Chapter 212 Zhang Long's Chance
"Su Ye, I can finally see you again."

"You don't know how high my dad thought of you last time."

"Just say that you are the No.1 of the younger generation, and that no matter how hard I try, I can't compare to you."

As soon as Xu Jingcheng walked over, he began to pour out bitter water.

"Okay, Ah Cheng, let's catch up with Su Ye later."

"Try your hands first, I'm very itchy."

Xu Zhongshu persuaded, seeing his eager look, Su Ye's mentality also calmed down a little.

Although someone said a word, I had to come over and show my skills.

But fortunately, this Xu Zhongshu really likes kung fu, and the person he found to try it out was not some bodyguard thug, but Xu Jingcheng, whom he was relatively familiar with.

Su Ye stood up and stood quietly in front of Xu Jingcheng.

Seeing Su Ye's actions, Xu Jingcheng also stopped talking, said "Good uncle", and looked at Su Ye with a serious expression.

Su Ye's standing action seems to be just standing straight, but Xu Jingcheng is an expert.

It was immediately obvious that Su Ye's core strength had been tightened, ready to strike at any time.

This guy, Xu Jingcheng was envious of, this Su Ye could get ready so quickly.

Not to mention other things, it can be seen from this hand alone that among the younger generation of martial arts practitioners in the current Longhan Empire, no one can match it.

"Su Ye, be careful."

Xu Jingcheng let out a low cry, quickly rushed up, and punched Su Ye on the cheek.

Su Ye retreated half a step without showing any signs, and blocked Xu Jingcheng's punch with his left hand.

Unexpectedly, this time Su Ye discovered that Xu Jingcheng's punch was not forceful, but pushed his arm away with a light push.

Seeing Su Ye being fooled, Xu Jingcheng secretly rejoiced.

He mostly uses his left hand.

Since childhood, Xu Jingcheng can write and draw with both hands, and his left hand is much stronger than his right hand.

However, when he competed with some martial arts comrades over the years, he could always defeat the opponent with only his right hand.

His left hand is his trump card, which is rarely known.

Being able to successfully deceive Su Ye this time also made him very excited. Without hesitation, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed Su Ye's neck.

He wanted to succeed with one hit.

Xu Zhongshu, who was watching the battle next to him, saw that his nephew used his left hand as soon as he came up, and he was also deeply moved.

Chen Xudong looked nervous.

He knew that Su Ye could beat him, but he didn't know exactly how capable he was.

Seeing Xu Jingcheng's left hand roaring towards him, he was even a little nervous.

If he hit Su Ye this time, he probably wouldn't die, but would faint directly.

Su Ye in the field smiled slightly, he was not at all surprised by Xu Jingcheng's punch.

Hearing the sound of Xu Jingcheng's arm attack, he didn't even use his right hand, his left hand quickly returned to his neck, grabbed Xu Jingcheng's left hand, and then pushed it violently.

Xu Jingcheng only felt a rush of blood, and Su Ye blocked the punch he was obviously going to get so easily.

Moreover, Su Ye pushed him back a step, kicked him to his knee immediately.

Xu Jingcheng resisted the discomfort in his heart, and took two steps back to avoid Su Ye's blow.

Who would have thought that Su Ye would be in a position of unrelenting power from this moment on, every blow was as fast as one blow, and one blow was stronger than the next.

Xu Jingcheng could only be tired of coping, and kept retreating, only able to parry.

The eyes of Xu Zhongshu next to him were shining, and he kept sighing in his heart, this is the real kung fu, this is the real Longhan Guoshu.

What is Ma Baoguo and his ilk, that kind of pure lip service.

Xu Zhongshu regretted it. If he had known that Su Ye's kung fu was so superb, he would have asked someone to bring a camera over.

This kind of duel is rarely seen with the second brother Xu Hanlin.

Even Xu Zhongshu has reason to suspect that the second brother Xu Hanlin has been pampered all these years. Although he is still practicing kung fu frequently, as the head of the Longhan Wushu Association, he has to travel from north to south to visit famous figures in various families these years.

