One-step Sword Sovereign

Chapter 185 Pre-Ranking Competition!

Chapter 185 Top Ten Ranking Competition!
After Luo Shuiyang stepped onto the challenge stage, the battle horn sounded immediately, and countless afterimages filled each challenge stage, and the profound energy fluctuations became more and more intense.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of many spectators, the battle continued until the end. The ending of the five challenge stages began to become clear, and everyone knew who would win and who would win.

Soon, the battles on each challenge platform ended, and the referee staff immediately began to announce the results of the battle.

"Challenge Stage [-], Qin Shou played against Jiang Moli, Qin Shou won, advanced to the top ten!"

"Challenge Stage No. [-], Ye Ye played against He Yun, He Yun won, advanced to the top ten!"

"Challenge platform No. [-], Long Yuyang played against Wang Heng, Wang Heng won, advanced to the top ten!"

"Challenge platform No. [-], He Bing played against Hua Yunfeng, He Bing won and advanced to the top ten!"

"Challenge stage five, Luoshuiyang played against Muyi, Luoshuiyang won and advanced to the top ten!"

Five battles are over, five winners, plus the previous two sets of matches, Zhou Bing and Lei Mingsheng both advanced, exactly seven people in total, and they will be promoted to the top ten of the new inner gate. As for the specific ranking, we have to wait another time. Three people, ten people together, can start the ranking competition.

After seven battles, the surrounding audiences were all eye-opened. It is not surprising that Qin Shou was able to defeat his opponent on the first challenge stage. After all, there was a difference of more than ten ranks between the two before. The opponent's method is almost always crushing and defeating the opponent to achieve victory.

And the few battles with bright spots also surprised them. On the second challenge platform, He Yun, as a new inner disciple, actually defeated Ye Ye, a veteran inner sect with more than ten blacklists. This result was really shocking.

There is also the challenge platform with bright spots, and there is No. [-]. Wang Heng and Long Yuyang are both inner sect disciples of Xuantianzong. There was a difference of eleven places in the last black list. Almost everyone believed that Long Yuyang would win.

However, the result of the battle was really surprising. Wang Heng actually counterattacked perfectly. From the inner disciple who was ranked [-]th in the black list, to Long Yuyang, who has completely defeated the fifth inner disciple, this ending is far different from what was expected.

On the fourth challenge stage, He Bing, who was ninth in the inner sect last time, fought dozens of moves and completely defeated his opponent Hua Yunfeng. This result did not attract too many people's attention. After all, Hua Yunfeng ranked ten times lower than He Bing , so this result has long been expected by everyone.

On the fifth challenge platform, Luo Shuiyang faced Mu Yi. The battle was also the last one of the five battle platforms. In the battle, the two fought against each other with no less than a hundred moves. In the end, Mu Yi lost to Luo Shuiyang, and the defeat was due to skill training Whether it is profound or not.

"The seven losers will gather at the eighth challenge platform to compete for the remaining three places." Soon, a staff member came to the center of Budao Square and said to the seven losers.

At the same time, the fifteen inner disciples who failed in the last round started a brutal election battle with the seven disciples who failed this time through re-election.

As the lucky one, Ye Feng had already returned to the player's seat when he was not fighting, watching every move of the ten challengers.

Next, the seven disciples who successfully advanced to the top ten returned to the player's bench. Like Ye Feng and others, their eyes fell on the battle of the defeated group.Watching each group's competition and displaying all kinds of splendid martial arts also opened Ye Feng's eyes.

defeated group.The game is still going on.

There is no one-on-one strong duel, and several games have been won by an absolutely overwhelming advantage, and there is no suspense.

However, there are also a few battles that attract people's attention. These people are unlucky. They met the strong and were eliminated in the first round of knockout rounds. Among these people, there are Long Yuyang, Yang Qianqian, Lou Congguang, Sun Nan, etc. big elite.

In addition, there are several rookies, He Yun who lost miserably, but frequently shined brilliantly in the defeat group battles.

The wheel competition in the defeated group is a bit troublesome. There are countless games, and basically everyone has to fight with others. The ranking is determined by the points, and the inner disciples who will advance to the top ten will be determined.The competition ended very quickly, and almost all of them were of great disparity in strength, with the front-runners at the back.

Time goes by slowly!
When half an hour passed, the battle results of the defeated group were finally counted. According to the points ranking of each disciple, the top two were listed.

The two disciples ranked first and second in points are Long Yuyang and Yang Qianqian.

And these two disciples, together with Ye Feng who failed to draw lots, will become one of the top ten disciples of the new Xuantian Sect inner sect, and the next step is to start the long process of ranking competition.

Soon, the Great Elder at the Elder's Seat took out a list that had been prepared for the record, jumped onto the high platform, and announced loudly to the surroundings, the voice was integrated into the increase of profound energy.

"The top ten disciples of Xuantianzong's inner sect ranking this year have now competed one by one. They are Zhou Bing, Qin Shou, Lei Mingsheng, He Yun, Ye Feng, Wang Heng, He Bing, Long Yuyang, Yang Qianqian , Luo Shuiyang."

Afterwards, the Great Elder gave another eloquent speech, nothing more than hoping that the disciples in the sect would practice more diligently and become a prominent person in the future.

Moreover, after finishing speaking, Grand Elder Jiang Zhong did not forget to explain the rules of the ranking competition.

And Ye Feng was on the player's seat, listening to every word that the Great Elder said.

For this top ten ranking competition in the inner court, the rule is ten people, each of them will fight each other once, and the ranking will be based on the points. As for the origin of the points!Still win a game and get two points, lose a game and get zero points, and draw a game and get one point.

The ten people were divided into five challenge platforms and played at the same time. Moreover, this time the referees were replaced by elders from the outer sect. From this, it can be seen that the sect attaches great importance to the ranking competition of the inner sect.

Moreover, the disciples who successfully enter the top ten can get Zongmen rewards. The rewards include spirit stones, gold, and auxiliary pills. These rewards can be exchanged for equivalent treasures.

Moreover, the order of the battle arrangements has also been arranged.

"In the first round, the first challenge stage, Zhou Bing played against Qin Shou, the second challenge stage, Long Yuyang played against Lei Mingsheng, and the third challenge stage, Yang Qianqian played against Luo Shuiyang"

There were five battles in the first round. During the battle, three battles passed, attracting the attention of many people.

One was the peak confrontation between Zhou Bing and Qin Shou among the top ten inner sect disciples in the previous session.

One was Yang Qianqian and Luo Shuiyang. As a veteran inner disciple, Yang Qianqian was young but powerful. Luo Shuiyang was even younger. He was basically the youngest disciple of the Xuantian Sect. Although it has not yet entered the late stage of Xuanyuan Realm, its combat power is almost the same.

As for the last battle, it was the battle between Ye Feng and Lei Mingsheng. Ye Feng only entered the inner door, and his voice remained high, while Lei Mingsheng was also a well-known old man in the inner door. Get famous.

(End of this chapter)

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