The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 206 Invitation to the Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 206 Invitation to the Martial Arts Conference (please subscribe and ask for tickets)
back to the hospital.

Li Qianqian pulled Meng Xiaojuan and Su Aiguo to tell Su Ye's plan just now.

The two couldn't help but shine in front of their eyes.

Now that the factory is encountering difficulties in production and sales, the method Su Ye gave them is just a solution to the urgent need.

Su Aiguo sighed when he thought that the plush toys produced by his factory had to compete with other inferior products in the market.

Even, Hi-Lai Toys, a subsidiary of the Hi-Lai Group, continued to erode the market relying on its own advantages in the field of education.

For more than a year, the orders of Su Aiguo's factory have continued to decline.

Now with Su Ye's relationship, it would be great if the factory could be brought back to life.

However, what Su Aiguo was puzzled about was that he had never seen what a QQ little penguin was.

But as long as it does not deviate from the category of plush toys, he has the confidence to make them.

Many of the technical backbones who came out of the textile factory worked in their own factories. If they really wanted to expand the scale in the future, Su Aiguo even dreamed about whether they could reproduce the glory of the Xucheng Textile Factory back then.

When the evening doctor came to make rounds, he took a look at Su Aiguo's condition and said that he could be discharged tomorrow.

Just let him go home and recuperate. The wound on his head can be removed after a week.

Su Aiguo thanked the doctor a lot. He stayed in the hospital for two days, but his head was dizzy yesterday, and it was hard for him to say that he was going to be discharged from the hospital.

I woke up this morning with no problems at all.

If Meng Xiaojuan and Su Ye Li Qianqian hadn't been persuading him to let him observe for a day, he would have been discharged from the hospital today.

After discussing the future arrangement of the toy factory with his parents, Su Ye took out his mobile phone and called Chen Xudong.

"Good evening, Young Master Su."

Chen Xudong still hadn't left in the office, and said respectfully after answering the phone.

If outsiders saw it, they would definitely be surprised.

The chairman of Mingze Group, Chen Xudong, who is in charge of the wind and rain in Xucheng, has such a humble side.

"Well, I have two things I need you to arrange."

"First, relocate our old factory building to a temporary transitional factory as soon as possible, and don't forget about machinery, equipment and raw materials."

"Second, help me get some younger graphic designers, I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Su Ye deliberately tried to test the effect of forcibly confiscating the card given by the system, so after the call was connected, he arranged work with Chen Xudong in a nonchalant manner, hoping to see how Chen Xudong would react.

"Alright Young Master Su, I will do my best to arrange this matter tomorrow."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye clenched his fists excitedly.

The system is really awesome, it can really make a person completely convinced by him without a trace of resistance.

Tang Lili visited Su Aiguo's ward after get off work, and learned that Su Aiguo would be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. She also said that she would bring some food from the restaurant tonight and share it with everyone.

Su Aiguo repeatedly waved his hands and refused.

On the other hand, Li Qianqian, seeing Su Ye's family talking to Tang Lili as if they weren't lying to her, didn't know what it was like.

In the photo she saw at noon today, Tang Lili was tall and youthful, but the Tang Lili she saw now may not have changed in height, but her overall body shape has changed too much.

The whole person has completely turned into a ball.

"Hello, you are Su Ye's girlfriend, you are so beautiful."

Tang Lili praised her sincerely.

"It is not."

If someone else asked, Li Qianqian would definitely reply that he and Su Ye were colleagues, but facing Tang Lili, even though she was chubby now, Li Qianqian still identified herself as Su Ye's girlfriend.

After receiving Su Ye's call, Chen Xudong began to send people to find suitable factories.

In his heart, Su Ye's words must be completed immediately.

Although several senior executives in the company were a little upset about Chen Xudong's decision, they still prepared seriously.

After all, under the shadow of a famous tree, Chen Xudong is definitely not an easy person to develop smoothly in Xucheng for so many years.

After Weng Tianlong was arrested today, the executives really felt agitated.

Everyone knew that Weng Tianlong relied on Chen Xudong to start his business. Similarly, without Weng Tianlong's support, Chen Xudong probably would have been eaten by others for a long time.

While he was busy, Chen Xudong's phone rang.

When he saw the name on the caller ID, he was shocked.

"Mr. Xu, good evening."

"Good evening, Mr. Chen, are you interested in going out for a drink?"

Without any hesitation, Chen Xudong agreed directly.

After making an appointment with Mr. Xu opposite, Chen Xudong put on his coat, turned off his computer, and walked out of the office.

Chen Xudong couldn't help being nervous, the person who called him just now was Xu Chenghanlai Group and the current head of the Xu family, Xu Zhongshu.

It is heard that this Xu Zhongshu has not personally been in charge of various businesses of the Xu family for a long time, and concentrates on practicing health-preserving boxing techniques with his brother Xu Hanlin, usually walking around birds, raising flowers, and self-cultivation.

I don't know why this big guy suddenly came to him today.

