Chapter 223 Countdown to System Upgrade (Seeking Tickets and Subscriptions)

In Shi Jin's villa.

Shi Jin, who was exercising, was suddenly called over by his father.

"Son, does that classmate of yours work at Qingyun Technology?"

"Yeah, hoo, Dad, wait a minute."

After finishing the last three pushes, Shi Jin put the barbell on the bracket, wiped his sweat with a towel and asked, "Dad, why did you suddenly ask this?"

"The Imperial news was broadcast just now, saying that their company donated masks and disinfectants worth tens of millions."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Let's donate too, but this time in your name."


Shi Jin's face was full of question marks, his own Jiuwenlong company is a server company, and now Qingyun Technology alone is enough for him to be busy, if he becomes famous again...

Wouldn't it be necessary to increase equipment, personnel, and management expenses, and how would I have time to exercise by then?

"Dad, I still need to exercise. Now that the company has few employees, I can manage it so-so. What if there are too many people..."

"Son, listen to me, the future belongs to young people."

"You are still obsessed with exercising every day. After a few years, you will know the hard work of your father."

Shi Jin's father said a few words to him, then turned and went upstairs to arrange work.

The next day, the news that "Jiuzhilong Server Management Company donated 1000 million yuan in medical supplies" appeared on Longhan TV.

"Learn like Qingyun Technology" is their slogan.

In the afternoon of the same day, Imperial Capital Jinshan invested and donated 500 million yuan in medical supplies.

Emperor Du Xiner donated 200 million yuan in medical funds.

Guangcheng Biati donated 1000 million funds and 2000 million medical supplies.

Liucheng Wuling donated 2000 million medical supplies and started the mask production line.

Longhan Petrochemical donated melt blown cloth worth 1 million yuan.

As of the end of November, there is no shortage of masks, disinfectants and other supplies in the territory of the Longhan Empire.

And because of the proper control at the beginning, the sick population did not show explosive growth.

Mainly in Guangcheng and several surrounding provinces and cities.

Specialized medical teams have been formed all over the country to go to Guangzhou to support.

Countless epic stories happen every day.

By December 12st, Haicheng will be unsealed,

On December 12, the mountain city was unsealed.

On December 12, Jiangcheng was unsealed.

On December 12, Bincheng was unsealed.


On the day Jiangcheng was unblocked, Su Ye asked everyone in the group to continue working at home and not start work until next Monday.

The colleagues couldn't wait any longer, and rushed outside from the house after Su Ye finished speaking.

But now there is a depression, almost all shopping malls and hotels are closed.

Tang Lili also came out of Tianyue City. Instead of taking the subway, she let Hu Yidao drive the car, driving her through the streets and alleys of Jiangcheng.

Seeing the depression in the market, she was inevitably depressed.

At this time, there are not many businesses in the whole city, so where will my Dianping go?

After getting out of the car, Tang Lili stood dejectedly in the garden of the community, looking at the apartment buildings in a daze.

When she came to Jiangcheng, she came with the belief of absolute success.

Whoever imagined it, encountered an epidemic just after arriving.

During this month, she also searched for all kinds of information on the Internet, which businesses can be negotiated, and what type of stores customers like most.

Starting from Suzhou Province, Tang Lili has found at least 3 stores in every city to focus on business expansion.

But from the situation of going out to visit today, she can see that after the impact of the epidemic, all industries are in depression.


"What's the matter, Tang Lili?"

"What is a person doing here moaning and sighing?"

Su Ye's voice suddenly came from behind, and Tang Lili was startled.

Turning around, he saw Su Ye wearing a down jacket and a pair of pure white sneakers, looking at him with a smile.

"You scared me to death?"

"Why, are you willing to run out of your hut?"

Su Ye was worried that he would be infected by the disease, and set a record of not leaving the room for a month.

Every day he gets something to eat by himself, that is to say, he stores enough things so that he doesn't starve to death.

All the colleagues of Qingyun Technology live in the Tianyuecheng community. Some employees who live in other places were persuaded by Su Ye to live in the community and did not rush back home.

People often ask when they meet each other when they go downstairs for a walk, "Hey, is President Su coming out today?"

"Is President Su out today?"

"Is President Su out today?"

I didn't expect to meet Su Ye after a rare sigh outside today.

"What's so strange about this, Jiangcheng has been unsealed now, don't you know?"

"Ask you, why are you sighing here alone in the cold?"

"Hey, don't mention it, I'm disappointed in myself."

"Look here, after a month, all the merchants are closed, and there is no one on the road. Tell me, our Dianping has started, where can we find merchants?"

"Where can I find customers?"

"What's there to worry about?"

Su Ye looked at Tang Lili with a smile, "This is the best time for us to develop."

"Look, there is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and we need Dianping to emerge to dominate the world."

"You said, the house is vacant for a month and there is no business. Are those merchants in a hurry?"

"This, you should be in a hurry..."

"It's not supposed to be, it must be urgent. Think about it, with a rent of several thousand yuan or more a month, a backlog of inventory, and a baby who needs to be nursed, can those merchants not be in a hurry?"

"But what's the use of being anxious? At this time, you said that our Dianping suddenly appeared and told them that we can reverse the store from online. As long as you are a business that really cares about the store, it will soon become our website. A popular store."

