Chapter 213 Mother-in-law Su Xiaoye (seeking tickets for subscription)


Xu Jingcheng and Zhang Long in front of them have turned into a big steamer in the shape of two people.

The morning temperature in Xucheng at the end of October is still a bit low.

After almost 10 minutes of fighting between the two, the heat above their heads was steaming, as if they had just come out of a bath.

"Okay, okay, good, good."

Xu Jingcheng breathed heavily, and said every single word.

Zhang Long opposite him is also the same, with his hands on his knees.

"Old Xu, you are not bad."

"I'm in so much pain now."

Zhang Long freed up a hand to press his chest, and immediately grinned.

"As for me, you are not bad."

Xu Jingcheng supported his left shoulder, where Zhang Long punched him forcefully just now.

"Okay, both of you go take a shower."

"If you have no problem, Ah Cheng, Zhang Long will be your training partner from now on."

"Uncle, I'm fine."

Xu Jingcheng turned to look at Zhang Long as he spoke.

It was only at this time that Zhang Long remembered what he was doing here.

He was a little overwhelmed for a moment, and turned to look at Su Ye.

Su Ye nodded, and he called Zhang Long over to build a good relationship with the Xu family in Xu Cheng.

I have already rejected Xu Zhongshu's invitation to the martial arts conference, so it is nothing to sacrifice a brother.

The dog's head saves his life.

But this incident made Zhang Long only have advantages and no disadvantages.

Xu Jingcheng is a nice person, and following him in the future, not to mention rich and powerful, at least he will not worry about eating and drinking.

Moreover, both of them like martial arts, and they can have a better exercise effect if they are together.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, we have no problem."

"Ah Cheng, please give me more advice in the future."

"Excuse me, let's go and take a shower."

Xu Jingcheng put his arms around Zhang Long's shoulders, and the two walked towards the brick house together.

Seeing the two big and three rough people leave, Su Ye felt worried for some reason.

"Let's go, two, let's take a rest and warm up."

During this morning, Xu Zhongshu saw two wonderful fights, and he was very happy.

When the interest came, he invited Chen Xudong and Su Ye to enter his brick house together.

This looks like an ordinary and simple brick house, even the outer walls are not painted or paved with bricks, but walking into it seems to have entered another world.

They are all Yishui mahogany furniture, and there are partitions specially used to display tea and tea sets.

On the other side of the hall is an antique weapon rack.

There are all kinds of swords on it. Su Ye doesn't know much about this, so he glanced at it and sat on the mahogany chair.

Well, it's hard and a little bit rough.

"Su Ye, the weapons over there are all bought from outside one by one by me, or I asked my friends to come over with the cheek."

"Look at the thin sword on the top, it is the willow sword that danced with the wind in the dream of closing the city by the previous Tai Chi swordsman."

"I spent 800 million yuan to photograph this sword last year."

"There is also the sword in the middle, which I bought from Zhao Shiheng, the king of the Imperial Capital Building. It is the portable sword of a general in the Ming Dynasty. It has been stained with blood countless times in his life."


Xu Zhongshu has been eloquently introducing these collections of his, which made Su Ye click his tongue secretly.

This is all money, and even some weapons cannot be bought with money.

Looking at the heartache that flashed across Xu Zhongshu's face from time to time, it was clear that he had also paid a huge price for these weapons.

"Uncle, you are showing off your collection again."

Before people arrived, Xu Jingcheng walked in wearing a white sportswear, followed by Zhang Long.

Zhang Long was wearing a sportswear of the same style, but it was black.

Presumably he came in a hurry, so he had to change into Xu Jingcheng's clothes after taking a shower.

Su Ye has been secretly looking at the eyes between the two and whether there is any interaction in movement, but after a long while, he didn't find anything.

It seems that the two of them still... ahem, let's not talk about this topic for now.

"Well, can't I show off, and I still need your consent?"

Xu Zhongshu's expression was serious, and he said unhappily.

"No, no, you can do whatever you want."

Xu Jingcheng pulled Zhang Long to sit next to Su Ye.

"Su Ye, why don't you be my master?"


"You can be my master."

"No, no, no, are you kidding? I can just play it myself. Let me guide you. Isn't that a joke?"

"Ah Cheng, don't say this again in the future, it will be bad if you mislead your son."

"Come on, Su Ye, you are so strong in kung fu, you can just guide me a few times, don't worry, I will never spread the word."

"That doesn't work either. My martial arts can only be...well, it can only be passed on to my son."

In desperation, Su Ye had no choice but to say such words, and Xu Jingcheng was immediately discouraged.

"Acheng, don't ask, Su Ye even refused my invitation."

"Ah? Uncle, it must be something about the martial arts conference."

Xu Jingcheng's mind turned quickly, and he instantly thought of what Su Ye had refused his uncle's invitation.

"Well, originally I wanted to invite Su Ye to be the special guest of our martial arts conference this time, but Su Ye said that he didn't want to show his face."

"It's okay, uncle, just ask Su Ye to advertise for us later."

"Their Qingyun Technology now has hundreds of millions of users."

"Advertisement? What kind of advertisement, how to operate it."

When Xu Zhongshu heard that Su Ye's company had hundreds of millions of users, and that it was able to advertise for the martial arts conference, Xu Zhongshu immediately regained his spirits.

"That's no problem, Uncle Xu, what date will our martial arts tournament start this year?"

"On November 11, it will start at Mr. Chen's new Xucheng Center Gymnasium, and it will end on November 22."

Xu Jingcheng remembered this matter very clearly, so he answered immediately.

"Okay, no problem, I will send a notification to all QQ users when I get back."

