The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 210 There is something I have kept from you for a long time

Chapter 210 There is something I have kept from you for a long time (ask for tickets and subscription)
"Well, how do you know?"

Su Ye held the phone in his hand and turned around to look around.

But no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find Shi Jin.

"Okay, Ye Zi, don't look, I'm not in Xu Cheng."

Shi Jin laughed loudly on the phone, "The Haolaideng Hotel is our family's property, and I happened to call CSS on the QQ game platform with your company's boss Wang in the morning to ask about you, and he said that you and a female colleague came to Xucheng for a business trip .”

Fortunately, Su Ye couldn't see the expression on Shi Jin's face on the other end of the phone, and suddenly thought, "No wonder you know I'm in Xucheng, but how do you know I'm in Haolaideng?"

"It's very simple, I just called to care about my business in Xu Cheng."

"I heard Manager Hao talking to you just now."

"Haolaideng? It's also your family's business? Isn't your family in real estate?"

"Did you forget?"

Shi Jin was full of surprise, "Didn't you say you were from Xucheng when you were a freshman, and you said that Xucheng didn't have any decent hotels, so you, a rich second generation, couldn't even spend your money."

"I bought the Sheraton with my pocket money, refurbished it and hired a management team. You don't know, Ye Zi."

"I really don't know, but you actually bought this Haolaideng Hotel with your pocket money."

"This beep is very good, I will give you 100 points, I am not afraid of your pride."

"Hahaha, that's necessary. Brother has been researching this direction for so many years, and finally has some results."

"Okay, you give Hao Zailai the phone, and I'll talk to him."

Su Ye gave the phone to Hao Zailai according to his words, but Hao Zailai was still a little confused.

This matter has not been resolved, why should I answer the phone call myself.

"Hello, hello."

"Mr. Hao, I'm Shi Jin."

The expression on Hao Zailai's face instantly turned into a flattering smile, "Young Master Jin, you know this Mr. Su."

"Yes, Su Ye is my good brother for four years in college, you give him a diamond card from our store."

"In addition, you will give you free orders for whatever dishes they ordered today."


Hao Zailai looked at the tables of guests brought by Su Ye. The waiter said that they all ordered the Haolaiwang set meal. If this meal is free, it will cost at least 2 yuan.

"Why, can't the order be waived?" Shi Jin's voice became serious.

This Haolaiwang was established purely by him to pretend to be beeping in front of Su Ye. Although Su Ye didn't know about it for so many years, the overall operation was pretty good.

It has become a well-known hotel in Xucheng, but now Hao Zailai, relying on his status as an old employee, doesn't even listen to him, Shi Jin is of course upset.

"No, Young Master Jin."

Hao Zailai took two steps back with his mobile phone, turned around and said, "This Mr. Su probably brought his company's employees to dinner, and ordered 8 tables of Haolaiwang's set menu. If you really want to get free, at least less It’s close to 2 yuan.”

"Um, is that so?"

"It seems that Su Ye is really a rich second generation."

Shi Jin said to himself, thought for a while and said: "Then how about it, you can directly upgrade the package for them, and the cost will be my own."

"Okay, I understand Jin Shao."

"Also, don't give that kind of ordinary membership card, just take out the gold card and give it to Su Ye."

"Okay, I understand Jin Shao." Hao Zailai nodded again and again, it seems that Shi Jin and this Su Ye are indeed good brothers for many years, otherwise it would be impossible to directly give Hao Lai the highest-level gold card.

One must know that there are only a handful of Xu Cheng's customers who currently hold the Haolaideng Gold Card.

Gold card customers enjoy services in accordance with Shijin's standards.

Of course, those customers who hold gold cards only come several times a year, and they all have their own industries, so it is impossible to visit frequently.

Returning the phone to Su Ye, Shi Jin chatted with him for a few words before hanging up.

But when the food was served, Su Ye realized that this set meal was not the Hao Lai Wang he ordered at all, those seafood should be the Hao Lai Wang set meal.

He guessed that this matter should be arranged by Shi Jin, so he accepted it calmly.

On the contrary, Su Aiguo, Meng Xiaojuan and the employees in the factory were full of praise for these food that they didn't care about.

Anyway, whether it is Haolaiwang or Haolaideng, these exquisite dishes are something they are usually reluctant to eat.

After a meal, Hao Zailai gave everyone a gift box.

An anxious employee opened it on the spot and saw that there was a silk scarf inside.

This is also a decision that Hao Zailai made after thinking for a long time. Most of the employees of the Aiguo Toy Factory... No, except for Su Aiguo, the others are all women.

It just so happens that the weather is getting colder now, so sending a silk scarf is not only in line with status, but also more practical.

But this silk scarf is custom-made by Haolaideng Hotel in Gusu, and a silk scarf costs 188.
When Su Ye paid the bill, he thought that he would pay according to the price of the Haolaideng package, and Li Qianqian next to him also agreed.

But Hao Zai said that he didn’t agree with anything, saying that Young Master Su’s coming to Haolaideng would already give him face, and the upgrade of the package was Shi Jin’s idea.

After struggling for a while, Su Ye accepted the price. Others thought he thought it was too expensive, but who knew it was too cheap.

