Chapter 199 Message 2 (a chapter that was changed after being blocked)
"Yes, I'll send him back later."

Li Beisong on the other end of the phone said, "Little sister, where are you now?"

"I'm in Xucheng Second Hospital, where Su Ye's parents are."

"Oh? Have you met Su Ye's parents?"

Li Beisong said with a smirk.

"Of course. Su Ye is my colleague. His father is injured. I must come and see him."

Li Qianqian said this sentence loudly on purpose, and wanted to tell Su Ye's mother that she had nothing to do with Su Ye.

If there is anything to say, it is also a colleague relationship, and it can only be a colleague relationship.

Listening to what Li Qianqian said beside the hospital bed, Meng Xiaojuan couldn't help laughing.

After all, he is a child, afraid of being discovered by others, so he uses such a stupid method to cover up his true inner thoughts.

Meng Xiaojuan just thought that Li Qianqian was pretty, and suspected that she and Su Ye were dating.

Now when I hear this, my heart is immediately relieved.

This girl Li Qianqian must have something to do with her son.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qianqian saw Meng Xiaojuan's strange eyes and didn't understand why.

"Auntie, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing, just seeing you, Auntie remembered when she was young."

Meng Xiaojuan replied casually, "It's just that, Auntie was not as beautiful as you at that time."

Hearing this, Li Qianqian felt very embarrassed immediately, she lowered her head and whispered: "No, Auntie, you must have been pretty when you were young, otherwise how could you have such a handsome son as Su Ye."

Meng Xiaojuan was very happy to be told by Li Qianqian. Although she is almost 50 years old, which woman does not love beauty and praise from others.

Especially when these words came from such a beautiful daughter-in-law-to-be as Li Qianqian.

Aunt Zhou and another female worker saw that Meng Xiaojuan and Li Qianqian were chatting happily, so they couldn't stay here any longer, so they told Meng Xiaojuan and asked Su Aiguo to recover from his injuries, and the two left together.

After a while, Li Beisong called, saying that he was at the entrance of the hospital and would be there soon.

Li Qianqian quickly ran downstairs after talking to Meng Xiaojuan.

"Su Ye, I can only send you here."

"Your skills are good, let's compete with each other when we have a chance in the future."

Su Ye looked at Li Beisong, who was more than 1.9 meters tall and whose muscles would burst his clothes, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Brother Li, don't worry."

"I just know how to do the crop handle twice, and I can't compare with your physique."

"Just kidding, if the competition depends on the physique, isn't that considered bodybuilding? I'll leave you a phone number and I'll call you when I have time."

Su Ye reported his mobile phone number to him, and Li Beisong took out his mobile phone to record it before leaving.

In order to test Su Ye last night, he also said that he had a younger sister to introduce to him.

If Li Qianqian saw him call "fourth brother" later, wouldn't he have revealed his secrets on the spot?

Su Ye, who didn't know the inside story, thought that Li Beisong was purely optimistic and admiring him, so he waved goodbye to Li Beisong and turned to go to the elevator in the hospital.

It happened that Li Qianqian came out of the elevator, Li Qianqian saw Su Ye and asked, "Su Ye, you are back."

"Well, why did you come here?"

"You still talk about me, why did you come from the company to Xucheng without making a sound?"

"Do you know that even if you are the boss of the company, you still need to tell everyone about travel."

"You disappeared from the company so suddenly, we all thought you were kidnapped."

"how come."

Seeing that many people were looking at him, Su Ye felt that it was inappropriate to talk to Li Qianqian like this in public, so he tried to pull her aside.

Li Qianqian also saw the strange eyes of the people around her, and obediently followed Su Ye to the side corridor.

She secretly regretted it, she came to Xu Cheng because she cared about Su Ye, but she didn't know why.

When he saw Su Ye, he got angry and wanted to tell him that he was worried about his words.

But I don't know why saying it has become the content of reprimand.

"Qianqian, thank you."

"I know you're worried about me, but you're a girl who came so far from Jiangcheng alone, so I'm also worried about you."

Su Ye walked into the corridor, and when Li Qianqian was still regretting and blaming herself, he suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders and said.

Li Qianqian was overwhelmed by Su Ye's sudden appearance, she looked up at Su Ye's burning glasses, and then quickly lowered her head.

