Chapter 201 Self-Service Ticket Vending Machine (Congratulations to Original Cookies for achieving Chapter 200 achievement)
Su Ye and Qin Lulu looked up at Chen Xinyi in surprise.

"Look at what I'm doing, you scumbag, you dare to harass Miss Qin, do you know who she is?"

"If Mr. Qin knows that you dare to harass Lulu, you will be finished."

"Hurry up, hurry up and leave!"

"The broken hospital doesn't even have a separate ward. Any cat or dog can come in and out at will."

Hearing Chen Xinyi's accusations against Sang and Huai, Su Ye's face was gloomy, and Su Aiguo, who was next to bed 21, also came over.

It turned out that Su Ye was scolded by this woman.

"You woman has a sharp tongue, can't you gain some virtue by speaking?"

"My son has a good talk with this little girl here. Isn't it hard to hear what you say about rogues?"

"If you can't speak, don't say it. If you say it out of thin air, you will be disgusted."

I was told by this Chen Xinyi just now, and Su Aiguo didn't refute at all, but he couldn't bear Su Ye being scolded.

This woman's mouth is too stinky, as Lao Song said just now.

Chen Xinyi and Qin Lulu probably belonged to a certain crew, and they were hospitalized yesterday just like them.

Ever since she moved in yesterday, this Chen Xinyi has been picking her nose and eyes.

They scolded people when they caught them, and they scolded very badly.

Song Gensheng's wife said something to her, but she came over and scolded them both.

This woman is beyond comprehension.

"Why do I have a sharp tongue? It's not because your son thinks of Miss Qin's beauty and finds a way to strike up a conversation."

"Shameless, what's the use of being good-looking, I'm not afraid to tell you."

"Miss Qin's father is a well-known big businessman in Haicheng, the kind worth tens of millions."

Su Ye gave Chen Xinyi a disgusted look, without any communication with Qin Lulu, she stood up and walked in front of Chen Xinyi.

He is 185 tall and has been exercising a lot recently, his whole body looks like an athlete.

It still looks relatively thin, but its body is full of tendons.

"Keep your mouth clean."

"I, Su Ye, don't live by the rule of not hitting women."

Seeing Su Ye's fierce look, little stars were about to appear in Qin Lulu's eyes.

Chen Xinyi was also startled for a while, and couldn't help taking a step back.

Su Ye fought with many gangsters yesterday, and even escaped from a pistol. That kind of aura is beyond what an ordinary woman can bear.

"You, don't be like this, little boy, I will call the police and let the police catch you in prison."

Su Ye smiled contemptuously and walked straight past her.

Seeing this, Su Aiguo didn't want to stay here any longer, said goodbye to Song Gensheng and his wife, and left with Su Ye.

After Su Ye went out, Chen Xinyi regained her composure.

Seeing Song Gensheng and his wife looking at her from time to time, she just wanted to curse fiercely, but she thought of Su Ye's terrifying eyes just now.

Without saying a word, she stepped forward to close the partition curtain, and carefully sat beside Qin Lulu.

At this time, Qin Lulu's mind was full of the tall figure of Su Ye standing up for her father, and she didn't even care about Chen Xinyi who was the villain in this scene.

very handsome.

What a man.

Qin Lulu secretly made up her mind that Su Ye was the boy she wanted.

Tall, handsome, and manly.

He was even a little stupid, and he was easily tricked by himself, a freshman.

Thinking about it, Qin Lulu couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth.

In the ward, she and Chen Xinyi had their own concerns.

"Son, don't be angry, that woman just owes her mouth, don't take it to heart."


Su Ye shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

To put it bluntly, a woman like that is the best, and getting angry with her is purely to lower my grade and IQ.

"Dad, let's go, let's go see that Uncle Tan."

"Do you know where he is in that ward?"

"I know, you come with me."

"By the way, you boy, why did you leave so much money for Lao Song just now?"

These days, people's average wage income is only between 2000-3000. Su Ye took out so much at once, didn't you see that Lao Song's daughter-in-law's eyes were red from anxiety.

"I feel guilty. In my heart, no matter how much money I give, I can't make up for my guilt towards my father and mother."

"Thanks to the fact that your injury was not serious yesterday, otherwise I would regret it for the rest of my life."

Su Aiguo never expected that his son, who was not good at words, would say such a thing.

He patted Su Ye on the shoulder without saying a word, and the two walked to the department of liver, gallbladder, spleen and pancreas together.

But after looking up for a long time, I couldn't find the ward where Uncle Tan was.

Su Ye took Su Aiguo to the nurse's station to inquire, and learned that Uncle Tan, whom he had never met before, had been transferred to the second hospital after staying in the second hospital for one night because of his serious injury.

The father and son had no choice but to return to their wards.

"Dad, I didn't ask you just now how the business of our factory is, and you didn't tell me."

"Isn't it too good?"

"Well, it's okay, it's the off-season, and it's indeed a little worse than usual."

"But don't worry about it, just keep busy with your career."

"Since you can make money yourself, then I won't have to be so tired on my side in the future."

Su Ye looked seriously at his father's eyes and found nothing wrong.

"Then dad, I'll build you a bigger factory later. Didn't you say before that there are still many former workers who want to join our factory?"

"No, no, I can't even take care of this small factory. What do I need such a big place for?"

"No need, no need."