In addition, Xu Hanlin is also similar to Chen Xudong next to him, and he is almost 50 years old. How can he compare with Su Ye, an upright young man.

There is a saying in the martial arts world that fists are afraid of the young, and there is also a saying that random punches kill the master.

It means to practice boxing, the younger you are, the more energetic you are, the stronger your strength, and your endurance. Compared with those older martial artists, their bodies will allow them to win in battle.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

"Don't fight, don't fight."

Xu Jingcheng panted heavily, and said in a panic.

"Su Ye, you are too fierce."

"Where did you learn this boxing technique?"

Xu Jingcheng sat down on the ground and looked up at Su Ye in front of him.

After hearing what he said, Su Ye quickly withdrew the fist that was halfway out just now, stood still and looked at him.

With just this movement, Xu Jingcheng knew that Su Ye had already practiced to the point where he could move freely.

This word sounds simple, but it is impossible to practice it without decades of effort.

And Su Ye is only 22 years old, younger than himself, how did he reach this level.

"This is inconvenient to inform."

"However, I will help you find out one of the shortcomings of your boxing."

Su Ye was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and stood with his hands behind his back. From the beginning to the end, he never moved his right hand.

"What are the shortcomings of Ah Cheng's boxing skills?"

Before Xu Jingcheng could speak, Xu Zhongshu, who was standing aside and saw their end, hurried over and asked.

"His style of play is too aggressive, and after he punches and kicks, he basically doesn't spare any strength."

"This kind of style of play is no problem for ordinary martial arts practitioners, but it will be tricked if you encounter that kind of experienced people."

"That's right, that's it."

Hearing what Su Ye said was reasonable, Xu Jingcheng quickly stood up from the ground, patted the dirt on his buttocks and said, "I will go to Sichuan Province this summer to compete with others, and it is no problem to compete with young people, but there is a An old boxer in his 40s knocked me down with almost no effort."

"I didn't believe what my dad said before. Compared with you today, I am indeed far behind."

"However, how do I solve this problem?"

Su Ye thought for a while, and told Xu Jingcheng about his experience so that he would have more chances when he turned around. If it worked, he could continue. If it didn't work, it wouldn't affect anything.

"Su Ye, I like you more and more now."

"You are good at kung fu, strong in strength, and have a high key vision."

"You really don't want to be a special guest at the martial arts conference?"

"I can help you advertise on QQ."

Hearing Xu Zhongshu's words, Su Ye was not surprised at all.

For a boss like Xu Zhongshu, it couldn't be easier to investigate his own information, but it's not appropriate for the other party to invite him like this, and he always refuses.

"Mr. Xu..."

"What's your name, Mr. Xu, just call me Uncle just like Ah Cheng."

"You are the same age, you should get closer in the future."

"Okay, uncle."

Su Ye agreed, but he was full of slander in his heart, although he knew what Xu Zhongshu meant by asking him to get closer to Xu Jingcheng.

But the thought of getting close to this guy who looked like a big black bear often made Su Ye feel uncomfortable.

"Uncle, I want to say that I have a good brother who also practiced martial arts since he was a child. Although his skill is not as good as Ah Cheng's, he can barely be his partner."

"Practicing martial arts, you can't practice hard by yourself with your head covered. Frequent battles are also a good way to improve."

"Oh, is your good brother also in Xucheng?"

"Yes, I'm working in the martial arts gym under the Hi-Lai Group, and now I'm mainly responsible for teaching some children to practice martial arts."

"That's no problem, Acheng, you can call the martial arts hall later and ask them to send him over."

"Su Ye, what's the name of your brother?"

"Zhang Long."

Zhang Long, who was still resting at home at this time, had no idea that his good brother Su Ye was already paving the way for him.

Because the work is mainly responsible for teaching children, Zhang Long's time to get off work is basically at 9 o'clock every day.

For him, one day off a week is a day when he can sleep in openly.

As soon as the phone was turned off, I fell asleep until it was dark.

