The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 200 I Will Be Hooked Up by Girls Wherever I Go

Chapter 200 I Will Be Hooked Up by Girls Wherever I Go (Seeking Tickets and Subscriptions)

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye was dragged by Su Aiguo to see Uncle Song and Uncle Tan.

Li Qianqian was a little embarrassed at the side, but Meng Xiaojuan grabbed her and said that the two of them would go shopping in Xucheng together.

Although Xucheng is not big, there are still some places that can be visited, but now the weather is cold, and many places cannot be visited.

Li Qianqian was curious about Su Ye's factory, so she begged Meng Xiaojuan to go and see it.

Seeing this, Su Ye assigned Hu Yidao to the two of them and asked him to drive the car.

"Dad, how is the business in our store?"

When going upstairs, Su Aiguo said that he didn't like to take the elevator, so he took Su Ye up the stairs.

It didn't matter to Su Ye, he chatted with Su Aiguo casually.

"So-so, anyway, enough for us to eat."

"It's you kid, didn't you say you work in Jiangcheng? Why did you bring someone with you when you came back?"

Su Aiguo was talking about Hu Yidao, he was too dazed yesterday and didn't have time to ask, but judging by Hu Yidao's figure and posture, he didn't look like a normal office worker.

"Oh, that's my driver."

Su Ye hesitated, should he tell his father about his company.

After all, they are old and don't understand the Internet. If they knew that Qingyun Technology's QQ payment would earn [-] million in just a few days, they would probably have to stay in the hospital for a few days.


"It's been a while since you've been working and you need a driver. I'm the factory manager now, so I'm not willing to have a driver."

Su Aiguo said with an unhappy face.

This young man is restless, how much money can he earn a month, and he even has a driver.

Is your salary enough to pay the driver's wages?

Su Aiguo suddenly thought that if Su Ye had a driver, it at least meant that he still had a car.

The most common car now costs more than 20 yuan, where does Su Ye get the money from?

Thinking of this, Su Aiguo stopped and looked at Su Ye and solemnly called out: "Son!"


"What's the matter, Dad."

Su Aiguo's face was dark, and his eyes were fixed on Su Ye.

"I told you something before."

"It's good for young people to have ideals, but don't aim too high."

"You are only 22 years old now, and you will have a long time to struggle in the future. You can't have this kind of hedonism."

"Let me ask you, since you have a driver, do you also have a car?"

Su Ye nodded and said, "Yes."

"Whose car is that?"

Su Aiguo asked urgently.

"I bought it myself, Dad, what do I do with so much money, it's more convenient to buy a car."

"Money? Pay back that much money?"

Su Aiguo's eyes became more and more serious.

When Su Ye said this, he thought of ten thousand possibilities in his mind.

He couldn't understand what was going on with his son.

After finding a job before, she happily called him and Meng Xiaojuan to announce the good news.

It is said that if you find a good Internet company, you can get a salary of 3000 yuan just after joining the company.

It's only been two months since I've seen him, and he even said he was rich, and even bought a car with his own money.

Where did the money come from? Su Aiguo was very worried.

Su Ye grew up with the couple since she was a child, so she can't do those illegal things.

"How much money do you have and how did you get it?"

Hearing Su Aiguo ask him this, Su Ye immediately understood that he had slipped his mouth by accident.

That being the case, there is no choice but to tell Dad some things.

"Dad, it's not what you think. You don't understand your son, and he will never do bad things."

"I made money by starting my own company."

"I worked in the previous company for a period of time. I felt that it was not in line with the company's philosophy. I worked overtime every day. I made a calculation with a few colleagues and started a new company."


Su Aiguo's eyes widened. He didn't expect his son to start his own company. So, he also became the boss?
For this result, Su Aiguo is still very satisfied.

As long as he is doing business, he will not have so many thoughts and worries.

I am afraid that my son will be tricked into doing bad things in society when he is young.

"What did you start the company for, and how much money did you make?"

Su Ye briefly introduced his Qingyun technology, and then told Su Aiguo.

In the past two months, my company has earned more than 600 million yuan.

When he heard 600 million, Su Aiguo couldn't help shaking, two months, made 600 million?
What is this concept.

The house price in Xucheng is cheaper than that in Jiangcheng, about 2000 per square meter.

600 million, that is, a house of 100 square meters, the money Su Ye earns in two months is enough to buy 30 houses? !

"so much?"

"Well, but several of our shareholders discussed it, and most of the money we earned has been invested in continuing to operate the company."

"The rest of the money is divided among everyone. I bought a car and a house myself."