"I, I'm not worried about you."

Li Qianqian said in an inaudible voice, but Su Ye took the opportunity to lean over and approach her.

"What did you say?"

"Are you worried about me?"

In Li Qianqian's heart, there was a little devil holding a fork and roaring loudly at Su Ye, "Who's worried about you, you villain".

But she couldn't say this, she could feel Su Ye's breath getting closer.

That warm, hot feeling made Li Qianqian's brain dizzy for a while.

"Stop talking, go upstairs first."

Su Ye knew that he had passed this test. Seeing Li Qianqian's cute appearance, he couldn't help scratching Li Qianqian's nose with his finger.

"Okay, let's go."

Going to the ward, Su Ye told his parents about his experience last night.

But because he was afraid that the two would be worried, he didn't say anything about Scarface taking out the gun.

Li Qianqian was no longer as natural as before in front of Meng Xiaojuan, coyly handing the breakfast she bought to Su Ye to let him eat a little bit, like a little daughter-in-law.

"Eat it by yourself, you still need someone to feed you at this age."

Meng Xiaojuan glared at Su Ye fiercely, and when she turned her head to face Li Qianqian, a smile appeared on her face again, "Qianqian, you can't get used to Su Ye's stink, and let him treat you well in the future. "

"Come on, Qianqian, sit down, Su Ye, give Qianqian that orange."

Su Ye had already eaten in the morning, and stuffed the pastry into her mouth with the pastry in her hand. Then she got up and took an orange from the cabinet on her father's hospital bed and handed it to Li Qianqian.

"You eat oranges without peeling them."

Meng Xiaojuan yelled, she didn't know what was going on, after Li Qianqian came, the more she looked at Su Ye, the more she felt disliked.

When Su Ye was born, Meng Xiaojuan wanted a daughter. Now that she saw Su Ye was clumsy and didn't know how to please her future daughter-in-law, she felt anxious.

I couldn't help but wanted to say something to Su Ye, so that Li Qianqian could feel better.

During the chat just now, she already knew that Li Qianqian was from Jiangcheng, and her father was a member of the Cultural Bureau.

This is a cadre's family. Thinking that his family is just an ordinary worker's family, he tried every means to treat Li Qianqian better.

Such a good "daughter-in-law" cannot be allowed to leave Su Ye in the end.

But Su Ye, clumsy, dumb, like an elm bump, can't please girls at all, let her mother see it, anxious in her heart, can't help but want to reprimand him A few words.

Su Ye peeled the orange and handed it to Li Qianqian. Li Qianqian first shared some with Meng Xiaojuan and Su Aiguo. The two of them smiled happily at this move.

Look at our daughter-in-law here, how sensible.

He completely forgot that this orange was just peeled from Su Ye's hand.

"Su Ye, you will go with me to see Uncle Song and Uncle Tan later, especially your Uncle Tan."

"I just came out of the emergency room in the morning, and so did Uncle Song, with many fractures on his body."

"They are all brothers who protested against the unreasonable demolition of Mingze Real Estate. They should visit them both emotionally and rationally."

"No problem, Dad, shall we take something with us?"

"No, just go."

Su Ye nodded, waiting for her father's next instruction,

Li Qianqian took Su Ye's charger from Hu Yidao, and asked Su Ye for his cell phone that hadn't been charged all night.

"Qianqian, let him come by himself."

"No need, Auntie, this little thing doesn't matter."

After Su Ye's phone was charged for a while, he had nothing to do, so he moved the stool and sat next to the charger to turn on the phone.

As a result, just after turning it on, a phone call popped up.

Su Ye hurriedly connected: "Hey, good morning Brother Yao."

"It's getting late, Xiao Su, I started calling you at 8 o'clock in the morning."

"What happened to that thing about selling tickets online."

"Brother Yao, don't worry, the company has already arranged for it. All the procedures should be completed this week. As long as there is no problem in the test, it will be online by next weekend at the latest."

"Okay, Xiao Su, you are going to help hurry up, I am waiting for your good news here."

"No problem, Brother Yao, I must hurry up."

 It was blocked before, the application was not successful, and it was rewritten.In the future, we will still set the direction on business warfare, and will not involve other content.I have to revise the outline later. . .

(End of this chapter)

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