He didn't wake up until half an hour later, when the person in charge of the martial arts gym rushed to his house and knocked on the door.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter?"

"Quick, Mr. Xu wants to see you."

"Mr. Xu? Which Mr. Xu?"

Zhang Long was already in a daze, but at this time he heard the words of Mr. Zhang in his martial arts gym and thought about it for a while, but he didn't think that there was any leader in the martial arts gym whose surname was Xu.

"President Xu of the Hi-Lai Group, Xu Zhongshu."

"Ah, Xu Zhongshu wants to see me?"

Zhang Long, who was completely unknown, washed himself up quickly and arrived at Sifang Mountain by car.

At the foot of the mountain, his head was still numb.

What's the situation, Xu Zhongshu, that is the real helm of the Hanlai Group. Although he has decentralized most of the business in the past two years, no one dares to underestimate this big boss.

However, I don't know where this boss heard his name, but he called his name early in the morning and asked him to come to the door.

Under the envious eyes of Mr. Zhang of the Wuguan, Zhang Long got into the special vehicle of the Xu family and left.

"This kid, it seems that he is about to develop."

After going up the mountain, Zhang Long immediately saw the grey-haired Xu Zhongshu, and the well-known Xucheng boss Chen Xudong next to him, and two young people beside him.

Presumably, they should be Xu Zhongshu's nephew and nephew. Hearing Zhang Long's footsteps, everyone turned their heads to look at him.


Zhang Long blurted out.

He was really surprised, isn't Su Ye the same age as him, and he has nothing to do with the Xu family, so why is he standing here.

Moreover, next to him is Chen Xudong, the boss of Mingze Group who wanted to demolish Su Ye's house.

How could Su Ye stand with these people.

Could it be that they want to harm Su Ye?

But Mr. Zhang of the Wuguan said that Xu Zhongshu wanted to see him, and Zhang Long was suddenly confused.

"Uncle, this is my good brother Zhang Long."

Su Ye said something to Xu Zhongshu, Xu Jingcheng next to him couldn't wait any longer, he flew over and said to Zhang Long, "Brother, Zhang Long, right, come on, let's fight."

Zhang Long looked in bewilderment at the strong man in front of him who was about the same height and weight as himself, and a trace of vigilance flashed in his heart.

This person's strength is not bad, maybe a little stronger than himself, who has practiced martial arts since childhood.

He turned his head to look at Su Ye, but saw that Su Ye had finished talking to Xu Zhongshu, and then ran over to grab Xu Jingcheng.

"Ah Cheng, don't worry. Didn't you see that my brothers are all in a daze? I guess this guy was still sleeping on the bed just now."

"Longlong, don't worry, this is Uncle's nephew Xu Jingcheng, a martial idiot."

"I recommend you to come here, you can practice martial arts with him in the future."

"Okay, Su Ye, don't talk about it, I have to fight Zhang Long immediately, I don't have time."

Xu Jingcheng said eagerly.

He was abused by Su Ye just now, and finally found someone who was weaker than himself, so why don't he vent it quickly.

By the way, he could also try the technique of exerting force and retaining force that Su Ye taught him just now.

"it is good."

Zhang Long was full of doubts in his heart, but when he saw what Su Ye said, he also had a fighting spirit in his heart.

The work in the Hanlai Martial Arts Center is to teach the group of children every day, and the coaches seldom discuss each other.

Seeing Xu Jingcheng in front of him who was about the same size as himself, Zhang Long also became excited.

"Wait a minute, let me move my body."

After all, Zhang Long began to warm up, and that movement was impressively the movement he taught children to warm up every day.

 Thanks to book friends "Li Tianxu", "Dragonfly", "gunkingking", the last sentence of the fist is afraid of the young, and the stick is afraid of the old man.Cookie's grandfather used to practice stick skills. Once when he passed the train station, he tripped a thief who was fleeing in a hurry with a stick.He was 80 years old that year, but he was not afraid that the thief would fight back when he got up.Unfortunately, Cookie's grandfather had already left in 04.

(End of this chapter)

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