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Chapter 209 A Celebration Banquet Without a Protagonist

Chapter 209 A Celebration Banquet Without a Protagonist (seeking tickets for subscription)

"You're not the one, that's who."

"Su Ye, it's you!"

When Su Ye was wondering who the other party was, Qian Donglai gritted his teeth and said Su Ye's name from between his teeth. It seemed that he had a deep resentment towards him.

"Oh, you remember me, why is it you again?"

"The last time I had dinner in Taoli Bieyuan, you came here to make trouble. Why did I come to Xucheng, and you still linger."

"I'm haunted?"

"Shall I come to Xucheng with you?"

"What the hell, if it wasn't for you, would I have been dispatched to Xu Cheng by Xu...Mr. Xu?"

Li Qianqian on the side also remembered who Qian Donglai was.

When Qingyun Technology had just recruited people, Su Ye asked her to book a large banquet hall in Jiangcheng for staff dinners.

As a result, it was because of Qian Donglai that he broke in from outside to disturb them when they were halfway through their meal, which made the party not enjoyable for everyone.

Unexpectedly, this time, Su Ye took advantage of the relocation of Su Aiguo's factory to invite all the staff to come and have a meal, and he would still meet this guy.

Su Ye was right, this guy just lingers.

Hearing Qian Dong talking about Mr. Xu, Su Ye remembered that this matter should be caused by Wang Xiaojing's cousin Xu Jingcheng.

When Du Shaofei came to apologize to himself and the others, Xu Jingcheng was by Du Shaofei's side.

Du Shaofei also said, this is someone from your company, and you are responsible for handling it.

Thinking about it, Qian Donglai should have been sent to Xu Cheng to work after that incident.

However, from the conversation just now, Su Ye heard something, that is, this Qian Donglai has doubled the sales performance of the previous month in less than a month since he came to Xucheng, it seems that he is also a capable person .

"Okay, okay, you can change your bad mouth in the future, don't look down on anyone."

"I don't care about you anymore, you eat your meal, and I treat mine."


Qian Donglai snorted angrily, not feeling happy at all.

Instead, it was all anger.

This Su Ye is also from Xu Cheng. It seems that he should know that the Hi-Lai Group is the real giant of Xu Cheng.

And the Xu family is the top family in Xu Cheng.

In Suzhou Province, the Xu family is a well-known big family.

This kid Su Ye seemed to be scared, he wanted to be subdued but he still held on.

Qian Donglai originally wanted to use the reputation of the Hanlai Group and the Xu family to shock Su Ye and let him know that he was not easy to mess with, so that he would have to go around him when they met in the future.

Who knew that Su Ye wanted to give in before she showed her power.

Qian Donglai is the kind of person who still picks things up when he has nothing to do. Now that something happened to him and he was confident, he decided to teach Su Ye a lesson.

A deep lesson.

"At this time, you know that you have given in. Weren't you very awesome when you were in Jiangcheng?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that I belong to the Hanlai Group, and I have the ability to seek revenge from me."

After finishing speaking, Qian Donglai made a gesture with his eyes, and stepped forward together with a subordinate.

The subordinate blocked Su Ye, but he went up and grabbed the table, about to overturn it.

Before the lobby manager who had just run over had time to speak, he saw Qian Donglai go directly to lift the table, and was so frightened that he hurried forward to pull Qian Donglai.

"Sir, you can talk if you have any questions, please don't be impulsive."

"You are paralyzed by impulsiveness, get out of here."

Qian Donglai threw off the lobby manager and rushed to Li Qianqian's side. With both hands, he was about to overturn the table.

How could Li Qianqian let this guy succeed, the stool tilted, blocking his body and making him unable to use his strength.

Su Ye's mother Meng Xiaojuan also hurried forward to hold Qian Donglai.

"Old woman, get out of here for me."

On the other side, Su Ye's father saw that the momentum was wrong, and grabbed Qian Donglai's other arm.

"Young man, if you have a problem, speak well, what are you doing up our table?"

Su Ye also came to his senses at this time, Qian Donglai still knew the temperament of Xu Cheng people very well.

People in Xucheng can be poor, rich, or in debt, but there is only one thing, that is, they can't lose face.

In the past 20 years, Xucheng was actually just a small county, and everyone paid special attention to the matter of saving face.