Naturally, the place Xu Zhongshu had ordered would not be a restaurant. When he said to drink two cups together, he actually meant to drink two cups of tea.

Xu Chenghan came to the tea house.

Chen Xudong walked in carefully, and was led by the waiter to Xu Zhongshu's place.

"It's Mr. Chen from Mingze Group, please sit down."

Xu Zhongshu is not tall, and his hair has already turned gray.

The mental state of the whole person is very good, and his speech is sonorous and powerful.

Chen Xudong was overwhelmed by the flattery, and carefully sat opposite Xu Zhongshu, "Mr. Xu is polite."

He only dared to sit half of his buttocks on the rattan chair, staring at the teacup in front of Xu Zhongshu.

"Mr. Chen, this is the first time we've met. We talked on the phone before."

"I'm looking for you this time because I have something to ask for your help."

"Mr. Xu, you're welcome, but wherever you need it, just ask."

Xu Zhongshu was very satisfied with Chen Xudong's attitude, although the other party looked like a fish in water in Xu Cheng, it was because their Xu family didn't care about them.

"Isn't there a stadium under Chen's head office?"

"The Xucheng Martial Arts Conference organized by my second brother this time may have a lot of people coming, so I asked Mr. Chen if I can use this gymnasium as the venue for the conference."

Xu Cheng used to have a gymnasium, but that gymnasium has a history of more than 20 years.

It was also constructed by the construction company of the Hi-Lai Group at that time.

After so many years of development, that gymnasium is already old and dilapidated.

Coupled with Xu Hanlin's active efforts in recent years, the influence of the Xucheng Martial Arts Conference is gradually emerging.

The original venue was naturally not enough, so Xu Hanlin had no choice but to ask his elder brother for help and let him see if he could solve the problem.

After learning about it, Xu Zhongshu learned that Mingze Group built a new large stadium two years ago, which can accommodate about 4 spectators, so he moved his mind and wanted to borrow it for use.

"Mr. Xu is fine, I will arrange this right away."

Hearing Xu Zhongshu's words, Chen Xudong's heart that was hanging in the air finally calmed down a bit.

"Well, then thank you, Mr. Chen."

Xu Zhongshu took two sips of tea and continued, "I heard recently that your subordinate, Weng, seems to be causing a lot of trouble?"

Chen Xudong's heart that had just been let go tightened again instantly. He knew that the main event was coming.

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I was still in Jiangcheng, and I rushed back when I heard the news."

"That's it."

"After that, you need to pay more attention to it. As business people, we should do things honestly and don't engage in those vain things."

"Those injured merchants, have you comforted them?"

"Some, some, I have visited all of them this afternoon, and they have all signed corresponding compensation agreements."

Xu Zhongshu nodded in satisfaction.

"We, Hanlai Construction, will open a real estate in Haicheng after the next year, and we are preparing to bid for land recently."

"If you are interested, you can tell me, and then we will build it together."


Chen Xudong is almost 50, and he still couldn't help being excited when he heard Xu Zhongshu's words.

This is the Xu family's real estate project.

And it's still in a first-tier big city like Haicheng.

If you wait until this project is completed, Mingze Group will add another glorious stroke to its resume.

"Thank you, Mr. Xu, I, I will definitely do my best to make this project possible."

Xu Zhongshu smiled indifferently, not caring about Chen Xudong's attitude at all.

For him, he has seen too much such flattery or loyalty.

"Come on, have some tea."

The two drank tea for a while, and chatted about the recent major events in Xu Cheng and Suzhou Province.

"Mr. Xu, I wonder if you have heard of the company Qingyun Technology."

"Qingyun Technology?"

Xu Zhongshu frowned. He seemed to have a little impression of this name, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

"Yes, Qingyun Technology is a new type of Internet company. Their product is QQ, which is a chat tool."

"QQ, I remembered."

Before Chen Xudong could finish speaking, Xu Zhongshu interrupted him and suddenly realized.

"Many people in our family have been using this software during this period of time, and the contact between several companies has become more convenient."

"This is a good software. Why, Mr. Chen knows the boss of this company?"

"Mr. Xu is right, I really know the boss of this company."

"It's a young man who just graduated from university in his 20s, named Su Ye."

"Su Ye?"

For this name, Xu Zhongshu also feels a little familiar.

But just like Qingyun Technology just now, he still can't remember where he heard this name before.

After thinking for a while, Xu Zhongshu had to admit that he was getting older and his forgetfulness was much worse.

"Mr. Xu, this Su Ye is not simple. He was originally the son of the owner of a small toy factory in Xucheng. He majored in Internet at Jiangcheng University."

"Su Ye is not only smart, but also good at doing business, and he is also very handsome."

Chen Xudong smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Xu, to tell you the truth, my daughter also studied at Jiangcheng University before, and she also has a good impression of Su Ye."

"Oh, I remember."

When Chen Xudong said that Su Ye was handsome, Xu Zhongshu remembered it.

