One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 171 Earth Heart Inflammation Milk!

Chapter 171 Earth Heart Inflammation Milk!

"What! Ye Feng killed Zhang Yifan, a true disciple of Baihu Mountain!"

"How is this possible! Zhang Yifan is a martial artist at the Chenling Realm, and Ye Feng is only at the Xuanyuan Realm, how could he do it, Junior Sister Yu, are you sure this news is true?"

"That's right, we have four true disciples of Xuantian Sect, and there are also four true disciples of Baihu Mountain. Although Zhang Yifan is the last of the four true disciples of Baihu Mountain, as a disciple of the sect, even if he faces scattered Masters in the Xiuchen Spiritual Realm also have the power to fight, although Ye Feng is very talented and his comprehension ability is almost monstrous, but after all, he exerted his strength too late, and his background is worse than that of a genius who has been famous for a long time."

In the conference hall, there were thirteen people in total. Except for Elder Chen Mubai, Elder Yu, and the First Elder, the expressions of the three elders remained unchanged. The others all had weird expressions and started a heated discussion. There were also a few elders who remained calm and seemed to be thinking carefully question.

At this time, Jiang Yan, who had been silent all this time, raised his head and said slightly: "The news should not be false, and it is not difficult to confirm the authenticity of the news, as long as you pay a little attention to Baihushan's actions, you can judge this Yifan Is he dead or not? Moreover, in tomorrow's inner sect ranking competition, as long as you observe Ye Feng carefully and test his strength, you can basically determine whether the news is true or not."

Hearing this, someone nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the focus of this news is whether Zhang Yifan is dead or not. If it is found that Zhang Yifan is still alive, then the authenticity of this news will be self-defeating."

On the first seat, Chen Mubai's eyes flashed with inspiration, he put down the teacup in his hand, and said meaningfully to the beautiful woman in palace attire: "Junior Sister Yu, this news is true for the time being, but it is not enough for you to notify us to hold a meeting. If my guess is correct, you still have something to say!"

Hearing this, the beautiful woman in palace attire nodded, and said with a light smile, "Senior Brother Sovereign sees it thoroughly, but there is still an important piece of news that hasn't been revealed."

"Oh, you said it was good news before. Could it be related to your disciple? Could it be that Murong Xin broke through to the Chenling Realm? If so, this is indeed extremely important good news for the sect," At this time, a The old man couldn't help being suspicious.

As soon as this person said this, everyone else nodded, and even a few elders smiled.

One must know that on this continent, whether a sect is strong or not depends mainly on two points. First, the sect must have top experts sitting in its command, and second, the sect must have enough elite disciples.

There is no doubt that Xuantianzong is one of the six major forces in Hongyun Kingdom, and there are some top powerhouses, so fighting openly and secretly with other forces is to compete for the number of elite disciples.

The reason why Xuantianzong, as a nine-star sect, was able to merge with other eight-star and seven-star sects into the six major forces of Hongyun Kingdom is because Xuantianzong has no difference in the number of elite disciples compared to other sects. , there are only four true disciples of Baihu Mountain, if you count Zhang Yifan who was killed by Ye Feng, there are only three left, and there are also four true disciples of Xuantianzong, so they can be merged into the six major forces of Hongyun Kingdom.

"I've let all the brothers down. Although Xin'er has made some progress in her cultivation, she still has a certain distance from breaking through to the Chenling Realm." It is not the accumulation of quantity, but a certain amount of perception is required.

"Brothers, another piece of good news I want to share is about the congenital elixir "Earth Inflammation Milk". This time, Xin'er was training outside and came across "Earth Inflammation Milk" by chance."

Time passed slowly, and the meeting hall was quiet, only the beautiful woman in palace costume was left talking slowly.

"The "Earth Core Flame Milk", which is worth nearly 1 million taels of gold, is enough to train dozens of disciples of the Chenling Realm. If it is rumored to be auctioned, it may be more than [-] million taels of gold."

"Hmph, no faction is so foolish as to put it up for auction. You must know that having these "Earth Core Flame Milk" means that this faction can train dozens of disciples in the Chenling Realm."

"Junior Sister Yu, are you saying that after Murong Xin obtained the "Earth Inflammatory Milk", she was chased and killed by Zhang Yifan from Baihu Mountain, and on the way to escape, she happened to be rescued by Ye Feng, at this time Zhang Yifan was beheaded by Ye Feng. The two of them only left their own copy of "Earth Inflammation Milk", and the other dozens of copies were all contributed to the sect, is that the case?" Chen Mubai looked solemn, and there was a faint excitement in his voice.

"That's right. Although I haven't seen Ye Feng, that's what Xiner told me. I don't think I'm wrong. The "Earth Core Flame Milk" is here with me now." Jade hand, a small jade bottle appeared in his hand, and the thick liquid inside could still be faintly seen shaking in the jade bottle.

As soon as the jade bottle was taken out, other people's eyes focused on the hand of the beautiful woman in palace attire.

At the same time, the beautiful woman in palace attire stretched out her hand to pull out the cork on the jade bottle, a fresh fragrance permeated the entire conference hall, and the source of pure spiritual energy faintly came from the air, taking a breath, the whole person's spirit was lifted.

Grand Elder Jiang Zhong took a deep breath, and his face flashed with joy, "Yes, it is indeed "Earth Inflammation Milk", and it is more than 300 years old. It is a medium-quality innate elixir, and its effect is stronger than ordinary "Earth Inflammation Milk" Three points."

When the others heard this, smiles flashed across their faces.

Hearing the Great Elder's words, the beautiful woman in palace costume was also slightly surprised. Her strength was not as profound as that of the Great Elder, so she could only be sure that the jade bottle contained "Earth Core Flame Milk", but she couldn't be sure how old it was.

Just when the beautiful woman in palace costume was in a daze, Chen Mubai's expression on the first seat changed, and he shouted to the beautiful woman in palace costume: "Quick, quick, Junior Sister Yu, put the cork on the bottle, don't let the spiritual energy drain."

As soon as the words fell, the beautiful woman in the palace costume subconsciously plugged the jade bottle to stop the mouth of the bottle, and the spiritual energy was immediately isolated in the bottle. When the spiritual energy could not be felt, the beautiful woman in the palace costume breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, just this short meeting, I'm afraid no less than 10 taels of gold will be wasted." Having said this, Chen Mubai had a pained look on his face.

"Earth Inflammatory Milk" is formed by condensing spiritual energy in special ground veins for hundreds of thousands of years. Once these "Earth Inflammatory Milk" are separated from the original ground, unless it is loaded in a jade bottle, it can be filled with other materials. Everything in the container will volatilize, turning into aura and dissipating into the air.

Seeing Chen Mubai's pained expression, the Great Elder Jiang Zhongzhi rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Okay, suzerain, don't pretend, you should think about how to thank these two disciples, you know, this "earth center inflammation Milk" is said to be the joint spoils of Ye Feng and Murong Xin, but now that the other party has decided to contribute to the sect, as the master of the sect, shouldn't you think about how to thank them!"

PS: Don't talk too much, know how to enter!

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(End of this chapter)

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