The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 101 Internal meeting of Broadcom Electronics

Chapter 101 Internal meeting of Broadcom Electronics
Su Ye had already prepared a month ago to buy a house for everyone.

At the sales office of Tianyue City today, I didn't get any cool feeling of pretending to be slapped in the face.

So now we must act aggressive in front of Li Qianqian and Chen Nanfeng.

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye curiously, and couldn't help but wonder.

This has already said two big things, how can there be new big things to say?

"When I passed by Tianyue City this morning, I saw that the real estate there was already on sale. I don't know if you two have noticed."

"Yes, I have."

Li Qianqian replied, what does the sale of Tianyue City have to do with us? It can't be that Mr. Su bought the house there.

Chen Nanfeng nodded, he also noticed this situation.

I just don't know what Su Ye meant by saying that.

"I stopped by to have a look when I came to work in the morning, and I feel that the houses in Tianyue City are not bad."

"The construction of the community is quite good. In addition, the greening and environment are very good, and it is more suitable for living."

"It just so happens that Tianyue City is not far from the Youth Innovation Park, so I want to buy a house there."

You can just buy a house, so why bother me.

Li Qianqian and Chen Nanfeng were puzzled, only listening to Su Ye continue.

"Thinking of many colleagues in our company, because they don't live near the Youth Innovation Park, so I think about it."

"Can we buy a building and use it as an apartment for the employees, so that everyone can live for free?"

Buy a building?

Mr. Su, you are sure you are not joking.

"So, I thought of doing it, so I bought a building."

"Really bought it?"

Li Qianqian asked in surprise.

She thought Su Ye was just talking, but she didn't expect Su Ye to actually buy it.

This is too random.

You said that some time ago you asked everyone to have breakfast, that's no problem.

Even if the standard is 10 yuan for one person, it is only 80 yuan for more than 800 people.

But what happened to buying a building all of a sudden? How much money was burned?
"President Su, why don't you buy them all?"

"Now there are 80 people in the company, and there will definitely be more than that in the future."

Li Qianqian curled her lips, speaking ironically with a speechless face.


Su Ye slapped his head abruptly and stood up.

I am still too small. You can see that Li Qianqian, as a subordinate, has such a long-term vision.

Su Ye picked up the coat on the back of the chair and was about to go out.

"Hey, no, Mr. Su, you really want to buy it."

Li Qianqian quickly grabbed Su Ye and asked.

She felt like she was going to be completely defeated by this guy.

What I said was ironic, don't you understand?
You are a real tiger.

"That's right, I feel that I'm still too small. I'll find a way to get all the managers of Lianzhong Games and Broadcom Electronics to move here to work, so I can't let them travel so far to work."

"Besides, don't we still have an office building here? By then, every building will belong to the same company. It's exciting to think about it."

Su Ye thought, according to the nature of the system, he might be rewarded with equity in various companies in the future.

Since you can't resist, it's better to accept it.

It's better to be prepared in advance than to rush around when the time comes.

"Uh, okay."

Li Qianqian had no choice but to let go of Su Ye's words, and then said, "No."

"President Su, you can't go alone, I'll go with you."

"Huh? Why."

Now it was Su Ye's turn to be surprised.

Li Qianqian was against her just now, why is she going with him again now.

"Why? I'm not afraid of you, no, I'm afraid that the company will be cheated by the developer."

"Mr. Su, you don't know that for customers who buy a large number of houses, the developer has a reserve price."

This Su Ye does know, he has heard it mentioned before.

But first of all, it wasn't his own money, and the system could give him a full rebate.

Secondly, the sales office of Tianyue City also gave me some discounts this morning.

"That's fine, let's go together, Brother Chen, do you want to go and see together?"


When Chen Nanfeng saw Su Ye mentioning himself, he quickly waved his hands.

He has worked for several years and bought a house with his wife, and now he is struggling to repay the loan every month.

If there is another house, he will not have the ability to pay for it.

"No need, Mr. Su, I just bought a house, and now I need to save money for my children."

"Okay, then you are busy first."

Just when Su Ye and Li Qianqian went to Tianyue City to buy a house.

Jiangcheng Science and Technology Park.

The executive meeting room at Broadcom Electronics was packed.

"Have you heard, the chairman came here today to announce a big event."

"I heard it too, it seems to be related to shares."

"You said that the company is going to be sold, right?"

"How is this possible? Our Broadcom Electronics made a profit of more than 9 million yuan last year. The chairman will not be so stupid to sell the company."

"Yes, this is indeed the case. Overseas shipments to the Southeast Asian sales channel opened last year have already accounted for more than half of our company's operating income, and it will definitely continue to rise this year. The chairman will definitely not sell the company."

"Yeah, it's likely that the children of the rich in Southeast Asia are planning to buy some shares, and the chairman also announced this matter considering sales."

While everyone was discussing, a hale and hearty man in a suit walked in.

All the executives stood up and shouted respectfully: "Hello, chairman."

Yang Li waved his hands with a smile on his face, "Everyone sit down, you're welcome."

"Yes, Chairman."

Everyone was seated one after another, Yang Li walked to the speaking platform, watched the audience speak slowly and said:

"Everyone may have heard some news about the transfer of our company's shares."

"Well, don't get excited, there is indeed such a thing."

"As you all know, I, Yang Li, bought this company 20 years ago. The predecessor of Broadcom Electronics was a semiconductor company. It was privatized because of poor management."

"Through the hard work of all of us, we have come to where we are today. I am very pleased and grateful."

Yang Li paused as he spoke, as if recalling the difficult years back then.

It was just those who were present. The old brothers who fought with him back then had already retired at home and no longer participated in the company's affairs.

"In the past 20 years, I have also changed from a vigorous middle-aged man in his 40s to a bad old man in his 60s. The current economic and market situation of the Longhan Empire is changing rapidly."

"I can't keep up with this era."

Seeing Yang Li's lonely look, many senior executives spoke to comfort him.

"Mr. Yang, you are at the right age and have rich experience. If you rashly hand over the company to the young man, then we will be worried."

"Director Yang, Mr. Yang has returned from studying abroad, let him take care of things in the front, and you just need to check more in the back."

"Yes, Mr. Yang, isn't your daughter also studying business management? It's okay to let her come to the group."

Listening to everyone's comfort, Yang Li waved his hands.

"Needless to say, everyone, Yang Tiancheng's ability to be the helm of the group is still lacking a lot."

"As for Sisi, although he has been studying hard, he is not that material."

"I have already handed over the formalities yesterday, and transferred 51% of Broadcom Electronics' shares to a young man. From now on, he will lead everyone to move forward."

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(End of this chapter)

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