Chapter 222 Gratuitous donation (seeking tickets for subscription)

If it is said that the upper echelons of the empire only think about solving this matter when it comes to an emergency.

So Su Ye is to predict in advance and deal with it actively.

Li Wanli asked for Su Ye's number from his daughter and called him directly.


Su Ye was exercising on the treadmill at home, when she saw an unknown call coming in, she took a sip of water before connecting.

"Hi Xiaosu, I'm Li Wanli, Li Qianqian's father."

"Oh, hello uncle. What's the matter?"

Su Ye's heart skipped a beat, guessing what Li Wanli meant by calling.

Now Jiangcheng is also implementing a quarantine control system. The City Lord's Mansion calls on all enterprises and companies to suspend work. Except for special positions, everyone is quarantined at home and is not allowed to go out.

Li Wanli is from Jiangcheng's cultural department, so it stands to reason that he would not need to come forward for anything.

After all, this unit is very important if it is important, but it is not important, hehe, it is not that important.

"Well, there is something wrong. Some time ago, you gave the company a holiday and asked everyone to isolate themselves at home. Qianqian told me about it, and I passed it on to the provincial government of Jiangsu Province. Today, the provincial government specifically called me and said that I did this very well. Good. Su Ye, it's all thanks to you."

"Uncle Li, you are polite, I am timid, so please don't be polite."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

Li Wanli looked at the staff wearing masks walking around, his secretary trotted over and said, "Li Xiang, there is a press conference that requires you to be present, and there are still 30 minutes."

Li Wanli nodded and waved the secretary away a little.

"Su Ye, what I'm thinking is that since you can predict the current situation more than 10 days ago, do you have any other preparations?"

"I was also annoyed by the leader and had no choice but to speak to you."

"This...Of course I have prepared. On the day of the holiday, I bought enough food for 3 months."

"Oh, is there anything else?"

When Li Qianqian called him, he said that Su Ye also asked his factory to prepare some production machines and raw materials for mask disinfectant.

I just don't know if he is going to produce it himself or resell it.

Seeing that the epidemic is getting more and more serious now, Li Wanli is worried.

Su Ye, who I am optimistic about, will make a fortune at this time for the sake of money.

"I still have some masks and disinfectant here. However, Uncle Li, I am going to donate these things to the empire and let the empire distribute them. For your side, I will spare you a day's production at most."



"How many masks and disinfectant do you have now, and do you have any others?"

Li Wanli kept talking like a machine gun, and the secretary who was waiting for him to end the call in the distance kept looking at the watch on his wrist anxiously.

"There is nothing else. I originally wanted to produce some protective clothing, but my factory is not strong enough, and the standard of the protective clothing produced is not enough. Now I can only put it in the warehouse for nothing."

"There are also raw materials for protective clothing?"

Li Wanli felt that the call he made to Su Ye today was absolutely right.

This is simply sending charcoal in the snow.

"Yes, Uncle Li, you are not from the City Lord's Mansion, do you have a channel to donate upwards?"

"I have produced all the things here, but because there are no freight drivers, all the finished products can only be backlogged in the warehouse."

"No problem, I'll take care of this."

Li Wanli readily agreed that there is no freight driver at this critical time.

Can it be rare for others to live in Li Wanli, one of the three prime ministers of the empire?
"By the way, Xiao Su, how many finished products have your factories produced in total? Also, is your donation this time a free donation or... Are there any conditions? Just talk about our relationship, and I will help you argue. "

"Uncle Li, if you donate, donate for free. I don't have any conditions."

"If I have to say yes, I would like to treat you to a meal after the epidemic is over."

"All right, all right, I agree to this condition."

"As for how many finished products are there now, I received a report this morning that our 17 factories currently have 5000 million masks and 4000 million tons of disinfectant."

"Li Xiang, time is running out."

Seeing Li Wanli laughing loudly, the secretary rushed to urge him.

If he remembered correctly, Li Wanli hadn't laughed for many days since the outbreak was discovered in Guangcheng.

Who is he calling?
So happy.

"Okay, Xiao Su, then this time I will thank you on behalf of the country."

After Li Wanli finished speaking, he followed the secretary to the scene of the press conference. He was smiling all the way.

The smile on his face also infected every staff member who walked by.

"You see, Li Xiang can keep happy, and we will definitely get through this epidemic."

"Hello, friends from the press."

"About the situation of the outbreak in the Longhan Empire, I will now report to you all."

"Since the end of October, patients have been found in Guangcheng..."

The spokesman of Longhan was explaining the epidemic situation on stage, and he was relieved when he saw Li Wanli walking in.

It took 2 minutes to end the topic, and the speaker invited Li Wanli to the podium.

This is the first time Li Wanli has appeared in front of the public since the outbreak of the epidemic, because the work of science, education, culture and health was not under his jurisdiction before.