"Then thank you, Su Ye."

Xu Zhongshu said with a smile.

"It's okay, uncle, as long as you don't mind that I can't participate."

While everyone was talking, they ate a simple but organic meal at Xu Zhongshu's house.

After the meal, Su Ye and Chen Xudong were ready to leave. As for Zhang Long, he had already been Xu Jingcheng's training partner, and would follow Xu Jingcheng every day from now on.

"Su Ye."

Seeing that Chen Xudong was already walking towards the car that took them down the mountain, Xu Zhongshu stopped Su Ye.

"Uncle, tell me."

"I heard that Shunfeng Express Company in Jiangcheng was established by you?"

Su Ye pondered for a while, then nodded: "Yes, uncle."

"Well, very good. We are also very interested in this industry. Tell us about your experience when you have time."

"no problem."

"Okay, then you go back, I, the old man, will not keep you."

"Also, I will use the QQ number you gave me."

Xu Zhongshu smiled secretly at Su Ye, and waved him to get into the car.

In the car, Chen Xudong and Su Ye didn't say a word. After they got out of the car, Chen Xudong invited Su Ye to his car.

Today he drove here by himself without a driver.

"Young Master Su, I'm actually to blame for today's incident."

"Xu Zhongshu was looking for the gymnasium to contact me that day, and he happened to ask about the demolition of the commercial area. I accidentally revealed your news."


"That Xu Jingcheng has known me for a long time. He fought with me several times, but I ignored him."

"Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a direct descendant of our Xu Cheng Xu family."

"Young Master Su, I still have something to report to you."

"You said."

"It's my daughter, who has always been obsessed with you. Can you come and see her when you have time?"

"She's living in my villa in Jiangcheng now."

"Your daughter?"

Su Ye was very puzzled by Chen Xudong's topic.

Although there are many girls who like themselves, is it a bit too much to say that they are obsessed?

"Yes, at the charity dinner held at the City Lord's Mansion in Jiangcheng that day, she couldn't take her eyes away when she saw you."

"My daughter has never been in love. If possible, can you come and see her?"

"How old is your daughter, is she going to school or working?"

"Still in school, now she is studying for graduate school, but if she is free, she will also help me manage the company."

"Okay, but you get vaccinated in advance, I have a girlfriend."

"no problem."

Although Chen Xudong was affected by the forcible conquest of the card, he is still a person with an independent personality in essence.

Even if he is loyal to Su Ye, he will have his own calculations.

Before, I only thought that Su Ye was a nice young man with his own career and company, and he was also very handsome.

Today, I found out that he had a good talk with the head of the Xu family and Xu Jingcheng, and it seemed that he also had some personal relationships.

If his daughter could rely on such a big tree, then he would naturally be willing.

Has good looks, a career, and connections.

If the daughter followed him, she would definitely not be wronged.

As for Su Ye having a girlfriend, it's not easy, just grab it.

This is how Chen Xudong does business. If he can't get it, he will grab it. If he can't get it, he will buy it. If he can't buy it, he will destroy it.

Of course he wouldn't and wouldn't dare to slander Su Ye, but he really understood things between men and women.

Men chasing women across the mountain, women chasing men, that is a matter of veil.

The car entered Xucheng City, and Chen Xudong was going to the company to deal with some matters. Su Ye also told him that when he returned to Jiangcheng, he would meet and chat with his daughter if he had the opportunity.

"Dad, Mom, I'm going back to Jiangcheng."

"Call me if you have anything to do in the future."

"There is no need to worry about the new factory for the time being. I will go to work after everything is arranged."

"Don't worry about the bus. Chen Xudong has already made arrangements, and those two buses will be responsible for taking you to and from get off work."

"If you have no money, tell me, your son has plenty of money."

Su Ye stood at the gate of the community building and kept giving instructions to Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan.

It was the first time in two lifetimes that she felt the warmth of family affection, which made Su Ye cherish this affection very much.

"All right, all right. When you went to college, your mother and I were not such mothers-in-law."

"Su Ye, you old man, why are you rambling like this?"

"Let's go, let's go, send us a message when you arrive in Jiangcheng at night."

Su Aiguo waved his hand impatiently. After three days of relocation, the machinery and equipment in his factory, raw materials and plush toys that have been made but not sold have all been moved to the new factory.

There are still two days left in this week, and Su Aiguo plans to wait until next Monday, which is November 11rd, before starting work.

"By the way, remember to voice Qianqian too, just say that Auntie misses her."

"Mom, why don't you say you miss me?"

"Don't be poor, hurry up and get out."

Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan sent Su Ye to the car and watched Hu Yidao drive away smoothly.

It was not until they could no longer see that the two turned their gazes back.

"Patriotic, let's go to Jiangcheng to have a look when we have time later."

"My son said that his company is developing very well, aren't you curious?"

"Okay, just go and have a look."

"It just so happens that the boy earns two small coins himself, so he doesn't take his father seriously."

"Well, let's take a look at where he lives over there. This kid has never liked to cook. You see, if you eat home food these two days, it's like a starved ghost reincarnated."

"Well, listen to you."

Su Aiguo put his arms around Meng Xiaojuan's shoulders, and turned his head to look, tears welled up in his wife's eyes.

"My wife I love you."

Meng Xiaojuan gave Su Aiguo a white look, looked at the wrinkles on his face and graying hair, and whispered something.

"Look how stupid you are."

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20200519061232688", "Wu Xiaorong", "Player-boy", "Book Friends 131009070811610", "This Life Is Only For You" and "caojun417" for their monthly tickets, and thanks to old friends for their rewards of "riding a mad dog on the highway".

(End of this chapter)

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