Chapter 231 Modification God?Niu Shengli (seeking tickets for subscription)

The next day, Su Ye got up early.

Last night, Yao Xichuan asked for a large private room, and not only entertained a dozen people from Qingyun Technology, but also thirty or so good people from Imperial Airlines.

There are always seven or eight characters in the name just because of the number.

Yao Xichuan, who was drunk, hugged Su Ye's shoulder and cried, laughing earth-shatteringly.

In short, one sentence.

Su Ye, the younger brother, he recognized.

In the future, wherever you can help, don't be polite.

He also told Su Ye full of words that he would introduce ten or eight girlfriends to him, but the embarrassing Su Ye could only pretend to be drunk and lie down on the table to listen to the big guy bragging.

Su Ye regretted not bringing Zhou Yuanyuan here.

Otherwise, they might be able to drink a few of Yao Xichuan's tried and tested beer bellies.

After all, she is a person with special skills, and because she loves to drink, she has a woman in a bar.

Su Ye also took advantage of Yao Xichuan's joy and expressed his request.

Charter flights.

"Charter flights? Charter a few planes, and when you want them, it's all fine."

"Brother doesn't dare to talk big to you in other aspects, but the plane... Brother, you must not forget what brother does."

"Imperial Airlines, how many planes do you want?"

"And the vacancy rate of planes is so high now, it's just a few planes, it's drizzle."

These are Yao Xichuan's original words, and at the end he added a sentence in Cantonese.

Su Ye immediately took out the phone from his pocket and asked Yao Xichuan to say it again.

have to.

The recording was successful and the evidence has been saved.

Rubbing her forehead, Su Ye looked at herself in the mirror in the bathroom, and couldn't help but wonder secretly.

After he had drunk before, no matter how much.

Even if it is a glass of beer, or the person who drinks it unconsciously, you will have different degrees of headache when you wake up the next morning.

But not today.

Picking up a towel and wiping his face, Su Ye went downstairs to drive in full vigor.

There are still many things to arrange today.

The first batch of colleagues who went to the two branches in France and Germany will go to Haicheng for a direct flight to their destination today.

The internationalization of QQ finally took off officially after a month of preparation.

During this week, not only Europa, but colleagues going to North and South Beautiful Continents will also set off.

Luo Sen and Wang Yifei are also planning to go to Gou Ri's country and Han Dabang country to investigate in person.

Don't ask where the two are going.

The question is Wang Yifei went to Gou Ri's country.

Not to mention why Wang Yifei went to Gou Ri's country.

To ask is to support the other party's domestic film industry. He is chasing stars.

the other side.

Yang Zhiyuan from Haicheng also woke up slowly from the hotel.

In order to practice Su Ye's corporate culture of quality life, Yang Zhiyuan and his subordinates always book at least four-star hotels when they go out.

Opening the curtains, seeing that half of Haicheng is a high-tech modern city, and the other side is a low and crowded old city, Yang Zhiyuan sighed, changed his clothes and started today's work.

Bob and the other four bodyguards have all woken up early.

Two people were left standing in the corridor of the hotel, wearing sunglasses in front of Yang Zhiyuan's door, while the other two went downstairs to choose today's breakfast with the waiter.


Yang Zhiyuan was taken aback when he went out, and then he realized that he also has bodyguards now.

After saying hello to two cold-faced strong white men who didn't like to talk, Yang Zhiyuan also called the two young men who came with him.

After simply eating something, Yang Zhiyuan did not immediately go to the 441 Research Institute, nor did he go to the family courtyard of the 441 Research Institute to arrange work for Bob and others.

Instead, he took them to the Benz dealership in Haicheng first.

After purchasing two Mercedes-Benz cars, several people drove to the family courtyard of the 441 Research Institute.

"Which one of you is responsible for protecting Ms. Gu Siyu?"

Yang Zhiyuan turned his head and asked.

"Sir, Erwin is responsible for protecting Ms. Gu Siyu."


Jerry Yang recalled that Erwin had black hair and blue eyes.

But as long as he wears sunglasses, the elders and aunts of the 441 Research Institute's family courtyard may not be able to see that he is a foreigner.

"Ah, very good."

"Gu Siyu's house is right here. The old-fashioned house doesn't have a building number. It's only the third floor of a unit, the house on the right."

"As for Ms. Gu Siyu's photo, I don't have it yet."

"It's okay Mr. Yang, we will prepare for this."

"Confirm with you again, this time the task is to secretly protect Ms. Gu Siyu's safety, and our people will not appear in her sight."

"If there is no accident, Ms. Gu Siyu will not know that she has an extra A-level bodyguard from Umbra."

After Bob said a beautiful country-style quip, he used the walkie-talkie to call Erwin in the car behind to get off.Then the convoy made a U-turn and left the 441 family compound.

Yang Zhiyuan looked back at Erwin who was only wearing a windbreaker in the cold wind, and couldn't help tightening the down jacket on his body.

"Bob, next stop is here."

Yang Zhiyuan clicked on the map he bought from the train station yesterday, and Bob nodded.

"This should be the place where Mr. Liu Ganming works."


The car speeds by.

"This is the 441 Research Institute. Mr. Liu Qianming will not have any security problems in it."

"You just need to protect him secretly when he goes out."

"Okay, understand."

Bob agreed and asked a strong brown-haired man next to him to get out of the car.

"Bob, wait a minute."

"Mr. Yang, what's the problem?"

"Leave the car in the back to him. In such a cold day, you will catch a cold outside."

"Okay, as you wish."

The brawny brown-haired man gave Yang Zhiyuan a grateful look.