Seeing that Li Wanli walked onto the stage without even wearing a mask, the reporters below desperately took pictures.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

Someone asked Li Xiang why he didn't wear a mask at the top of his voice.

When Li Wanli heard his question, he nodded at him and did not reply immediately.

He stood in front of the podium, looked at the manuscript prepared by the secretary for him, took out a piece of current data from it, and put all the other texts aside.

"My friends from the press, when Longhan suffered from the epidemic, our empire did not hide any data. So far, the number of confirmed cases in the country is..."

Li Wanli spoke slowly on the stage, and after telling all the data, Li Wanli raised his head.

Looking at everyone with a smile, "I just made a call."

"It's only in the last few days that everyone realizes the current situation in Longhan, but more than 10 days ago, a young entrepreneur judged the current situation through a phone call."

"At this time, he decisively issued an order to shut down the company, and also ordered many of his factories to purchase a large number of raw materials and machines for the production of masks and disinfectants."

"He is a businessman. If he chooses to sell the masks and disinfectants produced to the country at this time, we will all be very grateful, but when I asked him the price, he said that these things were originally intended to be donated to the empire. "

"This company is Qingyun Technology, this is the young people of Longhan Empire, and this is the enterprise of Longhan Empire."

"I believe that if there are such enterprises and entrepreneurs, this epidemic..."

"We will definitely be able to fight and win!"

Li Wanli was on the podium with his left hand tightly clenched.

There was applause from the audience.

"Dad, Dad, look, Qingyun Technology is the company of the third child."

"These masks and disinfectant must have been donated by the third child."

Zhao Yun's family was watching TV. When he heard the words Qingyun Technology from Li Wanli's mouth, Zhao Yun excitedly said to Zhao Jinshan.

"Well, yes, the youngest in your dormitory is indeed doing well."

Zhao Jinshan seemed to be meeting Su Ye for the first time.

What Su Ye is doing now is completely different from what he saw in the dormitory back then.

The other side of the imperial capital.

After Zhou Ying heard Li Wanli say the name of Qingyun Technology on TV.

There are also mixed feelings in my heart.

This is Qingyun Technology who defeated him, and this is the man who made Zhao Feifei unwilling to return to the imperial capital.

Sure enough, he was like a king.

Not only in the field of instant messaging to dominate.

In the real world, he is also so dazzling.

The trip to Jiangcheng has been postponed for a long time. After the epidemic is over, the plan will be restarted.


Nine Winds Games.

Du Shaofei and all the staff have been trapped in the office building for a long time.

Not only them, but all the staff of the entire building are trapped here.

Even the industrial park has been blocked, and no one is allowed to enter or leave except for eating and drinking.

Although the epidemic has affected real life, it has a huge impact on the development of the Internet.

At this time in the Stone Age, the highest number of online users has exceeded [-] million.

The highest daily turnover has exceeded 1.5 million.

Although he was trapped in the office building and couldn't go out, seeing his wealth increase every day could still make Du Shaofei feel better.

"I'll go, Qingyun Technology is playing a big game. Donate tens of millions of supplies, it's really awesome."

"That is, after all, they are doing QQ, and the farm and QQ games do not know how much money they have made."

"I have invested almost 20 yuan in my farm."

"What is 20, as long as they donate these materials for free, I will spend more money."

Hearing the subordinate's discussion, the corners of Du Shaofei's mouth turned up slightly.

This time, Qingyun Technology made a big splash again.

Last time, "Business Observer" made Qingyun Technology and QQ household names. I contacted Wang Yihan and made a program, but the reverse was mediocre.

Unexpectedly, this time, Qingyun Technology actually made the relationship with the Prime Minister of the Empire.

It is really a good way to ask the prime minister to help endorse.

As for whether Su Ye really donated this material, Du Shaofei smiled in his heart, who knows about it.

On the other side of Haicheng.

Because Qin Lulu was injured, the crew disbanded immediately.

Qin Lulu hadn't seen Su Ye for a few days, so she asked Lao Song, who was in the clinic, to find out that Su Ye's father had already been discharged from the hospital, and felt that staying in the hospital was meaningless, so she returned home in Haicheng.

Her father specializes in medical supplies, and masks are one of them.

But since Qin Lulu came home, she hasn't seen her father once.

He said he was busy and wanted to make money for himself.

Qin Lulu still remembered what her father called her last night.

"Now the price of masks has increased by five times, I have to work overtime to produce."

"Who would have thought that this year's main profit point would be on this?"

"Lulu, don't worry, Dad will protect himself."

Qin Lulu watched TV, Li Wanli was talking about the free donation of Qingyun Technology, and then thought about her father's behavior.

I always feel like I'm doing something wrong.

"Qingyun Technology."

Qin Lulu picked up her phone, opened QQ, and sighed as she looked at the person whose profile picture had been kept gray.

 Thanks to the book friend "Big Brother" for the monthly pass. .Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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