Seeing Su Aiguo repeatedly refusing, Su Ye didn't know why he resisted so much, so he could only turn around and ask his mother.

"Okay, Dad, I still have some money here. Do you want to change houses for you? The previous house was too small. It would be inconvenient for me to go back and live in it."

"This is whatever you want."

After Su Aiguo finished speaking, he added: "It's good to buy one, and you and Qianqian will have a place to live when you come from Jiangcheng in the future."

"Okay, then I'll buy a set."

After finishing speaking, Su Ye, Su Aiguo and his son were relatively silent.

Su Ye was bored, took the phone and kept flipping it.

I happened to see a message in the company group, so I opened it and took a look.

It turned out that when Li Qianqian was in the car just now, she sent a message saying that she and Su Ye were on a business trip to Xu Cheng, and asked everyone to call.

No wonder Li Qianqian saw him just now and said that he ran to Xucheng without a word of explanation.

Su Ye was also secretly reflecting on himself. Now that he was the boss of a company with hundreds of employees, even if the incident happened suddenly, he still had to tell the company where he was going.

What's more, seeing Weng Tianlong's ostentation last night, I should also arrange for the driver, bodyguard, secretary and so on in the future.

Su Ye picked up the phone, found Chen Nanfeng's phone number and played it.

"Brother Chen, did Mr. Sun tell you about the number machine when he went back yesterday?"

"Having said that, this technique is not very difficult, and I should be able to handle it today."

"Okay, there is one more thing."

Su Ye thought of Yao Xichuan calling himself in the morning and asking about the air ticket sales function in QQ payment.

"How long will this take?"

"It will take two days. Today is already Thursday. If I can't work overtime, it should be done tomorrow."

"work overtime?"

Su Ye shook her head, "Brother Chen, don't work overtime anymore, this is a critical period for my sister-in-law, and I can't live without people around me."

"If you don't have enough manpower, you can report the demand list to the administrative department and let them arrange the staff as soon as possible."

"Okay, the main reason is that there are a few difficulties, which I can't solve for the time being."

"One is the problem of the flight. We can't capture this information now. If we only rely on the phone with the airline, the efficiency is too low and too slow."

"There is also the question of how to invoke the customer's payment information on the payment interface."

Su Ye thought about it, and told Chen Nanfeng what he thought.

For flight information, contact Imperial Airlines as soon as possible, and give QQ payment permission to grab information.

If they are not at ease, they can make a website and call for flight information.

In addition, Su Ye felt that the problem of payment information was easy to solve, and it was settled with Chen Nanfeng in just a few words.

"President Su, I really need your help."

"Now I can give you an affirmative answer. Before tomorrow night, the new function can definitely be launched."

"Wait a moment."

Su Ye suddenly thought of a question, "Brother Chen, when you communicate with Imperial Airlines, remember to ask for permission to write information."

"What? Oh yes!"

Chen Nanfeng also quickly realized that if a customer pays for an air ticket on QQ, it doesn't end after paying the money.

QQ payment also needs to transmit customer booking information to the internal system of Imperial Airlines.

In this way, when the customer makes an appointment, they can go through the registration procedures with their ID card.

"Okay, this is very important, don't forget it."

"Also, forget it, I'll call Mr. Sun later, it's better to leave this matter to him."

Chen Nanfeng didn't ask what was the matter, and after hanging up the phone, he began to distribute the tasks excitedly.

What he told Su Ye just now was the deadline in his heart.

After solving these problems, he is sure that this function can be produced today.

After arranging the mission, he directly called the personnel of Imperial Airlines who was connected with him.

On the other side, Sun Xiaolei, who was researching the recent international crude oil market in his office, received a call from Su Ye.

"President Su, good afternoon."

Hearing Sun Xiaolei's words, Su Ye was stunned for a moment, and looked at the time on the phone, only to realize that it was already past 11:[-].

"Good afternoon, Senior Brother Sun."

"I have something here that needs you to follow up."

"Didn't we contact President Ma yesterday to build a number pick-up machine for the bank? You can go to Imperial Airlines later and tell Mr. Yao about our idea. I'm going to build a self-service boarding machine."


Sun Xiaolei didn't understand this very well. Now that the airport is in the Great Depression, to put it bluntly, there are not as many passengers boarding the plane every day as there are staff at the airport.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate to use self-service boarding with so many staff members unused?

"Yes, the self-service check-in function will be implemented first, and more functions will be added in the future."

"President Su, President Su, I have an opinion."

"You said."

"Now that the airport is depressed, I think there is a high possibility that they will not use our machine."

"If there are more passengers in the future, they will definitely choose it."

Hearing this, Su Ye slapped his head suddenly. Yes, there are far from enough passengers at the airport now, and there is no need to queue up for check-in.

My own idea is simply superfluous.

"Yes, yes, what you said is very reasonable, but I think too much."

"President Su, don't worry. Although the airport does not need this self-check-in system, I know there is a place that definitely needs it."

"Where is it? Could it be a train station?"

"Yes, it's the train station."

"There are many people who choose to travel by train. If we can launch a self-service ticketing machine, it will definitely be accepted by the railway system."

"It's just that the problem now is that we can't contact people in the railway system."

Su Ye immediately added a sentence.

 Unknowingly, 200 chapters, thank you all for your support and company along the way, Cookie is very grateful. . .In addition, I would like to thank the book friend "Reader 1318874228071407616" for giving Li Qianqian 200 coins as a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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