When he was on the phone with his second brother Xu Hanlin, Xu Hanlin admired this young man named Su Ye very much.

Said that he is not only handsome, but also very skilled.

Xu Zhongshu thought about it for a while, and based on the information he has learned so far, he can know what kind of person Su Ye is.

Young, handsome, shrewd, skilled, and smart in business.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know if you have heard of the fact that Su Ye is also very skilled."


Chen Xudong's heart suddenly tightened again.

Regarding this news, he only received it after returning to Xu Cheng in the afternoon.

Talking about Su Ye's skills, one person can defeat dozens of gangsters.

This information was given by several senior executives in the company during a meeting. At that time, there were only a few people attending the meeting. Unexpectedly, there were secrets from the Xu family in it.

Thinking of this, Chen Xudong secretly made a note of this matter, and when he comes back to free up his hands, he will clean up the company's internal problems.

For more than a year, he basically opened up the market and expanded his contacts in Jiangcheng.

For Xu Cheng's Mingze Group headquarters, the management has been neglected.

Fortunately, it was Weng Tianlong's incident this time, otherwise he would not have seen these problems.

"Mr. Xu, I have a little understanding of this."

"Su Ye's skill is really good."

"That's it, that's really great. I have an idea. You said that we invited Su Ye to be the special guest of this year's Xucheng Martial Arts Conference. What do you think?"


Instinctively, Chen Xudong thought this idea was not very good.

Even if Su Ye is young, he is still the CEO and founder of a company.

If the strength is enough, it's okay to say, but if the vision is poor, and it is impossible to judge the pros and cons of the contestants in the ring, wouldn't it be ridiculous and generous.

After all, not everyone is Mr. Ma Baoguo, who has a deep inheritance of martial arts.

What if Su Ye couldn't see the level of others, and after being questioned, he said "Young people don't talk about martial arts".

The boss of a big company is shameless?
"Why, Chen always doesn't think it's a problem to do so."

"Su Ye is a young man after all, so he should like to be lively. I will send him an invitation letter and come if he wants to. If you have concerns and don't participate, it's understandable."

After hearing this, Chen Xudong suddenly became worried about Su Ye.

Xu Zhongshu is old and has a high status, so he can act and speak according to his own preferences.

But it's not the case when it comes to Su Ye.

If someone is jealous of Su Ye, saying that he is too young to even ignore the invitation of the old man, it seems too arrogant.

This is still light. If some companies are unhappy with Su Ye and Qingyun Technology and use this excuse to attack Su Ye, that is the last thing Chen Xudong wants to see.

Affected by the system's "Forcibly Conquer the Card", Chen Xudong now obeys Su Yena's words.

Seeing that Xu Zhongshu's actions may lead to bad consequences, of course he has to come forward.

"Mr. Xu, I happen to have some contact with Su Ye."

"Look, how about I ask him what he means tomorrow, and if he wants to, then everyone will be happy."

"But if Su Ye is unwilling, I also hope that your lord has a lot, and don't care about him as a young man."

Xu Zhongshu nodded, and he also heard what Chen Xudong meant from what he said.

It was nothing more than worrying that Su Ye would become the target of public criticism.

Forget it, since he is a young man whom his second younger brother Xu Hanlin respects more, then don't put him under so much pressure.

"Okay, then I will trouble Mr. Chen with this matter."

"To be honest, I'm also very interested in Su Ye, who is so young at a young age."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xu."

"Even if Su Ye is unwilling to participate in this martial arts conference, I will invite him to visit you in Sifang Mountain."

Xu Zhongshu looked at Chen Xudong and stood up with a smile.

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore. When people are getting older, they always lose energy."

"Go away."

Chen Xudong respectfully sent Xu Zhongshu outside the door. This is the property of the Hi-Lai Group, so naturally he would not charge his big boss.

Xu Zhongshu waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to send him off, and he went out, and left on a [-]th bar under the escort of several bodyguards.

Chen Xudong returned to the car, still envious of Xu Zhongshu's behavior style.

Free and easy.

But touching his back, it was damp and cold.

To him, the conversation just now was like walking around the door of hell.

If Xu Zhongshu is offended if he is not careful, the Mingze Group will be reduced to ashes.

However, this hurdle is finally over.

Su Ye, who had just walked out of the hospital, obviously didn't know that he had been noticed by Xu Cheng's boss.

He followed Tang Lili and Li Qianqian, watching them walk together arm in arm like good sisters who have known each other for many years.

Not to mention how embarrassing it is.

One Tang Lili is roughly equal to two Li Qianqians.

However, both of them are women with bold personalities, and Li Qianqian is tough on the outside and soft on the inside.

Coincidentally, so did Tang Lili.

"Su Ye, hurry up, I've already let my mother bake it, why are you dawdling, like a woman."

"I'm coming."

 Thanks to book friend "Stephen☆Zhou" for the monthly pass.Saturday will be busy, so let's post a chapter first.In addition, solemnly ask for tickets, recommendations, and monthly tickets for me.

(End of this chapter)

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