The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 103 Domineering and Unparalleled Li Qianqian

Chapter 103 Domineering and Unparalleled Li Qianqian
"Yang Dong, is it so fast?"

"No way, 51% of the shares have been transferred out?"

There was a lot of discussion.

Broadcom Electronics is a company fully controlled by Yang Li, and only a few old brothers from the past hold a part of the shares.

But not more than 20%.

The remaining 80% is in the hands of Chairman Yang Li.

Now that 51% of the shares are transferred out, Broadcom Electronics will not have the surname Yang in the future.

Then these executives, can their positions and income be guaranteed?
"Be quiet."

Yang Li could not help frowning when he saw that the people below were discussing a lot.

"Don't worry everyone, the new person who took over the company is a young man with very strong strength."

"When we talked about the transfer of shares with me, the housekeeper always came forward."

"It should be the direct heir of a big family."

Su Ye: I still have a housekeeper?I do not know how.


The eyes of these executives suddenly lit up.

Big family, direct line, young master, butler.

Putting these few key words together, it shows that the newcomer, what a young master, doesn't understand business management.

Doesn't that mean that everyone can have a good time hehehe.

The senior executives looked at each other and smiled tacitly. Looking at the old man Yang Li, they also felt a little benevolent.

Seeing them like this, Yang Li sneered in his heart.

After arranging things, he turned and left.

Afterwards, the work of Broadcom Electronics has nothing to do with him, and he will appoint a vice president to act as the general manager during the transition period.

Looking back at the dilapidated office building again, Yang Li got into the car and left without a trace of nostalgia.

"Is the company really transferred to a young master?"

"That's still false. Didn't the chairman say that he is a direct descendant of a big family, and he didn't even come forward for such a big matter as the acquisition of the company."

"Then can we..."

"Well, last year Mr. Liu opened up channels in Southeast Asia and made a lot of money. I thought about it and I can find channels in the country of Dog Day."

"What is Gou Ri's country? My relationship in Taiyan country goes directly to the royal family."

"Stop talking, Nanya is mine."

"Then I'll forcefully ask for a big northern bear, maybe I can exchange some nuclear submarines for our empire."

"You can pull it down, if you can get back the nuclear submarine, I can get back the aircraft carrier fleet, the full one."

There was a burst of relief in the meeting room.

All executives are "actively" preparing to expand the business for the company.


at the same time.

Hangzhou, Lianzhong game headquarters.

In other words, the headquarters is not suitable, it should be said that it is the narrow office area of ​​Lianzhong Games.

The CEO and founder of Lianzhong, Lu Pingping, is happily holding a meeting for the employees.

"Brothers, our shares have finally been sold."

"And the person who bought the company this time is a super powerful big boss."

"Big boss? How old is he? Pingping tell us."

"Yeah, Pingping, what kind of big boss can Hangzhou have these days, uh, you're not talking about historians, are you?"

"Historian, how is it possible. The historian already owns a lot of our shares."

"I'm not a historian either. I heard that Shi Jin, the prince of the historian, has built an Internet company himself, and he might be our competitor in the future."

"What Internet company, I heard it is a server."

"The server is awesome. We are doing the Internet, which company can do without the server."

"Quiet, let no one talk."

Lu Pingping usually gets along well with the employees, so everyone is not afraid of him.

Otherwise, how could so many people follow him to start a business in such a small place.

"This transfer of shares, everything is led by a steward of the other party."

"It is said to be a hermit family in the Longhan Empire."

As soon as Lu Pingping finished speaking, the bottom exploded again.

"Hidden family, what family dares to be arrogant in front of me, Ye Liangchen."

"Do you not take me, Long Aotian seriously?"

"By the way, he must be the son-in-law of a big family, haha..."

Lu Pingping looked at everyone helplessly, "All right, all right, I'll let you know anyway."

"I don't know how the new boss will arrange for us in the future."

"Let's continue as usual, everyone."

"Hey, you haven't said anything after talking for a long time, you Lu Pingping is very bad."

Everyone complained and gradually dispersed.

Although they said so on the lips, everyone was happy in their hearts.

When Shijia bought shares in Lianzhong before, each of them received a small dividend.

Being acquired again this time, if you think about it, you know that the income will definitely not be low.

After all, when Shijia acquired it, Lianzhong Games hadn't launched the point card business yet.

At that time, many employees bought houses in Hangzhou relying on dividends.

Lu Pingping looked at everyone with a smile, but there was a helpless smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lianzhong Games is his blood and child.

If there is a better development and future, then he will be happy even if he leaves Lianzhong.

But if someone spoils him, his heart will bleed.

Lu Pingping made a secret decision: If the new major shareholder allows him to stay in Lianzhong, he will definitely keep his eyes on the direction of future development.

My road is mediocre, and I will never allow anyone to spoil my hard work.


Su Ye followed Li Qianqian, holding contracts for the remaining 5 buildings and 32 shops in Tianyue City.

Well, that's right, Su Ye was indeed following Li Qianqian.

Because, he saw Li Qianqian's domineering side at the sales office today.

As soon as she entered the sales office, Li Qianqian called the manager of the sales office in a domineering manner.

"The people who call you clear the field."

"We cover all the remaining houses and shops that are on sale."

"It's all covered?" The sales manager looked at the girl in front of him with a confused face.

Xin said who are you, why don't you say that you have taken over our company.

Then he saw Su Ye following behind Li Qianqian.

Isn't this the boss who bought a building just now? Could it be that what this little girl said is true?
The sales manager asked the salesman to start clearing the place in surprise.

Those uncles and aunts who paid 12 eggs also left in a noisy manner.


The entire sales hall was empty.

Su Ye also realized at this time that all these people who co-authored were all extra performers invited by the Nings.

Not a single real buyer.

"This lady..."

"Don't call me Miss, it sounds weird, my surname is Li."

Li Qianqian said coldly, and the sales manager quickly smiled and said, "Ms. Li, you said just now that you want to take over all of our real estate?"

"No, you heard it wrong."

Su Ye didn't expect Li Qianqian to be so skinny.

Is it really good for you to sway back and forth like this?

Seeing Li Qianqian turned around and was about to leave, the manager of the sales office almost knelt down for her.

"Oh, Ms. Li, I'm sorry, the hospitality is not good, can you stop teasing me?"

Looking at the appearance of the sales manager, Li Qianqian also knew that too much was too much.

"Okay, call out the person in charge on your side."

"That Ms. Li, I am the one in charge."


Li Qianqian sat domineeringly on the sofa in the sales office, looked up at the other party and shook her head.

"You can not."

The sales manager's face turned pale in an instant, and then turned red again.

As an old man, it would be a great shame and humiliation if a woman said no.

Immediately, he put down the two cups of green tea that he was about to pass to Li Qianqian and Su Ye, and said coldly.

"You are right, I will ask our leaders to come here immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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