The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 207 I don't want to be a salted fish anymore

Chapter 207 I don't want to be a salted fish anymore (ask for tickets and subscribe)
When I came to Tang Lili's small restaurant, there was no one in the restaurant at this time.

Tang Lili's mother watched the three of them come over, first served two cold dishes, said to make the skewers by herself, and went back to the room in the back of the hotel to sleep.

"Tang Lili, have you talked to your mother about what I told you this afternoon?"


When Tang Lili poured Su Ye a glass of beer and wanted to pour some for Li Qianqian, Li Qianqian refused with a smile.

As for Hu Yidao, he was thinking about something bored by himself, and did not participate in their topic.

"Ah? Why didn't you tell your mother, weren't you very interested in the afternoon?"

"No reason."

"Didn't you see, I'm with you after work, and I haven't gone home yet."

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. This matter is relatively big, and I need to think about it carefully."


It's not easy for Su Ye to force this matter. He just listened to his father and found a way to help Tang Lili.

If she doesn't want to, what can Su Ye do.

"Su Ye, what are you talking about, why don't I know."

Li Qianqian couldn't help asking when he heard this.

When she was in the hospital just now, she and Tang Lili chatted very well, and they definitely had a good temper with each other.

Of course, it was mainly because she thought in her heart that Tang Lili would not pose a threat to herself.

Otherwise, you can see that she will still be so close to Tang Lili, and it would be considered a good temper if she didn't plan to be jealous on the spot.

"It's okay, Tang Lili's family runs a restaurant, right?"

"I just thought of an idea, and cooperated with her to open a website, which is dedicated to advertising and attracting traffic to these offline stores."

"Helping merchants expand their business scope and increase sales."

"Oh, what's the website. It sounds good."

Li Qianqian asked seemingly unintentionally.

Su Ye didn't care, and explained to her in detail, probably to move the information of the store to the Internet, and then use the influence of QQ to allow more users to see local high-quality businesses on the website.

"This is not bad."

"Tell me, can our doll-catching store also be launched on this platform?"

Su Ye glanced at Li Qianqian in surprise.

I didn't expect her business sense to be so keen, and she found the use of Dianping in no time.

"No problem, but the premise is that you have to build a store system."

"At the same time, Tang Lili's Dianping website needs to be launched as soon as possible."

"I don't have a problem here." Li Qianqian turned to look at Tang Lili who was beside her. "It's just that Lili is still working in the hospital. I don't know if she is reluctant to part with this stable job."

"Of course I have nothing to hate."

"I'm just afraid of my mother nagging."

Tang Lili put a chopstick of cold vegetables into her mouth, and turned her head to look in the direction of the kitchen: "Wait a minute, I'll go and see why my dad hasn't cooked the skewers yet."

"Dad, Dad, is the skewer ready?"

Tang Lili walked to the door of the kitchen, opened the curtain and asked.

"Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon."

Tang Lili's father replied inarticulately.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Tang Lili couldn't see what was going on inside at the door, and when she walked in, she saw her father eating a meat skewer with a skewer.

"Dad, what do you mean? We're still waiting outside, but you eat it first inside."

Tang Lili said, snatching some skewers from her father.

"Don't, don't, it's not been a long time since I have grilled skewers, I'll help you taste something."

"Come on, come out and eat with us later."

Tang Lili turned around and left the kitchen after leaving a sentence, and returned to the table to put the few remaining skewers on the plate.

"Let's eat first. My dad was so hungry that he started eating in the kitchen. I don't know how anxious we are waiting."

"By the way, what were we talking about just now?"

"Say you are reluctant to resign from the Second Academy. After all, such a good job is hard to find."

Su Ye unceremoniously picked up two skewers, one for herself and one for Li Qianqian.

"Yes, there is nothing I can't bear."

"Believe it or not, with my technical level, if I go to any hospital, people will rush to get me."

"I'm still reluctant, what a joke."

"All right, all right, if you're willing, how about this matter, you should give me a letter of approval. If you don't want to do it, I won't start this project."

"Do it, you have to do it."

Tang Lili put down the clean-eating stick and said loudly, "However, Su Ye, how much do you plan to invest in this project?"