So-and-so got drunk and slept all night on the road last night, so-and-so's son fell in love at school and was called the parent by the teacher. quick.

This also caused Xu Cheng people to have a good face.

That day when Chen Xudong heard about the matter of the Mingze Group and Weng Tianlong, he rushed back from Jiangcheng so quickly that he wanted to resolve the matter as soon as possible so as not to be discussed by everyone.

If Qian Donglai had lifted the table where Su Ye and the others had dinner at noon today, then in the evening, there would be news that the patriotic toy factory had been lifted for lunch in the streets and alleys of Xucheng.

Su Aiguo is an authentic Xucheng native, and so is Meng Xiaojuan.

More than 90% of the female workers in these patriotic factories are from Xucheng.

If the news got out, they would feel uncomfortable walking outside in the future, so seeing Qian Donglai's move, not only Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan, but even the female workers rushed up one by one, trying to stop them.

But even though Qian Donglai was held back by Su Aiguo and his wife, his stupid subordinates did not hinder him.

Watching the factory girls rushing up, they all rushed up to keep them out.

"Step aside."

Su Ye wanted to go forward, but the subordinate who received Qian Donglai's wink just blocked from left to right and refused to give way to Su Ye.

"Let your sister, idiot!"

Su Ye frowned, he saw that his mother over there was almost unable to hold Qian Donglai.

Moreover, everyone was pushing and jostling here, and there was a gap between the chairs that were leaning together, enough for Qian Dong to pass through.

"Get out of the way, or don't blame me for being rude."

Su Ye said something harshly.

"Let your sister, idiot..."

Hearing that this guy was the cheapest with him, Su Ye slapped him.

"Crack." (actually pia)

Saying that, without waiting for the man to react, he rushed to Qian Donglai and lifted him out of the crowd.

"Su Ye, I'm CNM."

When Su Ye dragged him out, Qian Donglai kept talking dirty.

Su Ye thought his mouth was bad, so he slapped him on the face.

That's all right now, Qian Donglai calmed down.

"I gave you face, didn't I?"


"Dare to lift the table in our house."


"You still dare to scold people, don't you?"


"You still don't respect my parents, do you?"


"Let's let you go and you're courting death, right?"


"It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, right?"


"Being an old man is easy to bully, isn't it?"


Su Ye kept slapping her face here, and the noisy female workers and Qian Donglai's subordinates all quieted down and turned to look in the direction of Su Ye and Qian Donglai.

This Su Ye is too fierce, right?

Although what Qian Donglai did was wrong, isn't it a little too hard for you to slap him in the face like this?

Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha.

No matter how stupid Qian Donglai is, he is also from the Xu family and an employee of the Hanlai Group.

If you slap him in the face like this, isn't that the same as slapping the Xu family in the face of the Hanlai Group?

At first, although Qian Donglai didn't speak, he still stared at Su Ye fiercely.

Later, he was beaten so much that he was already numb.

No matter what will happen to Su Ye in the future, anyway, Qian Donglai, in front of his subordinates, in front of so many guests and service staff in the Haolaideng Hotel, can be regarded as embarrassing.

Hao Zailai, the general manager of the Haolaideng Hotel, who was calling upstairs to report to his boss, saw that the situation here was unclear.

"Jin Shao, I'm sorry, two groups of guests suddenly clashed in the hotel, I'll deal with it."


"Don't hang up the phone, just let me see how you deal with this emergency."

Hao Zailai's face turned bitter, the eldest young master didn't usually worry about the hotel's affairs, and today he didn't know what he was thinking, so he suddenly called himself to ask about the business situation.

The point is, the incident of guest conflict, which is usually not encountered once a year, happened to be encountered by Jinshao.

It is really difficult for me to listen to my own way of dealing with problems on the spot.

"Okay, Jin Shao."

Hao Zailai agreed, and hurried down the stairs.

He didn't care about the center of the problem first, but asked the waiter to settle down the guests and the people brought by Su Ye Qian Donglai. The scene changed from the big incident just now where many people were fighting to a small quarrel between the two. scene.

"Two gentlemen, please let go first. I'm sorry, but our service is not good enough. I'm Hao Zailai, the general manager of Haolaideng Hotel. First, I apologize to the two distinguished guests."

Hao Zailai bowed as soon as he came up, Su Ye couldn't help showing face when he saw this, he let go of his hand, and pushed Qian Donglai hard, pushing him staggeringly.

