, all the elders took their seats one by one, and then, everyone looked at the beautiful woman in palace costume on the left in unison, waiting for the initiator's narration.

"Elder Yu, this emergency temporary meeting was initiated by you, so it's up to you to explain the situation to everyone."

After Chen Mubai finished speaking, he sat down directly, positioning himself as an audience.

"Yes, suzerain!" The beautiful woman in the palace costume nodded slightly, then stood up alone, glanced at the people in the hall, and said, "I think you brothers, you should still remember the disciples I accepted three years ago!"

Chen Mubai turned his eyes away, thinking: "Three years ago! What my junior sister said, could it be the current core disciple, Murong Xin!"

"Not bad!"

The beautiful woman in palace costume nodded.

At this time, the strong man next to the beautiful woman touched his head and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that the meeting held by the junior sister is related to this core disciple Murong Xin?"

Not only the strong man thought so at this time, but everyone else thought about it at the same time, otherwise, they wouldn't have brought up this topic for no reason.

"That's right, my little sister decided to initiate a meeting on the spur of the moment and ask everyone to discuss it because my apprentice came back today and brought me extremely shocking news. The matter is of great importance, so I can only ask my senior brothers to discuss countermeasures. . " When the beautiful woman in the palace costume said the shocking news again, a look of horror flashed in her eyes.

"Shocking news?"

Chen Mubai muttered repeatedly, his eyes flickered with thought from time to time.

The others frowned, this shocking news!is good news!Still bad news!
Could it be that something big is going to happen again? You know, tomorrow is the inner sect ranking match, so don't make any mistakes at this juncture.

Seemingly aware of everyone's worries, the beautiful woman in palace costume explained: "But don't worry everyone, this news is good news for Xuantianzong."

PS: Sorry, fellow book friends!Due to the recent busyness of the author in reality, I can only maintain the basic requirements, and update twice a day!
I hope everyone understands!Thank you to everyone who voted for recommendations!

(End of this chapter)

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