As a bodyguard, the hardest thing is to secretly protect people in this bad weather.

The three people in the car behind, a bodyguard and two employees of Qingyun Technology got on the Mercedes-Benz, and Yang Zhiyuan obviously felt that the car became more crowded.

"Bob, we need another car."

"Yes sir, however, I suggest we stop buying Benzes."

"In the current Longhan Empire, there are still too few Mercedes-Benz cars."

"And the dynamics and adaptability are not too good."

After listening to Bob's words, Yang Zhiyuan thought for a while and asked, "Then do you have any suggestions?"

"Come with me, I know Haicheng well."

With a smile on Bob's face wearing sunglasses, he started the car.

The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle turned left and right in the alleys of the old town of Haicheng, and there was a lot of curses.

As a resident of the most economically developed city in the empire, he has long been used to various types of luxury cars.

Not to mention just a Mercedes Benz, even a better car came to cross the alley in front of their house, and they dared to curse.

Moreover, if you are scolded, you still don't know what they are scolding.

Out of thin air, there can be more aggrieved and sad.

"Mr. Yang, here we are, it's here."


Yang Zhiyuan looked at the dilapidated and old door plate, the paint was so peeled off that he couldn't tell what paint had been painted on the wooden door, and the mottled spider webs on the door, all of which showed that no one had been here for a long time. .

"Mr. Yang, don't worry, this is the home of a car modification master."

"Modified car? Great God?"

With a mottled and mysterious smile, he pushed open the door directly. Yang Zhiyuan even saw that when Bob pushed the door open, the spider web on the door didn't move at all, not damaged at all.

"Hey Liu, are you up yet?"

"I brought guests here."

Bob spoke strange Chinese and looked around in the small yard.

"Mr. Yang, it seems that Liu hasn't gotten up yet."

"Let me tell you, Liu's technology is top notch in Longhan and in the world."

"It is not weaker than our beautiful country five claws, holes and other well-known refitting factories."


The five claws and holes mentioned by Bob, Yang Zhiyuan heard from his colleagues when he was working in the beautiful country.

In these two places, it is said that the cost of modifying a car can reach up to 10 times or even more than the original price of the car.

Five Claws is geared toward young people, and the modification is mainly on the shape, kit, and other things that can increase the cool attributes of the vehicle.

In the beautiful country, young people are proud to have a five-claw on their car.

It's just that most young people don't have that much money to go to Five Claws for modification.

Holes, on the other hand, are modified for luxury business vehicles, bulletproof, chassis armor, anti-collision beams, thickened doors, and interior safety and comfort adjustments.

It is said that the President of the United States, who was in office 10 years ago, was able to step down safely during his 8 years in office.

It is thanks to the three Cadillacs that Holes Company remodeled for him.

just now.

According to Bob, this owner who lives in an alley and a barren courtyard has a technical level that can reach the level of five claws and holes in the beautiful country.

A trace of curiosity arose in Yang Zhiyuan's heart, as well as a feeling that he was digging for treasure.

"Here, come, old Bao, your funeral in the morning."

A voice with no accent could be heard, and Yang Zhiyuan heard the sound of someone getting out of bed and putting on their shoes.

The door opened, and a man with a chicken nest head and a gray cotton pajamas opened the door.

"Old Bao, you are..."

"Liu, don't be surprised, this is my employer, Mr. Yang."

"He wanted to buy a car, so I thought of you. How about it, Liu, I'm sure."

The man called Liu looked at Yang Zhiyuan suspiciously, and then said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Yang, please wait a moment, I'll be out right away."

Before Yang Zhiyuan could reply, Liu ran into the room with the sound of water, brushing teeth, and the sound of the shower.

Less than 10 minutes later, Liu opened the door again and appeared in front of everyone.

He was wearing a fat tracksuit, with round eyes with black frames on his face, and his hair was wet and still dripping.

Seeing Liu's current appearance, Yang Zhiyuan overturned the conclusion he just made a few minutes ago.

This Liu is not a sloppy uncle at all.

This is obviously still a teenager who is studying.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, my name is Niu Shengli, and I am currently running a small car modification workshop. You can call me Mavericks."

"Niu Shengli?"

Yang Zhiyuan couldn't help but froze the hand he held with him.

"Didn't Bob call you Liu?"

"Hey, he's from a beautiful country, and his Chinese pronunciation is not standard, so it's understandable."

Niu Shengli saw that his yard was deserted. As for his home, he didn't dare to let Yang Zhiyuan in.

"Mr. Yang, do you want to buy a car?"

"Let's go to my car modification factory and sit down. There happens to be a Jeep that I modified before."

"no problem."

Niu Shengli smiled, and walked out of the gate first, feeling proud.

This guy Bob always brags about what Umbra's A-level bodyguard is, but I've known him for the past six months.

This guy didn't introduce a single client, except for coming over to steal his stuff every day when he had nothing to do.

Today's Mr. Yang seems to be gentle and gentle, with the air of a big boss.

With two employees behind him, he also led Bob and another bodyguard.

Looks like a rich man.

It seems that today is going to make a fortune again.

Yang Zhiyuan naturally didn't know what Niu Shengli was thinking. When he walked out of the gate, he took another look at the spider web on the top of the door frame.

Perhaps it was because of Yang Zhiyuan's arrival that Niu Shengli pushed the door a little harder just now, which caused the spider web to suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

"Mr. Yang, it's not far from Liu's modified car, let's walk there."

"no problem."

The few people who were going to Niu Shengli to modify the car had no idea that at the gate of the 441 Research Institute's family courtyard, the gangsters who beat Gu Siyu yesterday came again.

(End of this chapter)

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