"It's okay, it's not your problem."

"It's just that this guy has a cheap mouth and cheap hands, and he's going to overturn the table when he comes up."

"If you don't teach him a lesson, he will feel uncomfortable."

"Thousands of mistakes are the fault of our shop. Don't worry, sir, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to today's matter."

When Hao Zailai saw Su Ye's appearance, he immediately felt that this young man was very handsome and energetic.

People are visual animals, although Hao Zailai is male and female, but seeing Su Ye, a handsome and energetic person, is always more pleasant than seeing a sloppy person.

"Sir, what do you call me? First, I will give you a membership card of our Haolaideng Hotel. From now on, whether you come to dine or stay, you can enjoy a 98% discount."

"It's okay, my name is Su Ye, so there's no need for Ka, I'm not often in Xucheng."

When Hao Zailai heard this, he didn't continue to persuade Su Ye to accept it, but asked the waiter beside him to get a membership card.

"Mr. Su, please sit down for a while, and I will communicate with this gentleman."

Su Ye nodded, gave Qian Donglai a hard look, and then sat down slowly.

Qian Donglai returned to his subordinates, he was annoyed and angry now.

What annoyed him was that Su Ye slapped himself in front of so many people, which made him feel too embarrassed.

I was so angry that so many subordinates just now saw that they were slapped by Su Ye, but there was not even a single one to help.

Really raised a group of white-eyed wolves.

Seeing Hao Zailai approaching, Qian Donglai burst into tears on the spot.

"What kind of hotel are you? It's a five-star hotel. Everyone is allowed in."

"Even this kind of thugs can come in to eat, so how can the safety of ordinary customers like us be guaranteed?"

"What is it called Hao Laideng? It is more appropriate to call it Violence."

"Look at my face, I've been beaten up by this... this person."

Just as Qian Donglai was about to say something dirty, he suddenly saw Su Ye's gaze and changed his words.

The slap just now might not have convinced him, but it really hurt.

I invited the company employees to dinner twice, and I met this guy. Su Ye was in a panic and used at least three points of strength. At this time, Qian Donglai's face was swollen visible to the naked eye like steamed buns on a steamer. .

Hao Zailai was also upset when he heard Qian Donglai's words.

He just heard a few words from the waiter and the onlookers, and he knew that this guy was the one who took the initiative to provoke, first he sneered, and then he went up to lift the table.

If this matter had to be transferred to himself, Hao Zailai reckoned that he would rush up and slap this guy.

"Mr. Qian, I'm really sorry that something like this happened today. Thousands of mistakes are our fault. I want to say sorry to you."

After all, Hao Zailai also bowed deeply to Qian Donglai.

"However, Mr. Qian, from what I have learned just now, the cause of this incident lies on your side. Although Mr. Su on the other side did not do well, you shouldn't do what you do."

"Look, if not, let's forget about it."

"Forget it? Count your daughter... count your ghost."

"Didn't you see that my face was beaten like this?"

"It's so serious that you still think about me?"

"Let me tell you, I will settle the matter with that Su Ye later."

"But if you Haolaideng didn't protect your guests well, I will blame you."

"Today we came here to celebrate our achievements happily. We came here because we valued you for coming here. But when we encountered such a thing, tell me, should you pay compensation?"

"Yes, yes, you mean..." Hao Zailai cursed inwardly, you were beaten up for nothing, and ended up relying on our hotel.

Really have you.

"I want you to change the three tables I ordered today for good luck, and replace them with three tables for good luck."

"Well, this request is not too much."

"Not too much for your sister."

Hao Zailai almost said what was in his heart. Now there are three stalls for the whole table order in Haolaideng. The lowest one is Haolaiyun, 1088 yuan per table, and the highest one is Haolaideng, 3988 yuan per table. There are many in this set meal The ingredients are all transported from Zhejiang Province, and what we want is an authentic taste.

In the end, you gave me an upgrade, and there was a difference of 2900 yuan in the middle. You just said it lightly, and asked me to upgrade the gear for you.

I'm afraid you are thinking too much.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qian, our Haolaideng Hotel does not have such a rule. If possible, I will give you a membership card of our hotel."

"With this membership card, you can enjoy a 98% discount on dining and accommodation at our Haolaideng Hotel and other related hotels."

"This one……"

Qian Donglai was moved.

