One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 184 In front of the inner gate!

Chapter 184 Top [-] Inner Sect!
Next, No. 11 to [-] groups, the five groups of battles ended in less than half a stick of incense time.

Since there were no outstanding figures in the last five battles, they did not attract many people to watch. The No. 11 and No. 12 disciples of the inner sect who were temporarily arranged to become elite players were defeated by He Yun and Li Chenyu since they did not advance smoothly.

At the same time, Luo Shuiyang also successfully defeated his opponent and advanced.

The last top ten inner sect disciples successfully advanced to the top fifteen. Only Zhou Bing, Qin Shou, Long Yuyang, Lei Mingsheng, He Bing, and the other five entered the failure group, but they still have a chance to enter the new one. One of the top ten disciples of the inner sect.

To everyone's amazement, the new disciples, Luo Shuiyang, Li Chenyu, He Yun and Ye Feng's words, a total of four new disciples entered the top fifteen.

"Zhou Bing, Qin Shou, Long Yuyang, Lei Mingsheng, He Bing, Ye Feng, Wang Heng, Luo Shuiyang and other 15 people successfully advanced to the next knockout round"

"Now, the 15 disciples who have been promoted will all come up to draw lots to determine their groups. As for the [-] who failed, Elder Jiang Yan will preside over your competition."

After talking eloquently for a long time, the great elder Jiang Zhong returned to the elders' table, sat down and drank a big mouthful of water.

After the voice fell, among the 30 people including Ye Feng, fifteen figures immediately walked out and walked towards the elder's seat. In the middle of the elder's seat, there was a lottery box.

When Ye Feng and other 15 people reached in and drew the lottery one by one, they picked up the lottery one by one to watch.

Qin Shou said in a startled tone, "I am number one."

Long Yuyang said calmly: "My number three"

"I am number six"

"My NO.13."

Ye Feng's gaze fell on the small wooden stick in his hand, and he saw a big Chinese character horoscope engraved on the front of the wooden stick.

After seeing that Ye Feng and others had drawn lots, the Great Elder put down his water glass and stood up.

"Ahem, this time the lottery numbers are divided into No. 15 to No. [-]. Now let me tell you about the rules of this round." After finishing speaking, the elder stroked his gray beard slightly.

"The disciple who got the No. 15 lottery will play against the student who got the No. 14 lottery, and so on. The No. [-] lottery will play against the No. [-] lottery. As for the disciple who got the No. [-] lottery in the middle, he is the lucky one. You can have a bye in this round and advance directly to the next round."

"Now, everyone will report their lottery numbers and let the staff record and arrange the next game."

After finishing speaking, the Great Elder glanced slightly in front of Ye Feng and the other 15 people.

At this time, Wang Heng came to Ye Feng with the lottery number and said, "Ye Feng, how many numbers did you get?"

"Number eight."

With that said, Ye Feng opened his palm, allowing Wang Heng to see the signature in the center of his hand at a glance.

"Tsk tsk tsk, No. [-]! You are very lucky, but it seems to be the same whether you draw No. [-] or not. In my opinion, in the entire Xuantian Sect, except for the mysterious true disciples, no disciple will be yours anymore." Opponents, even the core disciples can't be number one."

Wang Heng's voice was very low, so few people around noticed.

"What's your number?" Ye Feng said while playing with a small wooden stick in Wang Heng's hand.

"No.13, the opponent is Long Yuyang who went to Zhennan Army together at that time, but I am [-]% sure that I can win against him."

"Hehe, that's good!" Ye Feng smiled lightly.

And just after Ye Feng finished speaking, a staff member came to Ye Feng, recorded the wooden sign of Ye Feng and Wang Heng, and then returned to the workbench.

On the other side, Jiang Yan, the elder of the inner sect, led seven or eight deacons to preside over the 15-person match in the losing group. The battle has already begun, and the battle occupies five challenge platforms.

As for the battle mode, everyone has to fight with other people, accumulating points according to the victory or defeat, and deciding according to the level of points, the disciple with the most points has the opportunity to compete for the top ten rankings.

At this moment, a deacon took out a list and began to announce one by one.

"According to the lottery ranking, the order of the battle is."

"In the first match, Qin Shou will face Jiang Moli!"

"Second match, Ye Ye vs. He Yun!"

"The third match, Long Yuyang vs. Wang Heng!"

"Fourth match, Zhou Bing vs. Bai Yuhua!"

"Fifth match, Lei Mingsheng vs. Li Chenyu!"

"Sixth match, He Bing vs. He Yun!"

"The seventh match, Luoshuiyang vs. Muyi!"

Undoubtedly, these seven lineups are formidable, only three of them are at the peak of the middle stage of the Xuanyuan realm, and the other 11 people are all at the late stage of the Xuanyuan realm.

Xuantianzong has more than 20 inner disciples at the late stage of the Xuanyuan realm this year, but among the top fifteen, since there are four middle-stage Xuanyuan realm peaks, they have defeated the veteran disciples of the late stage of the Xuanyuan realm.

"For the first round, go to the No. [-] challenge platform!"

"Second round, on the second challenge platform!"

"Fifth match, go to challenge platform No. [-]!"

When the five deacons finished announcing, ten figures quickly ran towards the target location.

"Ye Feng, I'm going." Beside Ye Feng, just as Wang Heng finished speaking, his figure disappeared from Ye Feng's side in the blink of an eye, and reappeared tens of meters away. After a few breaths, he successfully arrived at the No. [-] challenge platform.

On the side, Luo Shuiyang withdrew his gaze from the challenge stage, landed on Ye Feng, and said softly: "Ye Feng, can you tell me the secret to comprehend the sword intent?"

"Sword intent! Knack!"

Ye Feng repeated in his mouth, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"Sword intent! I can't explain clearly, I can only tell you, don't use the sword as a tool for killing people, but use the sword as a part of your body. Only by doing this, you may be able to realize it in the future. It’s all nonsense.”


After finishing speaking, Ye Feng's eyes fell on Xuanyunjian at his waist, and under Ye Feng's full attention, the body of Xuanyunjian trembled faintly, as if responding cordially to Ye Feng.

"Treat the sword as a part of your body! The sword is not a tool for killing!" Luo Shuiyang murmured slightly, and fell into a state of contemplation.

At the time of the dialogue, there were two challenge platforms that had already decided the outcome. The first was the fourth challenge platform, where Zhou Bing defeated his opponent Bai Huayu, and the second was the fifth challenge platform, where Lei Mingsheng fired three shots , defeated his opponent Li Chenyu.

"Sixth match, go to the fourth challenge stage!"

"Seventh round, go to the fifth challenge stage!"

Without waiting for the other three challenge stages to decide the winner, the staff here immediately announced that the remaining two groups will face off on stage.

After the deacon staff made the announcement, the three figures around Ye Feng immediately moved out, while Luo Shuiyang closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't hear the voice from the outside world.

"Luo Shuiyang, it's your turn!" Ye Feng slightly shouted to Luo Shuiyang beside him, with a trace of soul force in his voice.

"En!" Luo Shuiyang suddenly opened his eyes, then turned his head to look beside him, and then looked at the challenge platform No. [-], and realized what happened.

"Ye Feng, thank you for your advice."

After Luo Shuiyang finished speaking, he stepped on his body suddenly, and his whole body flew towards the challenge platform No. [-] in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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