Su Aiguo's eyes were full of splendor.

He didn't think that Du Su Ye still had this ability, so he bought a house and a car by starting his own company.

He was very worried about these two things before.

The son is going to get married when he grows up, and the daughter-in-law is from Xucheng. If she is from Jiangcheng, then she will buy a house and get married in Jiangcheng.

And the house price in Jiangcheng has already reached 3000. These years he and Meng Xiaojuan have worked together in a toy factory, although they have made some money, but it is only a drop in the bucket for the high house price.

Well now, my son has his own business, and at the same time he can buy a house and a car by himself.

Su Aiguo planned to talk to Meng Xiaojuan about this when he went back.

The son doesn't need them to worry about it, and the two of them can just live their own little days in the future.

"Dad, don't worry. After a while, the company will develop well. I'm going to buy another apartment and bring you and my mother to Jiangcheng. It's great for us to be together as a family."

"That can't be done. Your mother and I have left. What about our factory?"

"Besides, Xu Cheng has lived here for many years, and the neighbors in the neighborhood are all familiar with it. You let me go to Jiang Cheng, and I feel uncomfortable living here."

"That's fine, or if I turn around and share the company's dividends, I'll use the money to help you expand the factory."

"Help a few more drivers, some people will deliver, and there will be nothing to deliver."


Hearing what Su Ye said, Su Aiguo looked embarrassed and did not reply.

Just as Su Ye wanted to ask about the situation, Su Aiguo pointed to the sign in the corridor, saying that he had already arrived at the Orthopedic Surgery Department.

Because they knew Uncle Song's ward for a long time, the two looked at the room numbers and walked from room to room.

The patients in the orthopedic surgery ward all had bandages on their arms or legs.

Su Ye clicked her tongue after looking at it for a while, and responded to an old saying, don't be sick if you have something, and don't be wicked if you don't have it.

No matter how unsatisfactory life is now, come to the hospital to have a look, and you will know how beautiful life is.

The customer wards are pretty good. After all, a broken bone can grow back slowly. If it is some other illness, it will be even more uncomfortable.

As soon as I walked to the room where the No. 21 hospital bed was located, I heard a noise coming from inside.

"What's going on with you? We, Miss Qin, want to change wards. We've been talking about it for a day, but why can't we change?"

"I think this is a corpse meal for you."

"I told you all, we are not short of money, we are not short of money, what do you mean if you don't handle it for us?"

"Miss Qin is a star now. If outsiders know that she is currently in the hospital, her role may be taken away."

"Will you be able to afford it then?"

A woman's sharp voice came, with an aggressive attitude, and several nurses stood beside her with their heads bowed.

Only an older woman who should be the head nurse stood in front of her.

"Sorry, I replied to you yesterday, all the wards in our hospital's orthopedic surgery department are full."

"Whether Ms. Qin's identity is a celebrity or an ordinary person, she is a patient to us medical workers."

"If you quarrel with me like this, I can't help you coordinate a new bed."

Just as the woman opposite was about to speak, she saw the door of the ward open.

Su Aiguo looked at them awkwardly with gauze wrapped around his head, "Sorry, I'm looking for bed 21."

After saying that, she walked inside, but when the woman saw Su Aiguo's appearance, she immediately became angry.

"Look, look, anyone in the ward can enter at will, how can we ensure the safety of Miss Qin?"

"What if he has evil intentions and wants to take photos secretly."

Su Aiguo stood there when he heard the words, neither the front nor the back.

Although he was dissatisfied, he didn't explode and quarrel with that young woman.

Turning his eyes, he saw that the person lying on the hospital bed turned out to be a very beautiful girl, about 16-17 years old, with gauze wrapped around her right leg, and her eyes were wide open.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Just because Su Aiguo has no temper doesn't mean that Su Ye also has no temper.

You guys want to coordinate with the hospital on the ward, how to make noise, don't bring my dad along, okay?

"How do I talk, I want you to care."

The woman was wearing a dark purple woolen trench coat, her hair was made into very old-fashioned curly hair, she was clearly in her twenties, and with this outfit, people would believe that she was in her forties.

"Don't think that just because you are handsome, you can say it casually. It's none of your business here."

"That old man, what are you looking at, are you not convinced?"

"Sister Xinyi, stop talking, I want to sleep for a while."

The little girl lying on the bed like a doll's eyes lit up when she saw Su Ye.

From the way Su Ye spoke, she could tell that the old man her sister Xinyi mentioned just now was a relative of this handsome guy.

Qin Lulu didn't want to leave such a bad impression on Su Ye.