"Well, let's invest thousands of dollars to test the water first, in case your level is not good, you can't do it or you can't do it."

"Yo yo, it really is Boss Su. How long has he been running the company? His tone is so loud, and he's still testing the waters."

"Since you have money, you can invest all of it. How about I work for you?"

"work to earn a living?"

Su Ye didn't understand Tang Lili's meaning: "You mean this project and the company are mine, so you are responsible for the specific work?"

"To be honest, this project is very promising. Didn't we talk about working together this afternoon?"

"I'm different from you."

"We only open a small restaurant at home, and my own salary is barely enough to spend, unlike you who can invest so much money in it."

"So I also want to understand that if this project is to be done, I will not invest money."

"You just give a symbolic 5.00% [-] dry stock, so that I can pay dividends."


"Why do you have such a big face? I invest all the funds, and you want fifty or sixty in dividends. What good things do you want?"

"What a good thing."

Before Tang Lili could speak, her father came out of the kitchen carrying a plate.

"Uncle Tang has worked hard."

Su Ye didn't answer, but stood up and took the plate from Tang Lili's father.

"Uncle, don't be too busy, sit down and let's eat together."


Tang Lili's father's name is Tang Xuewen. He looks like a scholar, with a slightly Mediterranean hairstyle, a pair of glasses, and a thin figure.

It completely overturned Li Qianqian's view of a great chef.

In her mind, a chef should have a round belly and small eyes, and when he smiles, he looks like the fat uncle Li Jiacun in the advertisement of Lantian Liubizhi.

Note that it is Li Jiacun, not Li Jiaqi, although they both belong to the Li family.

"Hello, Uncle Tang."

"Hello, hello, let's sit down and talk, you're welcome."

Tang Xuewen called everyone to sit down together, and gave Su Ye and Li Qianqian each a skewer.

As for his daughter, he never worried about it. No one would starve Tang Lili if she was hungry.

"I heard what you said just now about dividends, investment, what are you talking about."

"Uncle, I came up with an idea today from your restaurant. I talked to Tang Lili in the afternoon. As a result, he just told me that she is not going to invest and wants a 5.00% dividend."

Su Ye told Tang Xuewen about Dianping again, and Tang Xuewen applauded.

"That's a good idea. Now, many newly opened restaurants close down because they don't have customers."

"Last month, the restaurant opened by one of my former apprentices just closed down."

"If you make this happen, I don't know how many businesses are lucky."

"Dad, don't say such fake words."

"Let's be serious. If you say this project is good, how much money are you willing to invest in it?"


Tang Xuewen looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer this question.

"Lili, this is your own choice. If you are willing to invest, you can use your own money."

"You also know that Dad doesn't have any money with him."

"Okay, isn't that enough?"

"Su Ye, you have also seen that our family's financial power is in the hands of my mother. If I want to participate, I can only participate in it myself. Don't even think about investing money."

"You don't know, my mother..."

"Tang Xuewen, why the lettuce you bought in the morning cost ten yuan more, come up and explain to me."

Before Tang Lili finished speaking, her mother's voice came from the upstairs room.

After Tang Xuewen ate the last mouthful of cold dishes, he hurried upstairs without even thinking about saying goodbye to a few people.

"I'm coming."

Tang Lili shrugged at Su Ye and Li Qianqian, "You see, the financial power of our Lili Hotel is in the hands of the old lady."

"If she doesn't nod, my dad and I won't get any money."

"That's fine."

"You don't pay if you don't pay, but I hope you won't regret it in the future."

"What do you regret?"

"Something will occur if it belongs to your life, if not, do not push it."

Tang Lili said calmly, she still doesn't know, and it's impossible to know that after many years, various investment banks and securities institutions have tried their best to promote the listing of Dianping.

At that time, the market value of Dianping had reached billions. Tang Lili regretted it every time she thought of what she said today.

"Okay, it's getting late, Qianqian and I will go back first."

"If you have made a decision, come find me this week, and then we will go to Jiangcheng to start a company."

Coming out of Lili Hotel, Su Ye and Li Qianqian didn't get in the car, but walked on the road.

Hu Yidao drove the car and followed ten meters behind.

"Qianqian, tell me, what is success."