Holding the gold card presented by Hao Zailai, he ran into Chen Xudong from Mingze Group as soon as he left the house.

"Hey, President Su, you come here to eat too."

When Chen Xudong saw Su Ye enthusiastically coming up to shake his hand, the executives around him were all dumbfounded.

Who is this young man? Chen Xudong is so enthusiastic.

With a good memory, the person who followed Chen Xudong to visit Su Aiguo in the ward and signed the compensation agreement yesterday remembered, isn't this the unidentified Su Ye?
The identity is unknown because neither Chen Xudong nor Su Ye has disclosed Su Yezhen's identity, and the information they inquired can only know that Su Ye's father, Su Aiguo, is a toy car factory.

But obviously the son of the director of a small toy factory doesn't need Chen Xudong's enthusiasm.

"Mr. Chen, good afternoon."

It's almost two o'clock now, Su Ye didn't expect that Chen Xudong would come to eat at this time.

"President Su, I have something to tell you."

Chen Xudong asked the executives of his subordinates to wait for him in the private room he had reserved first, and then dragged Su Ye to the waiting sofa in the lobby.

"Boss Su, I met someone yesterday and I happened to talk to you."

"He wants you to attend the Xucheng Martial Arts Conference next month as a special guest. I don't know what you mean."

Chen Xudong told the story straight to the point, and called Su Ye in the morning, just to ask him out for a chat at noon, but Su Ye refused.

"A person? Who is it?"

Chen Xudong pointed to it with his finger, and said in a low voice, "It's the current head of the Xu family, Xu Zhongshu."

Su Ye was startled, he didn't expect it to be this big guy.

As a native of Xu Cheng, Su Ye naturally knew that the real big family in Xu Cheng was the Hanlai Xu family. Didn't that Qian Donglai just now kept clamoring that he was a subordinate of the Hanlai Group?
However, how could the head of the Xu family know about himself.

As for the martial arts conference, in my memory, it was a large-scale national event that was rare in Xu Cheng.

If he were to be a special guest, he would definitely show his face on TV.

Although it has been decided to bring Qingyun Technology and QQ to the fast lane to explore the international market, Su Ye still wants to keep a low profile.

He is not Jack Ma, he does not know that kind of passionate speech, Su Ye thinks that he is just an ordinary person with a bit of luck, and he should leave the matter of showing his face to those real bosses.

"Mr. Chen, can you help me refuse this matter, I just want the company to be famous, and I don't want to be famous too."

"That's fine, but Mr. Su, Xu Zhongshu has been cultivating himself in recent years, and he is still very interested in boxing skills. If, if it's convenient for you, I will take you to visit Xu Zhongshu."

Chen Xudong's words were cryptic, but Su Ye understood what he meant at once.

Doesn't it mean that this matter was brought up by Xu Zhongshu, you don't have to go, but you must make it clear to others in person.

As for liking boxing kung fu, let Su Ye go and show it to Xu Zhongshu.

As long as the other party is satisfied, it should not be pursued.

Su Ye felt helpless in his heart.

This is the problem of being too weak. If his wealth far exceeds that of the Xu family and the Hanlai Group, he can ask Xu Zhongshu to demonstrate his boxing skills to himself.

Although helpless, Su Ye did not dare to disobey.

"No problem, Mr. Chen, take me to visit Xu Zhongshu next week if it's convenient for you."

Seeing that Su Ye accepted the matter without any emotional changes, Chen Xudong couldn't help but secretly praised him.

Sure enough, he is a person who achieves great things, and will not affect his emotions for a little foreign matter.

Most people can bear it, and they will have good achievements.

And those who have the ability and ideals are willing to endure, then there will definitely be great achievements.

Chen Xudong and Su Ye confirmed the time of the visit, said goodbye to each other, turned and went upstairs.

He had to wait for the gymnasium to make arrangements for this matter and report it to Xu Zhongshu all at once.

Su Ye walked out of the Haolaideng Hotel, looked at the bright sunshine outside and couldn't help but sighed.

"What's wrong, Su Ye."

"What did that Chen Xudong tell you just now?"

"It's nothing."

Su Ye grabbed Li Qianqian's hand and looked away.

"Qianqian, tell me, can our Qingyun Technology become the giant of Longhan Internet and go to the world?"

"Of course I can, I have confidence in you."

"But I don't have confidence in myself, Qianqian, you know, I'm not a proud person, nor a creative genius, I'm just an ordinary person."

"Do you know, the original me, in fact, just wanted to buy a few buildings, sleep at home every day until I wake up naturally, and be a salted fish for the rest of my life."

"But yesterday you told me the definition of success, which gave me an impulse to make Qingyun Technology bigger and stronger."

"Let our Internet companies in Longhan go out of Longhan and have a large number of users all over the world."

"My idea is a bit unrealistic."


"Actually, Su Ye, I have kept something from you for a long time. Now that I see your change, I can tell you about it."

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye tenderly, and said slowly.

 Thanks to book friends "I miss you dear", "Book friends 20170929213814705", "674248", "This life is only for you", "Book friends 20200612212355708" and "Sir Lang Peak". . .

(End of this chapter)

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