"Okay, Lulu, take a good rest for a while."

Chen Xinyi covered Qin Lulu with the quilt, and pushed the nurses out of the ward.

Before going out, he glanced at Su Ye: "Speak quietly, don't disturb our Miss Qin, you understand."

After finishing speaking, she wanted to give Su Ye a hard look, but she closed the door directly under Su Ye's heaven-defying appearance.

Su Aiguo didn't pay attention to what Chen Xinyi said just now, walked over to talk to Lao Song, and introduced his son to him.

Su Ye didn't know Song Gensheng very well, so he nodded and smiled at them, and pressed 1000 yuan under Song Gensheng's pillow before leaving.

Song Gensheng refused again and again, but it was still his wife who kept saying thank you to Su Ye with the money in her hand.

Su Ye smiled at the couple, told them to take care of themselves, and prepared to get up and leave first.

As for Su Aiguo, he was lying on the bed yesterday and today, and he finally got the chance to chat outside for a while.

"Hello, Su Ye."

When passing the door, Qin Lulu, the little girl in bed 23, suddenly shouted.

Su Ye stopped and turned to look at her, "You know me?"

"Yes, you are Su Ye."

"Can you do me a favor."

Su Ye looked at this little girl who was only sixteen or seventeen and nodded.

Qin Lulu picked up her mobile phone from the side, opened QQ, and handed it to Su Ye.

"Can you enter the number for me?"

"Okay, what are you going to lose?"

Although I was surprised why the little girl asked him to help with typing even though she had a good hand, it was not a troublesome job, and Su Ye was also willing to help.

"Enter the QQ number of a boy I like."


"What's the number?"

Hearing what Qin Lulu said, Su Ye didn't take it seriously. Girls generally mature earlier than boys. It's normal to have boys you like.

What's more, this is still a little beauty, I don't know which boy is so lucky.

"I do not know either."


"You don't know, you won't ask him."

"But I dare not ask, I am worried that he will not tell me if I ask."

Qin Lulu's aggrieved eyes flickered, and she was about to cry.

Su Ye was most afraid of girls crying in front of him, so he hurriedly comforted him: "It's okay, you are so beautiful, few boys can refuse you."

"I'm really pretty?"

"of course."

"Then if I ask the boy I like for a QQ number, he will definitely not refuse me?"

"of course."

"Then... Su Ye, what's your QQ number?"

After Qin Lulu finished speaking, a sly look flashed in her eyes.

Su Ye was almost taken aback by her question.

I thought you were a disadvantaged group, and I wanted to care for you and comfort you, but who would have thought that you would be an old driver.

This routine does not even blink an eye.

"Cough cough..."

Su Ye was so frightened that he coughed to cover up his embarrassment.

"Look, you're just lying, aren't you?"

"Just now I said that I am so beautiful, few people would refuse."

"But you refused."

Because Qin Lulu said that he was going to sleep just now, Chen Xinyi drew the cloth curtain for him.

In addition, the two of them spoke in a low voice, and Su Aiguo, who was chatting with Song Gensheng over there, didn't know that Su Ye came to see a patient, and there were girls who hooked him up.

"I, I Miss Qin, you are still young, now is not the time to think about this at all."

"You should focus on your studies, study hard."

"And, I already have a girlfriend."

A look of disappointment flashed across Qin Lulu's face, "It's okay, what are you afraid of if you have a girlfriend, you might break up in the future."

"My parents can get divorced even if they are married. What do you have to worry about?"

As she spoke, Qin Lulu couldn't help shedding two lines of tears.

Su Ye was baffled by this little girl, your parents divorced, do you think other people will break up and divorce too?
What logic is this.

However, Su Ye couldn't bear to see Qin Lulu like this.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, let me tell you my QQ number is still okay?"

"However, I don't log in to QQ often."

"It doesn't matter, as long as I have you in my friend list."

"Su Ye, do you play QQ Farm? The farm was updated last week, so I replaced my small house with a big villa..."

Su Ye helplessly listened to Qin Lulu talking to herself. She seemed to be unable to sense Su Ye's state, and she kept talking happily all by herself.

Chen Xinyi came back from the outside, opened the door and saw such a scene.

Because there was no suitable ward, she was not in a good mood. When she saw Su Ye sitting with Qin Lulu, she screamed as if her tail had been stepped on.

"what are you doing!"

"Why bother Lulu's rest."

"Shameless, stinky rascal."

 Thanks to the book friend "Binche" for the monthly pass, it's late today, I will try my best to write

(End of this chapter)

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