When he came to Haolaideng for dinner with his friends, the other party took out a hotel membership card smartly, which made him envious.

It is said that there is a limit to the distribution of members of the Haolaideng Hotel. They are either well-known entrepreneurs, or those who come to the store and spend more than 2 yuan.

The standard seems to be very low, but for ordinary people, the annual income is about this level, so why don’t they spend all their meals in hotels?
Therefore, this member is stuck in Xu Cheng, and it may be a bit exaggerated to say that he is a status symbol, but it is not bad to pretend to be aggressive in front of ordinary people.

Hao Zailai saw Qian Donglai a little moved, and was about to say something while the iron was hot, when suddenly the phone in his pocket rang.

"Hi, Young Master Jin, I'm here."

"Get Qian Donglai out of here, put him on the unwelcome list, and he will be banned from entering Haolaideng in the future."

"Here, Jin Shao, this Qian Donglai is from the Xucheng Hanlai Group. Behind the Hanlai Group is the Xucheng Xu family. I just said to give him a membership card of our store. He is a bit..."

"Do as I say."

"Xu Cheng's Xu family is nice, but can he still fall out with us over a piece of rubbish?"

"Yes, I will do as you command right away."

"Okay, if someone asks about this later, just tell me what I said, and let people who have opinions come to me."

"Yes, Jin Shao, I'll do it right away."

Hao Zailai hung up the phone and smiled wryly, this Jin Shao was indeed still a young man.

When we open a hotel for catering, in fact, we ultimately provide services.

If you offend customers like this, your reputation will be lowered in the future.


The idea of ​​making less money is a good idea. Although it does not conform to the hotel's business philosophy, it is too relieved.

Hao Zailai walked up to Qian Donglai and waved to the waiter who handed over his membership card.

"Mr. Qian, I am very sorry to inform you that you have been included in the unwelcome guest list by our Holland Hotel, and you are prohibited from stepping into the Holland Hotel in the future."

"Now, please leave as soon as possible."


"Didn't you just say you gave me a membership card?"

"How dare you expel me now."

"Believe it or not, I'll call your headquarters to complain about you."

"Let me tell you, I am the Hanlai Group..."

Hao Zailai looked at the faceless Qian Donglai with disdain, and waved at the waiter behind him: "Push him out."

"You can't do this to me."

"Do you know who I am?"

"I tell you, you will absolutely regret it."

"I want to complain to your headquarters."

"And Su Ye, don't think that hitting me twice will make you awesome."

"We'll have a long time in the future, we'll see."


As Qian Donglai's voice got farther and farther away, his subordinates also looked at each other in blank dismay.

This is how to do.

Today I chose Haolaideng because it is the most famous hotel in Xucheng.

It's only been one month since Qian Donglai joined the job, and his sales performance has doubled. After that, he will definitely be promoted quickly.

Moreover, when Qian Donglai came to the company, he said that he was promoted to the headquarters for observation because of his outstanding performance in the Jiangcheng market.

A promotion and salary increase are just around the corner.

The subordinates wanted to hug their thighs, Qian Donglai wanted to pretend to be aggressive, and the two coincided with each other.

However, now that Qian Donglai was pushed out in such an embarrassing manner, would they still have their celebration banquet?

If I eat it, I feel sorry for Qian Donglai.

If you don't eat...

Forget it, let's eat.

Several subordinates lowered their heads unanimously, moved slowly, and climbed the steps leading to the private room on the second floor.

After all, in order to be able to eat this big meal, they have already paid a 50% deposit in advance. If they don't eat it, wouldn't the money be wasted?
Seeing Qian Donglai being driven out, Su Ye thought those subordinates would leave with him.

But, what do these people mean by running upstairs by themselves regardless of Qian Donglai?
Didn't you say that you only came to this celebration banquet for Qian Donglai to celebrate?

But now that Qian Donglai is gone, who are you celebrating for?


The phone in his pocket was vibrating non-stop, and just as Su Ye picked it up, he heard a familiar voice.

"Yezi, let me guess, are you preparing to eat at Haolaideng Hotel in Xucheng now?"

On the other end of the phone, Shi Jin smiled obscenely.

 Thanks to the book friend "Nine Gates God Emperor" for the monthly ticket, and thanks to the old friend "Riding the Mad Dog on the Highway" for the coin reward
(End of this chapter)

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