"Is it rich?"

"It still has a certain social status."

"Or something else."

Li Qianqian didn't know why Su Ye was so sentimental all of a sudden, when a gust of cold wind blew, she fastened the scarf Meng Xiaojuan bought for her just this afternoon.

"There are many definitions of success, but the one I recognize the most is a sentence that the class teacher told us when I was about to graduate from the third year of high school."

"At that time, most of the students were very nervous about the upcoming college entrance examination, even afraid."

"Our homeroom teacher told everyone not to be nervous and not to be afraid."

"Students who do well in the college entrance examination and get into their ideal university are certainly worthy of congratulations."

"However, those students who failed the college entrance examination should not be afraid."

"Life is not born for the college entrance examination. A lifetime is so long. A temporary failure is not terrible. What is terrible is a heart failure."

"Then, I raised my hand and asked him, Teacher, it's not scary to fail, but what about success?"

"My homeroom teacher smiled at me and said that it was a success, so this topic is a big one."

"Some people think that being rich means success, and some people think being famous means being successful, but students, have you ever thought that success is not so difficult to achieve?"

Having said that, Li Qianqian stopped in her tracks.

The dim street lights shone on her, as if she was full of wisdom.

"Our class teacher said that success means that you want to accomplish something, and through your own efforts, you finally achieve it."

"That's success."

"Success can be when you want to make breakfast for your loved one."

"It can also be that you want to ride a bicycle faster and more stable."

"It can also be that you want to take a vacation for yourself, do nothing even watch the ants move all afternoon."

"Su Ye, do you know?"

"In the eyes of your peers, you are already considered a successful person."

"But, have you ever thought about what you really want?"

"What do I really want?"

Su Ye stood there, thinking about Li Qianqian's words in her heart.

He has always wanted to make money, live in a big house, drive a better car, so that his former classmates and friends can look up to him, so that he will not always be isolated and ignored because of his status as an orphan.

But since time travel, he has acquired a check-in system.

Just by punching in every day, he can obtain the wealth that he dreamed of in his previous life, and he also owns a company that is considered huge in his opinion.

But at this time, he was already confused.

He had no idea what he wanted or needed.

Su Ye had heard of a theory called Maslow's needs in his previous life.

From the most basic physiological needs, safety needs, to belonging and love needs, respect needs and self-realization, it can greatly explain the various needs of human beings at different stages.

Now, Su Ye's physical safety needs are satisfied. He is not short of money, and he doesn't need to worry too much about his property and life safety.

As for belonging and love, he felt that having Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan was enough to make up for what he lacked in his previous life.

In terms of love, if there are no accidents, it can be attributed to Li Qianqian.

Su Ye felt that he had the need for higher-level respect, but it was not obvious.

He is a man who doesn't care what other people think of him.

That leaves only the last one, the need for self-actualization.

After time travelling, if he really just was a salted fish, eating and sleeping every day, and spent his life like this, then he would be too sorry for this rare opportunity.

In his previous life, he often saw a lot of news about foreign sanctions on the Internet, including that many times, when people travel or work abroad, there is no way to guarantee their personal safety.

If possible, can I change this situation in this world.

Let the people of the Longhan Empire go abroad in the future, and no longer be regarded as second-class citizens.

It will no longer be taken advantage of by foreigners because of consumption.

To gain international respect, it is not enough for foreigners to speak well of themselves.

Make QQ bigger.

Let QQ go abroad and occupy every corner of the Internet in the world.

Due to various relationships, this previous life was only used by Chinese, and foreigners would use msn, Skype, etc.

But in the current era, according to the information Su Ye has learned, there is no chat software that has an absolute advantage in foreign countries or even in the world.

Moreover, most of the software is still the same as the previous Mumu.Youxiner is also charged.

If at this time, free QQ brings farms, game platforms, QQ music, and QQ payment to open up the international market, Su Ye can't imagine the scene.

"Qianqian, let's go back to sleep quickly."

"I have to keep more energy and work hard for my success."

"I don't want to be a salted fish anymore."

 Cookie doesn't want to be a salted fish anymore. People are like this. If you don't force yourself, you will never know how much your potential is.

(End of this chapter)

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