Chapter 102
It's the second time it's on the shelves, and I'm just as excited.

Since I opened the new book on September 9th, I have felt too much warmth and also a lot of coldness.

Before, I always thought that I was a strong person, the kind who could go my own way no matter what others said.

However, I found out that I was wrong.

Big mistake!

I'm such a glass heart! ! !


I thought that after some study, my level should be good, but the reality gave me a slap in the face.

I still don't write well.

Many readers said that this place is poisonous, there is embarrassment, I walked away, slipped away, and said goodbye.

At first I forced myself to smile, thinking that at least they were all pointing out their opinions to me.

No ill intentions, nor against me as a person.

But even so, I still feel very uncomfortable and painful.

I had self-doubt.


One such thought came to my mind.

To be honest, this idea lasted in my mind for almost two days, and it was only when I got up this morning that I gradually extinguished this idea, and finally came to a conclusion, that is——

Can't be a eunuch.

Writing is a matter of persistence.

Even if the writing is not good, it can still be improved in subsequent plots.

But once the eunuch becomes a eunuch, his character will be ruined.

It's on the shelves today, and the content to be released later is all the drafts of the previous few days.

I didn't write when I was in a bad mood, and I couldn't write.

Anyway, I will gradually change the writing technique and some plots of this book later, so as to ensure that the story I want to write is finished.


Original Cookies also hopes that everyone will be merciful when giving comments.

I am not a tough guy, just a glass-hearted uncle who likes to write.


Thanks to a wave of readers who have always supported me.

My classmate "Xu Ling Miao", who is the operating officer, and "365 Together", "Flowers and Falling Shadows i", "Ze Yu", "Original Cookies", "Limeng Zhishang" who gave me rewards Author", "Book Friends 160315161606576", and "Xu Lai Miao" read on QQ, "People who are busy struggling for life".

There are also many friends who vote for me every day, and friends who give me spiritual encouragement in the circle.

"Love you guys!"

(End of this chapter)

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