"At that time, you will be in a hurry even if you are busy with business. So, Tang Lili, do you understand?"

"Crisis crisis."

"For some people, that's a danger."

"And for some, there's opportunity in it."

"And look..." Su Ye pointed at the colleagues who lived in the community, and they were getting the food they ordered from the restaurant outside through the closed fence of the community.

"Did you see it?"

"The merchants at the entrance of our community have been doing business during the epidemic. What are you afraid of?"

"Su Ye, you are right."

Tang Lili replied, her eyes fixed on the merchants and colleagues at the door.

"Boss is serving chicken leg rice", "Boss, I want to eat steamed dumplings", "Be careful, the wonton noodles just out of the pan" these voices are endless, it seems that in a flash, there are only such voices left in the whole world.

Seeing Tang Lili start to meditate, Su Ye didn't bother her, ran to the door and ordered a rice bowl with mapo tofu, packed it and took it back to her bedroom.

Tang Lili was stunned for a while before realizing that Su Ye was gone.

Smiling, she already had an idea in her mind.

Don't look at the deserted streets now, but both businesses and customers have been suffocated by the epidemic. With the unblocking of cities around the world, the economy will recover at a jaw-dropping speed.

And this time is the right time for public comment.

Singing forward, at this moment.

Early the next morning, Tang Lili went out with Hu Yidao.

Su Ye woke up only after hearing the system beep.


"The system upgrade conditions have been met, the system is being upgraded..."

"The estimated upgrade time is 12 hours, 04 minutes and 27 seconds..."

"System Upgrade?"

Su Ye turned over and prepared to continue sleeping.

"What? System upgrade?"

As soon as he closed it, he suddenly sat up, staring blankly at the room in front of him.

The system has actually been upgraded. Thinking about it carefully, it has been three months since I traveled to obtain the system.

In the middle, he also went to Zhou Yuanyuan's voice bar for an interview, and sang songs for a while.

But no matter how much he tossed and tried everything, he couldn't upgrade the system.

Now, why did the sleeping soundly suddenly upgrade.

Looking at the system that has entered the upgrade interface, Su Ye no longer feels sleepy.

He got up from the bed, quickly dressed and washed, and sat quietly in the room thinking.

What changes will happen after the system upgrade?

First, the funds for daily check-ins should increase.

Based on 100 million yuan for the first level and 200 million yuan for the second level, Su Ye calculated that the third level that is about to be reached will at least be able to sign in and get 300 million funds every day.

It's even... It's possible that you can get 400 million by signing in in one day.

If that's the case, it's totally cool.

Just in November, Su Ye decided to invest in Biarty and to acquire Haicheng Electronics Research Institute.

This kind of technology-related matter consumes a huge amount of money.

beyond anyone's imagination.

Su Ye's material needs for herself are not that high, as long as the house is comfortable and the diet is nutritious, that's enough.

Su Ye has no interest in other extravagant consumption.

Luxury car?

Which car in the world can compare to the urban rambler presented by the system, amphibious in water, land and air, and also has the function of transformation.

It can be said that, except that it will not become a Transformer, the City Walker can meet all Su Ye's needs for a car.


Su Ye is alone now, and it is very convenient to live in the apartment in Tianyue City.

You can meet a lot of colleagues when commuting to and from get off work, and the Qingchuang Park is located in a remote place. Even if you live in a luxurious house, it takes so long to commute to and from get off work every day. Su Ye also feels that it is not very convenient.

It's work, as long as you arrive on time.

Those distances that are too far away, or that cannot guarantee the arrival of the stuck point are hooligans.

Besides, he lives in Tianyue City, and the rooms here are all cleaned by regular cleaners, so he doesn't have to worry about hygiene issues at all.

The rest is the object, now Su Ye has to call Li Qianqian every day at night.

Although he is a straight man, he can't make girls happy.

But Li Qianqian also knows his temper, and chats with him about her life and feelings every day.

What movie did you watch today, and what literature did you read tomorrow.

During this month's epidemic, Su Ye learned more about the Longhan Empire.

He is no longer the Xiaobai who crossed over.

Su Ye thought for a long time, since he didn't pursue much in personal life, he should invest the money in his own company.

If it weren't for the sudden beep from the system today, Su Ye would have forgotten that he still has this thing.

The main reason is that he hasn't used system functions for such a long time.

So in addition to the increase in sign-in funds, what other functions will there be after the system is upgraded?

Su Ye fell into deep thought as he watched the countdown to the system upgrade.

On the other hand, Jiangcheng Industrial and Commercial Bureau also went to work for the first time.

They didn't expect at all that the city had just begun to unblock, and someone would come to handle business.

"Hello, what kind of business are you handling?"

"I want to start a company called Dianping."

Tang Lili put all the prepared materials on the counter and said.

"Oh, okay, let me take a look at your information first."

The young lady at the reception wore a mask, took the document and read it carefully.

"Company Name: Dianping Information Technology Company"

"Company legal person: Su Ye"

"Registered capital of 10000 million Longhan coins"

"Business content..."

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of book friends "Sunlight Alone Allures the City Lack of Old People", "Si", "Xu Huiping" and "Happy Children's Paper", and thank you book friend "Si" for the reward of 588 coins. . .Seriously asking for a monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)

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